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- *dev_arch.txt* Nvim
- How to develop Nvim, explanation of modules and subsystems *dev-arch*
- The top of each major module has (or should have) an overview in a comment at
- the top of its file. The purpose of this document is to give:
- 1. an overview of how it all fits together
- 2. how-to guides for common tasks such as:
- - deprecating public functions
- - adding a new public (API) function
- - adding a new public (UI) event
- 3. TODO: move src/nvim/README.md into this doc.
- Type |gO| to see the table of contents.
- ==============================================================================
- Data structures
- Use `kvec.h` for most lists. When you absolutely need a linked list, use
- `lib/queue_defs.h` which defines an "intrusive" linked list.
- ==============================================================================
- UI events
- The source files most directly involved with UI events are:
- 1. `src/nvim/ui.*`: calls handler functions of registered UI structs (independent from msgpack-rpc)
- 2. `src/nvim/api/ui.*`: forwards messages over msgpack-rpc to remote UIs.
- UI events are defined in `src/nvim/api/ui_events.in.h` , this file is not
- compiled directly, rather it parsed by
- `src/nvim/generators/gen_api_ui_events.lua` which autogenerates wrapper
- functions used by the source files above. It also generates metadata
- accessible as `api_info().ui_events`.
- See commit d3a8e9217f39c59dd7762bd22a76b8bd03ca85ff for an example of adding
- a new UI event.
- UI events are deferred to UIs, which implies a deepcopy of the UI event data.
- Remember to bump NVIM_API_LEVEL if it wasn't already during this development
- cycle.
- Other references:
- - |msgpack-rpc|
- - |ui|
- - https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/3246
- - https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/18375
- - https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/21605
- ==============================================================================
- vim:tw=78:ts=8:sw=4:et:ft=help:norl: