Spawns the specified number of the specified NPC. One random of the spawned NPCs will drop the specified loot. The NPCs will stay for the specified duration.
If no item amount is supplied, then 1 is used.
If no duration is specified, then 10 minutes is used.
NOTE that this only happens one time immediately and is not an HourlyNpcLootEvent.
If no player is specified, then the current player's cache is modified.
Usage: ::getcache (name) [cache_key]
Alias: ::gcache or ::checkcache
Display the cache contents for the specified player.
If no player is specified, then the current player's cache is modified.
Usage: ::getcache (name) [cache_key]
Alias: ::dcache or ::removecache or ::rcache
Remove the cache contents of a specified key for the specified player.
If no player is specified, then the current player's cache is modified.
Usage: ::setquest [player] [questId] (stage)
Alias: ::queststage or ::setqueststage or ::resetquest or ::resetq
Sets the quest stage for the specified quest to the specified stage for the specified player.
If no quest stage is supplied, then 0 is used.
Usage: ::setquest [player] [questId]
Alias: ::questcom
Sets the specified quest to completed for the specified player.
Usage: ::quest [player] [questId]
Alias: ::getquest or ::checkquest
Display the quest stage for the specified user for the specified quest.
Usage: ::reloaddrops
Reloads NPC drop tables.
Usage: ::reloadworld
Alias: ::reloadland
Reloads landscape.
Usage: ::summonall (width) (height)
Summons all currently logged in players to the current player.
Clears any previous summon flag.
Width and height define a rectangle that the summon players will be placed into.
If width and height is not supplied then all players are summoned to the same square as the current player.
Usage: ::returnall
Returns all non-staff members who have been summoned.
Usage: ::fatigue [player] (percentage)
Sets fatigue of the specified player to the specified percentage.
If no percentage is specified, then 100 is used.
Usage: ::jail [name]
Puts the specified player in Runescape Jail.
You can not jail a player who has already been jailed.
You can not jail a staff member.
Usage: ::release [name]
Releases the specified player from Runescape Jail to the location they were before being jailed.
Usage: ::ipcount (name)
Shows the number of players connected with the same IP address as the specified player.
If no player is specified, then the current player's information is shown.
Usage: ::ban [name] [time in minutes, -1 for permanent, 0 to unban]
Bans the specified player.
You can not ban a staff member of equal or greater rank.
Usage: '::renameplayer [old_name] [new_name]'
Renames a specified player. Please note that ALL underscores will be replaced with spaces
Also note that renaming a player will mess up anyone's friend list that has them added, so it's best to only use this command to rename Mod players.
Moderator Commands
Usage: ::info (player)
Alias: ::about
Shows information about the specified player.
If no player is specified, then it show info about the current player.
Usage: ::inventory (player)
Shows inventory information about the specified player.
If no player is specified, then it show inventory info about the current player.
Usage: ::bank (player)
Shows bank information for the specified player.
If no player is specified, then it show bank info about the current player.
Usage: ::summon [player]
Summons the specified player to the current player's location.
This command sets a return point which can be used with ::return [player]
Moderators can not summon players into the wilderness.
Clears any previous summon flag.
You can not summon a staff member of equal or greater rank.
Usage ::say [message]
Talk in global chat. This is never turned off for moderators.
Usage ::announcement [message]
Alias: ::announce or ::anouncement or ::anounce
Send an important message to every player on the server.
Usage: ::kick [player]
Kicks the specified player from the server.
You can not kick a staff member of equal or greater rank.
Event Commands
Usage: ::teleport [town/player] to teleport to a specified town or player
Usage: ::teleport [player] [town/player] to teleport the specified player to the specified town or destination player.
Usage: ::teleport [x] [y] to teleport to the specified coordinates
Usage: ::teleport [player] [x] [y] to teleport the specified player to the specified coordinates.
Alias: ::tp or ::town or ::goto or ::tpto or ::teleportto
Teleports the specified player.
You can not teleport while you are jailed.
You can not teleport a staff member of equal or greater rank.
Usage: ::return (player)
Return the player to their previous location before being summoned and clear the summoned flag.
Event role can only use return on themselves.
You can not return a staff member of equal or greater rank.
If no player is specified, then the current player is returned.
Usage: ::blink
Turn on single click teleportation.
Usage: ::invisible (player) (boolean)
Alias: ::invis
Turn the specified player invisinble.
If no player is specified, then the current player is turned invisible.
If no boolean is supplied, then this command works as a toggle.
Usage: ::invulnerable (player) (boolean)
Alias: ::invul
Turn the specified player invulnerable.
If no player is specified, then the current player is turned invulnerable.
If no boolean is supplied, then this command works as a toggle.
Usage: ::check (player)
Shows all of the characters that were created by the same IP address.
Usage: ::togglepartyhall (time_in_minutes)
Alias: ::seers or ::toggleseers or ::partyhall
Turns on or off based on a toggle the seers party hall chest for the specified amount of time.
If no duration is specified, then 60 minutes is used.
You must be in the Seers party hall upstairs or downstairs to use this command.
Only enables the chest downstairs or upstairs based on the current player's location.
Usage: ::stoppvpevent
Stops the currently running PK event.
