123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536 |
- " Vim runtime support library,
- " runs the vim9 script version or legacy script version
- " on demand (mostly for Neovim compatability)
- "
- " Maintainer: The Vim Project <https://github.com/vim/vim>
- " Last Change: 2023 Nov 04
- " enable the zip and gzip plugin by default, if not set
- if !exists('g:zip_exec')
- let g:zip_exec = 1
- endif
- if !exists('g:gzip_exec')
- let g:gzip_exec = 1
- endif
- if !has('vim9script')
- function dist#vim#IsSafeExecutable(filetype, executable)
- let cwd = getcwd()
- if empty(exepath(a:executable))
- return v:false
- endif
- return get(g:, a:filetype .. '_exec', get(g:, 'plugin_exec', 0)) &&
- \ (fnamemodify(exepath(a:executable), ':p:h') !=# cwd
- \ || (split($PATH, has('win32') ? ';' : ':')->index(cwd) != -1 &&
- \ cwd != '.'))
- endfunction
- finish
- endif
- def dist#vim#IsSafeExecutable(filetype: string, executable: string): bool
- return dist#vim9#IsSafeExecutable(filetype, executable)
- enddef