123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190 |
- " Vim compiler file
- " Compiler: Spotbugs (Java static checker; needs javac compiled classes)
- " Maintainer: @konfekt and @zzzyxwvut
- " Last Change: 2024 Nov 27
- if exists('g:current_compiler') || bufname() !~# '\.java\=$' || wordcount().chars < 9
- finish
- endif
- let s:cpo_save = &cpo
- set cpo&vim
- " Unfortunately Spotbugs does not output absolute paths, so you need to
- " pass the directory of the files being checked as `-sourcepath` parameter.
- " The regex, auxpath and glob try to include all dependent classes of the
- " current buffer. See https://github.com/spotbugs/spotbugs/issues/856
- " FIXME: When "search()" is used with the "e" flag, it makes no _further_
- " progress after claiming an EOL match (i.e. "\_" or "\n", but not "$").
- " XXX: Omit anonymous class declarations
- let s:keywords = '\C\<\%(\.\@1<!class\|@\=interface\|enum\|record\|package\)\%(\s\|$\)'
- let s:type_names = '\C\<\%(\.\@1<!class\|@\=interface\|enum\|record\)\s*\(\K\k*\)\>'
- " Capture ";" for counting a class file directory (see s:package_dir_heads below)
- let s:package_names = '\C\<package\s*\(\K\%(\k*\.\=\)\+;\)'
- let s:package = ''
- if has('syntax') && exists('g:syntax_on') && exists('b:current_syntax') &&
- \ b:current_syntax == 'java' && hlexists('javaClassDecl')
- function! s:GetDeclaredTypeNames() abort
- if bufname() =~# '\<\%(module\|package\)-info\.java\=$'
- return [expand('%:t:r')]
- endif
- defer execute('silent! normal! g``')
- call cursor(1, 1)
- let type_names = []
- let lnum = search(s:keywords, 'eW')
- while lnum > 0
- let name_attr = synIDattr(synID(lnum, (col('.') - 1), 0), 'name')
- if name_attr ==# 'javaClassDecl'
- let tokens = matchlist(getline(lnum)..getline(lnum + 1), s:type_names)
- if !empty(tokens) | call add(type_names, tokens[1]) | endif
- elseif name_attr ==# 'javaExternal'
- let tokens = matchlist(getline(lnum)..getline(lnum + 1), s:package_names)
- if !empty(tokens) | let s:package = tokens[1] | endif
- endif
- let lnum = search(s:keywords, 'eW')
- endwhile
- return type_names
- endfunction
- else
- function! s:GetDeclaredTypeNames() abort
- if bufname() =~# '\<\%(module\|package\)-info\.java\=$'
- return [expand('%:t:r')]
- endif
- " Undo the unsetting of &hls, see below
- if &hls
- defer execute('set hls')
- endif
- " Possibly restore the current values for registers '"' and "y", see below
- defer call('setreg', ['"', getreg('"'), getregtype('"')])
- defer call('setreg', ['y', getreg('y'), getregtype('y')])
- defer execute('silent bwipeout')
- " Copy buffer contents for modification
- silent %y y
- new
- " Apply ":help scratch-buffer" effects and match "$" in Java (generated)
- " type names (see s:type_names)
- setlocal iskeyword+=$ buftype=nofile bufhidden=hide noswapfile nohls
- 0put y
- " Discard text blocks and strings
- silent keeppatterns %s/\\\@<!"""\_.\{-}\\\@<!"""\|\\"//ge
- silent keeppatterns %s/".*"//ge
- " Discard comments
- silent keeppatterns %s/\/\/.\+$//ge
- silent keeppatterns %s/\/\*\_.\{-}\*\///ge
- call cursor(1, 1)
- let type_names = []
- let lnum = search(s:keywords, 'eW')
- while lnum > 0
- let line = getline(lnum)
- if line =~# '\<package\>'
- let tokens = matchlist(line..getline(lnum + 1), s:package_names)
- if !empty(tokens) | let s:package = tokens[1] | endif
- else
- let tokens = matchlist(line..getline(lnum + 1), s:type_names)
- if !empty(tokens) | call add(type_names, tokens[1]) | endif
- endif
- let lnum = search(s:keywords, 'eW')
- endwhile
- return type_names
- endfunction
- endif
- if has('win32')
- function! s:GlobClassFiles(src_type_name) abort
- return glob(a:src_type_name..'$*.class', 1, 1)
