feature_request.yml 858 B

  1. name: Feature request
  2. description: Request an enhancement for Nvim
  3. labels: [enhancement]
  4. body:
  5. - type: markdown
  6. attributes:
  7. value: |
  8. Before requesting: search [existing feature requests](https://github.com/neovim/neovim/labels/enhancement) and check the [FAQ](https://neovim.io/doc/user/faq.html).
  9. - type: textarea
  10. attributes:
  11. label: "Problem"
  12. description: "Describe the problem to be solved. Include references to other projects (Vim, Emacs, etc.) if relevant."
  13. placeholder: "No smurf icons available. Smurfs are useful because ..."
  14. validations:
  15. required: true
  16. - type: textarea
  17. attributes:
  18. label: "Expected behavior"
  19. description: "Describe what the new feature or behavior would look like. How does it solve the problem? Is it worth the cost?"
  20. validations:
  21. required: true