Usage: ::startpvpevent [x] [y] [minCb] [maxCb]
Alias: ::setpvpevent
Starts a PK event with the specified location and specified min and max combat levels.
Usage: ::setgroup [name] to read a group
Usage: ::setgroup [name] [group_id/group_name] to write a group
Alias: ::setrank or ::group or ::rank
Read or write the group of the specified player.
Only users of the rank Admin or above may change a player's rank.
You may never change a players rank to be equal to or greater than your own.
If no player is specified, then the current player is targeted.
Usage: ::setstats [player] [level] to set all of the specified player's stats to the specified level.
Usage: ::setstats [player] to set all of your stats to the specified level
Usage: ::setstats [player] [level] [stat] to set the specified player's specified stat to the specified level.
Usage: ::setstats [level] [stat] to set your specified stat to the specified level
Alias: ::stats or ::stat or ::setstat`
Set the specified stats of the specified player to the specified level.
Accepts name or stat id of the specified stat.
If no player is specified, then the current player is targeted.
If no stat is specified, then all stats are modified.
Usage: ::setcurrentstats [player] [level] to set all of the specified player's stats to the specified level.
Usage: ::setcurrentstats [player] to set all of your stats to the specified level
Usage: ::setcurrentstats [player] [level] [stat] to set the specified player's specified stat to the specified level.
Usage: ::setcurrentstats [level] [stat] to set your specified stat to the specified level
Alias: ::currentstats or ::currentstat or ::setcurrentstator::curstator::curstatsor::setcurstator::setcurstats`
Set the specified current stats of the specified player to the specified level.
Accepts name or stat id of the specified stat.
If no player is specified, then the current player is targeted.
If no stat is specified, then all stats are modified.
Player Moderator Commands
Usage: ::gmute [name] (time in minutes, -1 or exclude for permanent)
Mutes the specified player from global chat.
Moderators are only allowed to mute for up to 2 hours.
Player Moderators are only allowed to mute for up to 1 hour.
You can not mute a staff member of equal or greater rank.
Usage: ::mute [name] (time in minutes, -1 or exclude for permanent)
Moderators are only allowed to mute for up to 2 hours.
Player Moderators are only allowed to mute for up to 1 hour.
Mutes the specified player from both in game and global chat.
You can not mute a staff member of equal or greater rank.
Usage: ::alert [player] [message]
Sends the specified player an alert box message.
Regular Player Commands
Usage: ::gang
Shows which gang you are in: Black Arm, Phoneix, or none.
Usage: ::wilderness
Shows server wilderness rules.
Usage: `::c [message]
Send message to clan chat.
Clans must be enabled to use this command.
You must be in a clan to use this command.
Usage: ::joinclan [clan name]
Allows a player to request to join a clan.
Usage: ::clanaccept
Accept an invication to a clan.
Clans must be enabled to use this command.
You must be NOT be in a clan to use this command.
Usage: ::claninvite [name]
Send a clan invitation to the specified player.
Clans must be enabled to use this command.
You must be in a clan to use this command.
You must be a clan leader to send invites.
Usage: ::clankick [name]
Clans must be enabled to use this command.
You must be in a clan to use this command.
You can not kick the clan leader.
You must be a clan general or clan leader to kick from the clan.
Usage: ::partyaccept [name]
Accepts a player's party join request
Usage: ::leaveparty
Causes the player to leave the current party
Usage: ::gameinfo
Shows your coordinates and total time played.
Usage: ::event
Join the currently running server PK Event.
You can not participate in PK Events while you are jailed.
You can not join PK Events while you are in the wilderness.
You must meet the PK Event requirements to join.
Usage: ::g [message]
Alias: ::pk
Send a message to global or PK chat.
::g is for global and ::pk is for PK chat.
You can only send one global chat message per 15 seconds.
Usage: ::p [message]
Send a message to party members chat.
Usage: ::online
Shows the number of players currently online
Usage: ::uniqueonline
Shows the number of players with a unique IP address currently online.
Usage: ::onlinelist
Shows a list of online players.
Usage: ::groups
Alias: ::ranks
List the permissions groups available on the server.
Usage: ::time
Alias: ::date or ::datetime
Shows the current date and time of the server.
Usage: ::commands
Shows a list of the Regular Player commands.
Usage: ::toggleglobalchat
Toggles seeing global chat received via Global$ friend.
Usage: ::toggleblockchat
Toggles the block of seeing all chat messages, including from friends.
Usage: ::toggleblockprivate
Toggles the block of seeing all private messages, including from friends.
Usage: ::toggleblocktrade
Toggles the block of receiving all trade requests, including from friends.
Usage: ::toggleblockduel
Toggles the block of receiving all duel requests, including from friends.
Usage: ::shareloot
Toggles loot sharing for the party.
Usage: ::shareexp
Toggles experience sharing for the party.
Usage: ::kills
Displays the top NPC kill counts for the player
Usage: ::qoloptout
Allows the player to permanently opt out of QoL features for their account.
Usage: ::qoloptoutconfirm
Confirms permanent QoL opt out for the player's account.
Usage: ::certoptout
Allows the player to permanently opt out of being able to use item certs.
Usage: ::certoptoutconfirm
Confirms permanent opt out of being able to use item certs.