- endfunction
- else
- function! s:GlobClassFiles(src_type_name) abort
- return glob(a:src_type_name..'\$*.class', 1, 1)
- endfunction
- endif
- if exists('g:spotbugs_properties') &&
- \ (has_key(g:spotbugs_properties, 'sourceDirPath') &&
- \ has_key(g:spotbugs_properties, 'classDirPath')) ||
- \ (has_key(g:spotbugs_properties, 'testSourceDirPath') &&
- \ has_key(g:spotbugs_properties, 'testClassDirPath'))
- function! s:FindClassFiles(src_type_name) abort
- let class_files = []
- " Match pairwise the components of source and class pathnames
- for [src_dir, bin_dir] in filter([
- \ [get(g:spotbugs_properties, 'sourceDirPath', ''),
- \ get(g:spotbugs_properties, 'classDirPath', '')],
- \ [get(g:spotbugs_properties, 'testSourceDirPath', ''),
- \ get(g:spotbugs_properties, 'testClassDirPath', '')]],
- \ '!(empty(v:val[0]) || empty(v:val[1]))')
- " Since only the rightmost "src" is sought, while there can be any number of
- " such filenames, no "fnamemodify(a:src_type_name, ':p:s?src?bin?')" is used
- let tail_idx = strridx(a:src_type_name, src_dir)
- " No such directory or no such inner type (i.e. without "$")
- if tail_idx < 0 | continue | endif
- " Substitute "bin_dir" for the rightmost "src_dir"
- let candidate_type_name = strpart(a:src_type_name, 0, tail_idx)..
- \ bin_dir..
- \ strpart(a:src_type_name, (tail_idx + strlen(src_dir)))
- for candidate in insert(s:GlobClassFiles(candidate_type_name),
- \ candidate_type_name..'.class')
- if filereadable(candidate) | call add(class_files, shellescape(candidate)) | endif
- endfor
- if !empty(class_files) | break | endif
- endfor
- return class_files
- endfunction
- else
- function! s:FindClassFiles(src_type_name) abort
- let class_files = []
- for candidate in insert(s:GlobClassFiles(a:src_type_name),
- \ a:src_type_name..'.class')
- if filereadable(candidate) | call add(class_files, shellescape(candidate)) | endif
- endfor
- return class_files
- endfunction
- endif
- function! s:CollectClassFiles() abort
- " Get a platform-independent pathname prefix, cf. "expand('%:p:h')..'/'"
- let pathname = expand('%:p')
- let tail_idx = strridx(pathname, expand('%:t'))
- let src_pathname = strpart(pathname, 0, tail_idx)
- let all_class_files = []
- " Get all type names in the current buffer and let the filename globbing
- " discover inner type names from arbitrary type names
- for type_name in s:GetDeclaredTypeNames()
- call extend(all_class_files, s:FindClassFiles(src_pathname..type_name))
- endfor
- return all_class_files
- endfunction
- " Expose class files for removal etc.
- let b:spotbugs_class_files = s:CollectClassFiles()
- let s:package_dir_heads = repeat(':h', (1 + strlen(substitute(s:package, '[^.;]', '', 'g'))))
- let g:current_compiler = 'spotbugs'
- " CompilerSet makeprg=spotbugs
- let &l:makeprg = 'spotbugs'..(has('win32') ? '.bat' : '')..' '..
- \ get(b:, 'spotbugs_makeprg_params', get(g:, 'spotbugs_makeprg_params', '-workHard -experimental'))..
- \ ' -textui -emacs -auxclasspath %:p'..s:package_dir_heads..':S -sourcepath %:p'..s:package_dir_heads..':S '..
- \ join(b:spotbugs_class_files, ' ')
- " Emacs expects doubled line numbers
- setlocal errorformat=%f:%l:%*[0-9]\ %m,%f:-%*[0-9]:-%*[0-9]\ %m
- " " This compiler is meant to be used for a single buffer only
- " exe 'CompilerSet makeprg='..escape(&l:makeprg, ' \|"')
- " exe 'CompilerSet errorformat='..escape(&l:errorformat, ' \|"')
- delfunction s:CollectClassFiles
- delfunction s:FindClassFiles
- delfunction s:GlobClassFiles
- delfunction s:GetDeclaredTypeNames
- let &cpo = s:cpo_save
- unlet s:package_dir_heads s:package s:package_names s:type_names s:keywords s:cpo_save
- " vim: set foldmethod=syntax shiftwidth=2 expandtab: