123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228 |
- local t = require('test.testutil')
- local n = require('test.functional.testnvim')()
- local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen')
- local neq, eq, command = t.neq, t.eq, n.command
- local clear = n.clear
- local exc_exec, expect, eval = n.exc_exec, n.expect, n.eval
- local exec_lua = n.exec_lua
- local insert, pcall_err = n.insert, t.pcall_err
- local matches = t.matches
- local api = n.api
- local feed = n.feed
- describe('eval-API', function()
- before_each(clear)
- it('work', function()
- command("call nvim_command('let g:test = 1')")
- eq(1, eval("nvim_get_var('test')"))
- local buf = eval('nvim_get_current_buf()')
- command('call nvim_buf_set_lines(' .. buf .. ", 0, -1, v:true, ['aa', 'bb'])")
- expect([[
- aa
- bb]])
- command('call nvim_win_set_cursor(0, [1, 1])')
- command("call nvim_input('ax<esc>')")
- expect([[
- aax
- bb]])
- end)
- it('throw errors for invalid arguments', function()
- local err = exc_exec('call nvim_get_current_buf("foo")')
- eq('Vim(call):E118: Too many arguments for function: nvim_get_current_buf', err)
- err = exc_exec('call nvim_set_option_value("hlsearch")')
- eq('Vim(call):E119: Not enough arguments for function: nvim_set_option_value', err)
- err = exc_exec('call nvim_buf_set_lines(1, 0, -1, [], ["list"])')
- eq(
- 'Vim(call):E5555: API call: Wrong type for argument 4 when calling nvim_buf_set_lines, expecting Boolean',
- err
- )
- err = exc_exec('call nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, v:true, "string")')
- eq(
- 'Vim(call):E5555: API call: Wrong type for argument 5 when calling nvim_buf_set_lines, expecting ArrayOf(String)',
- err
- )
- err = exc_exec('call nvim_buf_get_number("0")')
- eq(
- 'Vim(call):E5555: API call: Wrong type for argument 1 when calling nvim_buf_get_number, expecting Buffer',
- err
- )
- err = exc_exec('call nvim_buf_line_count(17)')
- eq('Vim(call):E5555: API call: Invalid buffer id: 17', err)
- end)
- it('cannot change text or window if textlocked', function()
- command('autocmd TextYankPost <buffer> ++once call nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, v:false, [])')
- matches(
- 'Vim%(call%):E5555: API call: E565: Not allowed to change text or change window$',
- pcall_err(command, 'normal! yy')
- )
- command('autocmd TextYankPost <buffer> ++once call nvim_open_term(0, {})')
- matches(
- 'Vim%(call%):E5555: API call: E565: Not allowed to change text or change window$',
- pcall_err(command, 'normal! yy')
- )
- -- Functions checking textlock should also not be usable from <expr> mappings.
- command('inoremap <expr> <f2> nvim_win_close(0, 1)')
- eq(
- 'Vim(normal):E5555: API call: E565: Not allowed to change text or change window',
- pcall_err(command, [[execute "normal i\<f2>"]])
- )
- -- Text-changing functions gave a "Failed to save undo information" error when called from an
- -- <expr> mapping outside do_cmdline() (msg_list == NULL), so use feed() to test this.
- command("inoremap <expr> <f2> nvim_buf_set_text(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ['hi'])")
- api.nvim_set_vvar('errmsg', '')
- feed('i<f2><esc>')
- eq(
- 'E5555: API call: E565: Not allowed to change text or change window',
- api.nvim_get_vvar('errmsg')
- )
- -- Some functions checking textlock (usually those that may change the current window or buffer)
- -- also ought to not be usable in the cmdwin.
- local old_win = api.nvim_get_current_win()
- feed('q:')
- eq(
- 'E11: Invalid in command-line window; <CR> executes, CTRL-C quits',
- pcall_err(api.nvim_set_current_win, old_win)
- )
- -- But others, like nvim_buf_set_lines(), which just changes text, is OK.
- api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, 1, { 'wow!' })
- eq({ 'wow!' }, api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, 0, -1, 1))
- -- Turning the cmdwin buffer into a terminal buffer would be pretty weird.
- eq(
- 'E11: Invalid in command-line window; <CR> executes, CTRL-C quits',
- pcall_err(api.nvim_open_term, 0, {})
- )
- matches(
- 'E11: Invalid in command%-line window; <CR> executes, CTRL%-C quits$',
- pcall_err(
- exec_lua,
- [[
- local cmdwin_buf = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
- vim._with({buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true)}, function()
- vim.api.nvim_open_term(cmdwin_buf, {})
- end)
- ]]
- )
- )
- -- But turning a different buffer into a terminal from the cmdwin is OK.
