123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643 |
- *terminal.txt* Nvim
- NVIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Thiago de Arruda
- Terminal emulator *terminal* *terminal-emulator*
- Nvim embeds a VT220/xterm terminal emulator based on libvterm. The terminal is
- presented as a special 'buftype', asynchronously updated as data is received
- from the connected program.
- Terminal buffers behave like normal buffers, except:
- - With 'modifiable', lines can be edited but not deleted.
- - 'scrollback' controls how many lines are kept.
- - Output is followed ("tailed") if cursor is on the last line.
- - 'modified' is the default. You can set 'nomodified' to avoid a warning when
- closing the terminal buffer.
- - 'bufhidden' defaults to "hide".
- Type |gO| to see the table of contents.
- ==============================================================================
- Start *terminal-start*
- There are several ways to create a terminal buffer:
- - Run the |:terminal| command.
- - Call |nvim_open_term()| or `jobstart(…, {'term': v:true})`.
- - Edit a "term://" buffer. Examples: >vim
- :edit term://bash
- :vsplit term://top
- < Note: To open a "term://" buffer from an autocmd, the |autocmd-nested|
- modifier is required. >vim
- autocmd VimEnter * ++nested split term://sh
- < (This is only mentioned for reference; use |:terminal| instead.)
- When the terminal starts, the buffer contents are updated and the buffer is
- named in the form of `term://{cwd}//{pid}:{cmd}`. This naming scheme is used
- by |:mksession| to restore a terminal buffer (by restarting the {cmd}).
- The terminal environment is initialized as in |jobstart-env|.
- ==============================================================================
- Input *terminal-input*
- To send input, enter |Terminal-mode| with |i|, |I|, |a|, |A| or
- |:startinsert|. In this mode all keys except <C-\> are sent to the underlying
- program. If <C-\> is pressed, the next key is sent unless it is <C-N> or <C-O>.
- Use <C-\><C-N> to return to normal mode. |CTRL-\_CTRL-N|
- Use <C-\><C-O> to execute one normal mode command and then return to terminal
- mode. *t_CTRL-\_CTRL-O*
- Terminal-mode forces these local options:
- 'cursorlineopt' = number
- 'nocursorcolumn'
- 'scrolloff' = 0
- 'sidescrolloff' = 0
- Terminal-mode has its own |:tnoremap| namespace for mappings, this can be used
- to automate any terminal interaction.
- To map <Esc> to exit terminal-mode: >vim
- :tnoremap <Esc> <C-\><C-n>
- To simulate |i_CTRL-R| in terminal-mode: >vim
- :tnoremap <expr> <C-R> '<C-\><C-N>"'.nr2char(getchar()).'pi'
- To use `ALT+{h,j,k,l}` to navigate windows from any mode: >vim
- :tnoremap <A-h> <C-\><C-N><C-w>h
- :tnoremap <A-j> <C-\><C-N><C-w>j
- :tnoremap <A-k> <C-\><C-N><C-w>k
- :tnoremap <A-l> <C-\><C-N><C-w>l
- :inoremap <A-h> <C-\><C-N><C-w>h
- :inoremap <A-j> <C-\><C-N><C-w>j
- :inoremap <A-k> <C-\><C-N><C-w>k
- :inoremap <A-l> <C-\><C-N><C-w>l
- :nnoremap <A-h> <C-w>h
- :nnoremap <A-j> <C-w>j
- :nnoremap <A-k> <C-w>k
- :nnoremap <A-l> <C-w>l
- You can also create menus similar to terminal mode mappings, but you have to
- use |:tlmenu| instead of |:tmenu|.
- Mouse input has the following behavior:
- - If the program has enabled mouse events, the corresponding events will be
- forwarded to the program.
- - If mouse events are disabled (the default), terminal focus will be lost and
- the event will be processed as in a normal buffer.
- - If another window is clicked, terminal focus will be lost and nvim will jump
- to the clicked window
- - If the mouse wheel is used while the mouse is positioned in another window,
- the terminal won't lose focus and the hovered window will be scrolled.
