Christian Clason bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás
README.txt 82b02ae2f2 fix(runtime): clean up one-off scripts 4 meses atrás
blue.vim bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás
darkblue.vim bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás
default.vim 574519d9d6 feat(highlight): tweak default color scheme 1 ano atrás
delek.vim bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás
desert.vim bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás
elflord.vim b0a042e877 vim-patch:6908db4: runtime(colors): update colorschemes 6 meses atrás
evening.vim bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás
habamax.vim bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás
industry.vim bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás
koehler.vim b0a042e877 vim-patch:6908db4: runtime(colors): update colorschemes 6 meses atrás
lunaperche.vim bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás
morning.vim bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás
murphy.vim bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás
pablo.vim bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás
peachpuff.vim bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás
quiet.vim bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás
retrobox.vim bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás
ron.vim b0a042e877 vim-patch:6908db4: runtime(colors): update colorschemes 6 meses atrás
shine.vim bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás
slate.vim bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás
sorbet.vim bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás
torte.vim bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás
unokai.vim bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás
vim.lua 02bc40c194 vim-patch:9.1.0945: ComplMatchIns highlight doesn't end after inserted text (#31628) 2 meses atrás
wildcharm.vim bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás
zaibatsu.vim bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás
zellner.vim bc69f27237 vim-patch:045564d: runtime(colors): Update colorschemes, include new unokai colorscheme 1 mês atrás


README.txt for color scheme files

These files are used for the `:colorscheme` command. They appear in the
"Edit/Color Scheme" menu in the GUI.

The colorschemes were updated for the Vim 9 release. If you don't like the
changes you can find the old ones here:

Hints for writing a color scheme file:

There are two basic ways to define a color scheme:

1. Define a new Normal color and set the 'background' option accordingly. >

set background={light or dark}
highlight clear
highlight Normal ...

2. Use the default Normal color and automatically adjust to the value of
'background'. >

highlight clear Normal
set background&
highlight clear
if &background == "light"
highlight Error ...
highlight Error ...

You can use `:highlight clear` to reset everything to the defaults, and then
change the groups that you want differently. This will also work for groups
that are added in later versions of Vim.
Note that `:highlight clear` uses the value of 'background', thus set it
before this command.
Some attributes (e.g., bold) might be set in the defaults that you want
removed in your color scheme. Use something like "gui=NONE" to remove the

In case you want to set 'background' depending on the colorscheme selected,
this autocmd might be useful: >

autocmd SourcePre */colors/blue_sky.vim set background=dark

Replace "blue_sky" with the name of the colorscheme.

In case you want to tweak a colorscheme after it was loaded, check out the
ColorScheme autocommand event.

To clean up just before loading another colorscheme, use the ColorSchemePre
autocommand event. For example: >

let g:term_ansi_colors = ...
augroup MyColorscheme
au ColorSchemePre * unlet g:term_ansi_colors
au ColorSchemePre * au! MyColorscheme
augroup END

To customize a colorscheme use another name, e.g. "~/.vim/colors/mine.vim",
and use ":runtime" to load the original colorscheme: >

" load the "evening" colorscheme
runtime colors/evening.vim
" change the color of statements
hi Statement ctermfg=Blue guifg=Blue

To see which highlight group is used where, see `:help highlight-groups` and
`:help group-name` .

You can use ":highlight" to find out the current colors. Exception: the
ctermfg and ctermbg values are numbers, which are only valid for the current
terminal. Use the color names instead for better portability. See
`:help cterm-colors` .

The default color settings can be found in the source file
"src/nvim/highlight_group.c". Search for "highlight_init".

If you think you have a color scheme that is good enough to be used by others,
please check the following items:

- Does it work in a color terminal as well as in the GUI? Is it consistent?

- Is "g:colors_name" set to a meaningful value? In case of doubt you can do
it this way: >

let g:colors_name = expand(':t:r')

- Is 'background' either used or appropriately set to "light" or "dark"?

- Try setting 'hlsearch' and searching for a pattern, is the match easy to

- Split a window with ":split" and ":vsplit". Are the status lines and
vertical separators clearly visible?

- In the GUI, is it easy to find the cursor, also in a file with lots of
syntax highlighting?

- In general, test your color scheme against as many filetypes, Vim features,
environments, etc. as possible.

- Do not use hard coded escape sequences, these will not work in other
terminals. Always use #RRGGBB for the GUI.

- When targeting 8-16 colors terminals, don't count on "darkblue" to be blue
and dark, or on "2" to be even vaguely reddish. Names are more portable
than numbers, though.

- When targeting 256 colors terminals, prefer colors 16-255 to colors 0-15
for the same reason.

- Typographic attributes (bold, italic, underline, reverse, etc.) are not
universally supported. Don't count on any of them.

- Is "g:terminal_ansi_colors" set to a list of 16 #RRGGBB values?

- Try to keep your color scheme simple by avoiding unnecessary logic and
refraining from adding options. The best color scheme is one that only
requires: >

colorscheme foobar

The color schemes distributed with Vim are built with lifepillar/colortemplate
( It is therefore highly

If you would like your color scheme to be distributed with Vim, make sure

- it satisfies the guidelines above,
- it was made with colortemplate,

and join us at vim/colorschemes: (

vim: set ft=help :