- local term_buf = api.nvim_create_buf(false, true)
- api.nvim_open_term(term_buf, {})
- eq('terminal', api.nvim_get_option_value('buftype', { buf = term_buf }))
- end)
- it('use buffer numbers and windows ids as handles', function()
- local bnr = eval("bufnr('')")
- local bhnd = eval('nvim_get_current_buf()')
- local wid = eval('win_getid()')
- local whnd = eval('nvim_get_current_win()')
- eq(bnr, bhnd)
- eq(wid, whnd)
- command('new') -- creates new buffer and new window
- local bnr2 = eval("bufnr('')")
- local bhnd2 = eval('nvim_get_current_buf()')
- local wid2 = eval('win_getid()')
- local whnd2 = eval('nvim_get_current_win()')
- eq(bnr2, bhnd2)
- eq(wid2, whnd2)
- neq(bnr, bnr2)
- neq(wid, wid2)
- -- 0 is synonymous to the current buffer
- eq(bnr2, eval('nvim_buf_get_number(0)'))
- command('bn') -- show old buffer in new window
- eq(bnr, eval('nvim_get_current_buf()'))
- eq(bnr, eval("bufnr('')"))
- eq(bnr, eval('nvim_buf_get_number(0)'))
- eq(wid2, eval('win_getid()'))
- eq(whnd2, eval('nvim_get_current_win()'))
- end)
- it('get_lines and set_lines use NL to represent NUL', function()
- api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, true, { 'aa\0', 'b\0b' })
- eq({ 'aa\n', 'b\nb' }, eval('nvim_buf_get_lines(0, 0, -1, 1)'))
- command('call nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 1, 2, v:true, ["xx", "\\nyy"])')
- eq({ 'aa\0', 'xx', '\0yy' }, api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, 0, -1, 1))
- end)
- it('that are FUNC_ATTR_NOEVAL cannot be called', function()
- -- Deprecated vim_ prefix is not exported.
- local err = exc_exec('call vim_get_current_buffer("foo")')
- eq('Vim(call):E117: Unknown function: vim_get_current_buffer', err)
- -- Deprecated buffer_ prefix is not exported.
- err = exc_exec('call buffer_line_count(0)')
- eq('Vim(call):E117: Unknown function: buffer_line_count', err)
- -- Functions deprecated before the api functions became available
- -- in vimscript are not exported.
- err = exc_exec('call buffer_get_line(0, 1)')
- eq('Vim(call):E117: Unknown function: buffer_get_line', err)
- -- some api functions are only useful from a msgpack-rpc channel
- err = exc_exec('call nvim_set_client_info()')
- eq('Vim(call):E117: Unknown function: nvim_set_client_info', err)
- end)
- it('have metadata accessible with api_info()', function()
- local api_keys = eval('sort(keys(api_info()))')
- eq({ 'error_types', 'functions', 'types', 'ui_events', 'ui_options', 'version' }, api_keys)
- end)
- it('are highlighted by vim.vim syntax file', function()
- local screen = Screen.new(40, 8)
- command('set ft=vim')
- command('set rtp^=build/runtime/')
- command('syntax on')
- insert([[
- call bufnr('%')
- call nvim_input('typing...')
- call not_a_function(42)]])
- screen:expect([[
- {15:call} {25:bufnr}{16:(}{26:'%'}{16:)} |
- {15:call} {25:nvim_input}{16:(}{26:'typing...'}{16:)} |
- {15:call} not_a_function{16:(}{26:42}{16:^)} |
- {1:~ }|*4
- |
- ]])
- end)
- it('cannot be called from sandbox', function()
- eq(
- 'Vim(call):E48: Not allowed in sandbox',
- pcall_err(command, "sandbox call nvim_input('ievil')")
- )
- eq({ '' }, api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, 0, -1, true))
- end)
- it('converts blobs to API strings', function()
- command('let g:v1 = nvim__id(0z68656c6c6f)')
- command('let g:v2 = nvim__id(v:_null_blob)')
- eq(1, eval('type(g:v1)'))
- eq(1, eval('type(g:v2)'))
- eq('hello', eval('g:v1'))
- eq('', eval('g:v2'))
- end)
- end)