- ==============================================================================
- Configuration *terminal-config*
- Options: 'modified', 'scrollback'
- Events: |TermOpen|, |TermEnter|, |TermLeave|, |TermClose|
- Highlight groups: |hl-TermCursor|
- Terminal sets local defaults for some options, which may differ from your
- global configuration.
- - 'list' is disabled
- - 'wrap' is disabled
- - 'number' is disabled
- - 'relativenumber' is disabled
- - 'signcolumn' is set to "no"
- - 'foldcolumn' is set to "0"
- You can change the defaults with a TermOpen autocommand: >vim
- au TermOpen * setlocal list
- The `{g,b}:terminal_color_x` variables control the terminal color palette,
- where `x` is the color index between 0 and 15 inclusive. The variables are
- read during |TermOpen|. The value must be a color name or hexadecimal string.
- Example: >vim
- let g:terminal_color_4 = '#ff0000'
- let g:terminal_color_5 = 'green'
- Only works for RGB UIs (see 'termguicolors'); for 256-color terminals the
- color index is just forwarded.
- Editor highlighting (|syntax-highlighting|, |highlight-groups|, etc.) has
- higher precedence: it is applied after terminal colors are resolved.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- EVENTS *terminal-events*
- Applications running in a :terminal buffer can send requests, which Nvim
- exposes via the |TermRequest| event.
- OSC 7: change working directory *terminal-osc7*
- To handle OSC 7 emitted from :terminal processes, this code will :cd to the
- directory indicated in the request. >lua
- vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'TermRequest' }, {
- desc = 'Handles OSC 7 dir change requests',
- callback = function(ev)
- if string.sub(vim.v.termrequest, 1, 4) == '\x1b]7;' then
- local dir = string.gsub(vim.v.termrequest, '\x1b]7;file://[^/]*', '')
- if vim.fn.isdirectory(dir) == 0 then
- vim.notify('invalid dir: '..dir)
- return
- end
- vim.api.nvim_buf_set_var(ev.buf, 'osc7_dir', dir)
- if vim.o.autochdir and vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() == ev.buf then
- vim.cmd.cd(dir)
- end
- end
- end
- })
- vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'BufEnter', 'WinEnter', 'DirChanged' }, {
- callback = function(ev)
- if vim.b.osc7_dir and vim.fn.isdirectory(vim.b.osc7_dir) == 1 then
- vim.cmd.cd(vim.b.osc7_dir)
- end
- end
- })
- To try it out, select the above code and source it with `:'<,'>lua` (or
- `g==`), then run this command in a :terminal buffer: >
- printf "\033]7;file://./foo/bar\033\\"
- OSC 52: write to system clipboard *terminal-osc52*
- Applications in the :terminal buffer can write to the system clipboard by
- emitting an OSC 52 sequence. Example: >
- printf '\033]52;;%s\033\\' "$(echo -n 'Hello world' | base64)"
- Nvim uses the configured |clipboard| provider to write to the system
- clipboard. Reading from the system clipboard with OSC 52 is not supported, as
- this would allow any arbitrary program in the :terminal to read the user's
- clipboard.
- OSC 52 sequences sent from the :terminal buffer do not emit a |TermRequest|
- event. The event is handled directly by Nvim and is not forwarded to plugins.
- ==============================================================================
- Status Variables *terminal-status*
- Terminal buffers maintain some buffer-local variables and options. The values
- are initialized before TermOpen, so you can use them in a local 'statusline'.
- Example: >vim
- :autocmd TermOpen * setlocal statusline=%{b:term_title}
- - *b:term_title* Terminal title (user-writable), typically displayed in the
- window title or tab title of a graphical terminal emulator. Terminal
- programs can set this by emitting an escape sequence.
- - |'channel'| Terminal PTY |job-id|. Can be used with |chansend()| to send
- input to the terminal.
