123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264 |
- ---
- --- Basic stream types.
- --- See `rpc_stream.lua` for the msgpack layer.
- ---
- local uv = vim.uv
- --- @class test.Stream
- --- @field write fun(self, data: string|string[])
- --- @field read_start fun(self, cb: fun(chunk: string))
- --- @field read_stop fun(self)
- --- @field close fun(self, signal?: string)
- --- Stream over given pipes.
- ---
- --- @class vim.StdioStream : test.Stream
- --- @field private _in uv.uv_pipe_t
- --- @field private _out uv.uv_pipe_t
- local StdioStream = {}
- StdioStream.__index = StdioStream
- function StdioStream.open()
- local self = setmetatable({
- _in = assert(uv.new_pipe(false)),
- _out = assert(uv.new_pipe(false)),
- }, StdioStream)
- self._in:open(0)
- self._out:open(1)
- return self
- end
- --- @param data string|string[]
- function StdioStream:write(data)
- self._out:write(data)
- end
- function StdioStream:read_start(cb)
- self._in:read_start(function(err, chunk)
- if err then
- error(err)
- end
- cb(chunk)
- end)
- end
- function StdioStream:read_stop()
- self._in:read_stop()
- end
- function StdioStream:close()
- self._in:close()
- self._out:close()
- end
- --- Stream over a named pipe or TCP socket.
- ---
- --- @class test.SocketStream : test.Stream
- --- @field package _stream_error? string
- --- @field package _socket uv.uv_pipe_t
- local SocketStream = {}
- SocketStream.__index = SocketStream
- function SocketStream.open(file)
- local socket = assert(uv.new_pipe(false))
- local self = setmetatable({
- _socket = socket,
- _stream_error = nil,
- }, SocketStream)
- uv.pipe_connect(socket, file, function(err)
- self._stream_error = self._stream_error or err
- end)
- return self
- end
- function SocketStream.connect(host, port)
- local socket = assert(uv.new_tcp())
- local self = setmetatable({
- _socket = socket,
- _stream_error = nil,
- }, SocketStream)
- uv.tcp_connect(socket, host, port, function(err)
- self._stream_error = self._stream_error or err
- end)
- return self
- end
- function SocketStream:write(data)
- if self._stream_error then
- error(self._stream_error)
- end
- uv.write(self._socket, data, function(err)
- if err then
- error(self._stream_error or err)
- end
- end)
- end
- function SocketStream:read_start(cb)
- if self._stream_error then
- error(self._stream_error)
- end
- uv.read_start(self._socket, function(err, chunk)
- if err then
- error(err)
- end
- cb(chunk)
- end)
- end
- function SocketStream:read_stop()
- if self._stream_error then
- error(self._stream_error)
- end
- uv.read_stop(self._socket)
- end
- function SocketStream:close()
- uv.close(self._socket)
- end
- --- Stream over child process stdio.
- ---
- --- @class test.ProcStream : test.Stream
- --- @field private _proc uv.uv_process_t
- --- @field private _pid integer
- --- @field private _child_stdin uv.uv_pipe_t
- --- @field private _child_stdout uv.uv_pipe_t
- --- @field private _child_stderr uv.uv_pipe_t
- --- Collects stdout (if `collect_text=true`). Treats data as text (CRLF converted to LF).
- --- @field stdout string
- --- Collects stderr as raw data.
- --- @field stderr string
- --- Gets stderr+stdout as text (CRLF converted to LF).
- --- @field output fun(): string
- --- @field stdout_eof boolean
- --- @field stderr_eof boolean
- --- Collects text into the `stdout` field.
- --- @field collect_text boolean
- --- Exit code
- --- @field status integer
- --- @field signal integer
- local ProcStream = {}
- ProcStream.__index = ProcStream
- --- Starts child process specified by `argv`.
- ---
- --- @param argv string[]
- --- @param env string[]?
- --- @param io_extra uv.uv_pipe_t?
- --- @return test.ProcStream
- function ProcStream.spawn(argv, env, io_extra)
- local self = setmetatable({
- collect_text = false,
- output = function(self)
- if not self.collect_text then
- error('set collect_text=true')
- end
- return (self.stderr .. self.stdout):gsub('\r\n', '\n')
- end,
- stdout = '',
- stderr = '',
- stdout_eof = false,
- stderr_eof = false,
- _child_stdin = assert(uv.new_pipe(false)),
- _child_stdout = assert(uv.new_pipe(false)),
- _child_stderr = assert(uv.new_pipe(false)),
- _exiting = false,
- }, ProcStream)
- local prog = argv[1]
- local args = {} --- @type string[]
- for i = 2, #argv do
- args[#args + 1] = argv[i]
- end
- --- @diagnostic disable-next-line:missing-fields
- self._proc, self._pid = uv.spawn(prog, {
- stdio = { self._child_stdin, self._child_stdout, self._child_stderr, io_extra },
- args = args,
- --- @diagnostic disable-next-line:assign-type-mismatch
- env = env,
- }, function(status, signal)
- self.signal = signal
- -- "Abort" exit may not set status; force to nonzero in that case.
- self.status = (0 ~= (status or 0) or 0 == (signal or 0)) and status or (128 + (signal or 0))
- end)
- if not self._proc then
- local err = self._pid
- error(err)
- end
- return self
- end
- function ProcStream:write(data)
- self._child_stdin:write(data)
- end
- function ProcStream:on_read(stream, cb, err, chunk)
- if err then
- error(err) -- stream read failed?
- elseif chunk then
- -- Always collect stderr, in case it gives useful info on failure.
- if stream == 'stderr' then
- self.stderr = self.stderr .. chunk --[[@as string]]
- elseif stream == 'stdout' and self.collect_text then
- -- Set `stdout` and convert CRLF => LF.
- self.stdout = (self.stdout .. chunk):gsub('\r\n', '\n')
- end
- else
- -- stderr_eof/stdout_eof
- self[stream .. '_eof'] = true ---@type boolean
- end
- -- Handler provided by the caller.
- if cb then
- cb(chunk)
- end
- end
- --- Collects output until the process exits.
- function ProcStream:wait()
- while not (self.stdout_eof and self.stderr_eof and (self.status or self.signal)) do
- uv.run('once')
- end
- end
- function ProcStream:read_start(on_stdout, on_stderr)
- self._child_stdout:read_start(function(err, chunk)
- self:on_read('stdout', on_stdout, err, chunk)
- end)
- self._child_stderr:read_start(function(err, chunk)
- self:on_read('stderr', on_stderr, err, chunk)
- end)
- end
- function ProcStream:read_stop()
- self._child_stdout:read_stop()
- self._child_stderr:read_stop()
- end
- function ProcStream:close(signal)
- if self._closed then
- return
- end
- self._closed = true
- self:read_stop()
- self._child_stdin:close()
- self._child_stdout:close()
- self._child_stderr:close()
- if type(signal) == 'string' then
- self._proc:kill('sig' .. signal)
- end
- while self.status == nil do
- uv.run 'once'
- end
- return self.status, self.signal
- end
- return {
- StdioStream = StdioStream,
- ProcStream = ProcStream,
- SocketStream = SocketStream,
- }