123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157 |
- source shared.vim
- source check.vim
- CheckFeature clipboard_working
- func Do_test_quotestar_for_macunix()
- if empty(exepath('pbcopy')) || empty(exepath('pbpaste'))
- return 'Test requires pbcopy(1) and pbpaste(1)'
- endif
- let @* = ''
- let test_msg = "text from pasteboard to vim via quotestar"
- call system('/bin/echo -n "' . test_msg . '" | pbcopy')
- call assert_equal(test_msg, @*)
- let test_msg = "text from vim to pasteboard via quotestar"
- let @* = test_msg
- call assert_equal(test_msg, system('pbpaste'))
- return ''
- endfunc
- func Do_test_quotestar_for_x11()
- if !has('clientserver') || !has('job')
- return 'Test requires the client-server and job features'
- endif
- let cmd = GetVimCommand()
- if cmd == ''
- return 'GetVimCommand() failed'
- endif
- try
- call remote_send('xxx', '')
- catch
- if v:exception =~ 'E240:'
- return
- endif
- endtry
- let name = 'XVIMCLIPBOARD'
- try
- call remote_send(name, ":qa!\<CR>")
- catch /E241:/
- endtry
- call WaitForAssert({-> assert_notmatch(name, serverlist())})
- let cmd .= ' --servername ' . name
- let job = job_start(cmd, {'stoponexit': 'kill', 'out_io': 'null'})
- call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("run", job_status(job))})
- call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match(name, serverlist())})
- call WaitForAssert({-> assert_notequal('', remote_expr(name, "v:version", "", 2))})
- let @* = 'no'
- call remote_foreground(name)
- call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("no", remote_expr(name, "@*", "", 1))})
- call remote_send(name, ":let @* = 'yes'\<CR>")
- call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("yes", remote_expr(name, "@*", "", 1))})
- call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("yes", @*)})
- let length = 262044
- let sample = 'a' . repeat('b', length - 2) . 'c'
- let @* = sample
- call WaitFor('remote_expr("' . name . '", "len(@*) >= ' . length . '", "", 1)')
- let res = remote_expr(name, "@*", "", 2)
- call assert_equal(length, len(res))
- if length == len(res)
- call assert_equal(sample, res)
- endif
- if has('unix') && has('gui') && !has('gui_running')
- let @* = ''
- if has('gui_motif')
- call remote_send(name, ":call test_ignore_error('E285') | gui -f\<CR>")
- else
- call remote_send(name, ":gui -f\<CR>")
- endif
- sleep 1
- call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match("1", remote_expr(name, "has('gui_running')", "", 1))}, 10000)
- call remote_send(name, ":let @* = 'maybe'\<CR>")
- call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("maybe", remote_expr(name, "@*", "", 2))})
- call assert_equal('maybe', @*)
- endif
- call remote_send(name, ":qa!\<CR>")
- try
- call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dead", job_status(job))})
- finally
- if job_status(job) != 'dead'
- call assert_report('Server did not exit')
- call job_stop(job, 'kill')
- endif
- endtry
- return ''
- endfunc
- func Test_quotestar()
- let g:test_is_flaky = 1
- let skipped = ''
- let quotestar_saved = @*
- if has('macunix')
- let skipped = Do_test_quotestar_for_macunix()
- elseif has('x11')
- if empty($DISPLAY)
- let skipped = "Test can only run when $DISPLAY is set."
- else
- let skipped = Do_test_quotestar_for_x11()
- endif
- else
- let skipped = "Test is not implemented yet for this platform."
- endif
- let @* = quotestar_saved
- if !empty(skipped)
- throw 'Skipped: ' . skipped
- endif
- endfunc