- - The |TermClose| event gives the terminal job exit code in the |v:event|
- "status" field. For example, this autocommand outputs the terminal's exit
- code to |:messages|: >vim
- autocmd TermClose * echom 'Terminal exited with status '..v:event.status
- Use |jobwait()| to check if the terminal job has finished: >vim
- let running = jobwait([&channel], 0)[0] == -1
- <
- ==============================================================================
- :Termdebug plugin *terminal-debug* *terminal-debugger* *package-termdebug*
- The Terminal debugging plugin can be used to debug a program with gdb and view
- the source code in a Vim window. Since this is completely contained inside
- Vim this also works remotely over an ssh connection.
- Starting ~
- *termdebug-starting*
- Load the plugin with this command: >vim
- packadd termdebug
- When loading the plugin from the |vimrc| file, add the "!" attribute: >vim
- packadd! termdebug
- < *:Termdebug*
- To start debugging use `:Termdebug` or `:TermdebugCommand` followed by the
- command name, for example: >vim
- :Termdebug vim
- This opens two windows:
- gdb window A terminal window in which "gdb vim" is executed. Here you
- can directly interact with gdb.
- program window A terminal window for the executed program. When "run" is
- used in gdb the program I/O will happen in this window, so
- that it does not interfere with controlling gdb.
- The current window is used to show the source code. When gdb pauses the
- source file location will be displayed, if possible. A sign is used to
- highlight the current position, using highlight group debugPC.
- If the buffer in the current window is modified, another window will be opened
- to display the current gdb position.
- Focus the terminal of the executed program to interact with it. This works
- the same as any command running in a terminal window.
- When the debugger ends, typically by typing "quit" in the gdb window, the two
- opened windows are closed.
- Only one debugger can be active at a time.
- *:TermdebugCommand*
- If you want to give specific commands to the command being debugged, you can
- use the `:TermdebugCommand` command followed by the command name and
- additional parameters. >vim
- :TermdebugCommand vim --clean -c ':set nu'
- Both the `:Termdebug` and `:TermdebugCommand` support an optional "!" bang
- argument to start the command right away, without pausing at the gdb window
- (and cursor will be in the debugged window). For example: >vim
- :TermdebugCommand! vim --clean
- To attach gdb to an already running executable or use a core file, pass extra
- arguments. E.g.: >vim
- :Termdebug vim core
- :Termdebug vim 98343
- If no argument is given, you'll end up in a gdb window, in which you need to
- specify which command to run using e.g. the gdb `file` command.
- Example session ~
- *termdebug-example*
- Start in the Vim "src" directory and build Vim: >
- % make
- Start Vim: >
- % ./vim
- Load the termdebug plugin and start debugging Vim: >vim
- :packadd termdebug
- :Termdebug vim
- You should now have three windows:
- source - where you started
- gdb - you can type gdb commands here
- program - the executed program will use this window
- Put focus on the gdb window and type: >
- break ex_help
- run
- Vim will start running in the program window. Put focus there and type: >vim
- :help gui
- Gdb will run into the ex_help breakpoint. The source window now shows the
- ex_cmds.c file. A red "1 " marker will appear in the signcolumn where the
- breakpoint was set. The line where the debugger stopped is highlighted. You
- can now step through the program. You will see the highlighting move as the
- debugger executes a line of source code.
- Run ":Next" a few times until the for loop is highlighted. Put the cursor on
- the end of "eap->arg", then call ":Eval". You will see this displayed:
- "eap->arg": 0x555555e68855 "gui" ~
- This way you can inspect the value of local variables. You can also focus the
- gdb window and use a "print" command, e.g.: >
- print *eap
- If mouse pointer movements are working, Vim will also show a balloon when the
- mouse rests on text that can be evaluated by gdb.
- You can also use the "K" mapping that will either use Nvim floating windows
- to show the results.
- Now go back to the source window and put the cursor on the first line after
- the for loop, then type: >
- :Break
- You will see a "1" marker appear, this indicates the new breakpoint. Now
- run ":Cont" command and the code until the breakpoint will be executed.
- You can type more advanced commands in the gdb window. For example, type: >
- watch curbuf
- Now run ":Cont" (or type "cont" in the gdb window). Execution
- will now continue until the value of "curbuf" changes, which is in do_ecmd().
- To remove this watchpoint again type in the gdb window: >
- delete 3
- You can see the stack by typing in the gdb window: >
- where
- Move through the stack frames, e.g. with: >
- frame 3
- The source window will show the code, at the point where the call was made to
- a deeper level.
- Stepping through code ~
- *termdebug-stepping*
- Put focus on the gdb window to type commands there. Some common ones are:
- - CTRL-C interrupt the program
- - next execute the current line and stop at the next line
- - step execute the current line and stop at the next statement,
- entering functions
- - until execute until past the current cursor line or past a specified
- position or the current stack frame returns
- - finish execute until leaving the current function
- - where show the stack
- - frame N go to the Nth stack frame
- - continue continue execution
- *:Run* *:Arguments*
- In the window showing the source code these commands can be used to control
- gdb:
- `:Run` [args] run the program with [args] or the previous arguments
- `:Arguments` {args} set arguments for the next `:Run`
- *:Break* set a breakpoint at the cursor position
- :Break {position}
- set a breakpoint at the specified position
- *:Tbreak* set a temporary breakpoint at the cursor position
- :Tbreak {position}
- set a temporary breakpoint at the specified position
- *:Clear* delete the breakpoint at the cursor position
- *:Step* execute the gdb "step" command
- *:Over* execute the gdb "next" command (`:Next` is a Vim command)
- *:Until* execute the gdb "until" command
- *:Finish* execute the gdb "finish" command
- *:Continue* execute the gdb "continue" command
- *:Stop* interrupt the program
- If gdb stops at a source line and there is no window currently showing the
- source code, a new window will be created for the source code. This also
- happens if the buffer in the source code window has been modified and can't be
- abandoned.
- Gdb gives each breakpoint a number. In Vim the number shows up in the sign
- column, with a red background. You can use these gdb commands:
- - info break list breakpoints
- - delete N delete breakpoint N
- You can also use the `:Clear` command if the cursor is in the line with the
- breakpoint, or use the "Clear breakpoint" right-click menu entry.
- Inspecting variables ~
- *termdebug-variables* *:Evaluate*
- `:Evaluate` evaluate the expression under the cursor
- `K` same (see |termdebug_map_K| to disable)
- `:Evaluate` {expr} evaluate {expr}
- `:'<,'>Evaluate` evaluate the Visually selected text
- This is similar to using "print" in the gdb window.
- You can usually shorten `:Evaluate` to `:Ev`.
- The result is displayed in a floating window.
- You can move the cursor to this window by running `:Evaluate` (or `K`) again.
- Navigating stack frames ~
- *termdebug-frames* *:Frame* *:Up* *:Down*
- `:Frame` [frame] select frame [frame], which is a frame number,
- address, or function name (default: current frame)
- `:Up` [count] go up [count] frames (default: 1; the frame that
- called the current)
- `+` same (see |termdebug_map_plus| to disable)
- `:Down` [count] go down [count] frames (default: 1; the frame called
- by the current)
- `-` same (see |termdebug_map_minus| to disable)
- Other commands ~
- *termdebug-commands*
- *:Gdb* jump to the gdb window
- *:Program* jump to the window with the running program
- *:Source* jump to the window with the source code, create it if there
- isn't one
- *:Asm* jump to the window with the disassembly, create it if there
- isn't one
- *:Var* jump to the window with the local and argument variables,
- create it if there isn't one. This window updates whenever the
- program is stopped
- Events ~
- *termdebug-events*
- Four autocommands can be used: >vim
- au User TermdebugStartPre echomsg 'debugging starting'
- au User TermdebugStartPost echomsg 'debugging started'
- au User TermdebugStopPre echomsg 'debugging stopping'
- au User TermdebugStopPost echomsg 'debugging stopped'
- <
- *TermdebugStartPre*
- TermdebugStartPre Before starting debugging.
- Not triggered if the debugger is already
- running or the debugger command cannot be
- executed.
- *TermdebugStartPost*
- TermdebugStartPost After debugging has initialized.
- If a "!" bang is passed to `:Termdebug` or
- `:TermdebugCommand` the event is triggered
- before running the provided command in gdb.
- *TermdebugStopPre*
- TermdebugStopPre Before debugging ends, when gdb is terminated,
- most likely after issuing a "quit" command in
- the gdb window.
- *TermdebugStopPost*
- TermdebugStopPost After debugging has ended, gdb-related windows
- are closed, debug buffers wiped out and
- the state before the debugging was restored.
- Customizing ~
- *termdebug-customizing* *g:termdebug_config*
- In the past several global variables were used for configuration. These are
- deprecated and using the g:termdebug_config dictionary is preferred. When
- g:termdebug_config exists the other global variables will NOT be used.
- The recommended way is to start with an empty dictionary: >vim
- let g:termdebug_config = {}
- Then you can add entries to the dictionary as mentioned below. The
- deprecated global variable names are mentioned for completeness. If you are
- switching over to using g:termdebug_config you can find the old variable name
- and take over the value, then delete the deprecated variable.
- Prompt mode ~
- *termdebug-prompt*
- When on MS-Windows, gdb will run in a buffer with 'buftype' set to "prompt".
- This works slightly differently:
- - The gdb window will be in Insert mode while typing commands. Go to Normal
- mode with <Esc>, then you can move around in the buffer, copy/paste, etc.
- Go back to editing the gdb command with any command that starts Insert mode,
- such as `a` or `i`.
- - A separate :terminal window will be opened to run the debugged program in.
- *termdebug_use_prompt*
- Prompt mode can be used with: >vim
- let g:termdebug_config['use_prompt'] = 1
- If there is no g:termdebug_config you can use: >vim
- let g:termdebug_use_prompt = 1
- <
- Mappings ~
- The termdebug plugin enables a few default mappings. All those mappings
- are reset to their original values once the termdebug session concludes.
- *termdebug_map_K* *termdebug-mappings*
- The K key is normally mapped to |:Evaluate| unless a buffer local (|:map-local|)
- mapping to K already exists. If you do not want this use: >vim
- let g:termdebug_config['map_K'] = 0
- If there is no g:termdebug_config you can use: >vim
- let g:termdebug_map_K = 0
- <
- *termdebug_map_minus*
- The - key is normally mapped to |:Down| unless a buffer local mapping to the -
- key already exists. If you do not want this use: >vim
- let g:termdebug_config['map_minus'] = 0
- <
- *termdebug_map_plus*
- The + key is normally mapped to |:Up| unless a buffer local mapping to the +
- key already exists. If you do not want this use: >vim
- let g:termdebug_config['map_plus'] = 0
- <
- *termdebug_disasm_window*
- If you want the Asm window shown by default, set the "disasm_window" flag to
- 1. The "disasm_window_height" entry can be used to set the window height: >vim
- let g:termdebug_config['disasm_window'] = 1
- let g:termdebug_config['disasm_window_height'] = 15
- If there is no g:termdebug_config you can use: >vim
- let g:termdebug_disasm_window = 15
- Any value greater than 1 will set the Asm window height to that value.
- If the current window has enough horizontal space, it will be vertically split
- and the Asm window will be shown side by side with the source code window (and
- the height option won't be used).
- *termdebug_variables_window*
- If you want the Var window shown by default, set the "variables_window" flag
- to 1. The "variables_window_height" entry can be used to set the window
- height: >vim
- let g:termdebug_config['variables_window'] = 1
- let g:termdebug_config['variables_window_height'] = 15
- If there is no g:termdebug_config you can use: >vim
- let g:termdebug_variables_window = 15
- Any value greater than 1 will set the Var window height to that value.
- If the current window has enough horizontal space, it will be vertically split
- and the Var window will be shown side by side with the source code window (and
- the height options won't be used).
- Communication ~
- *termdebug-communication*
- There is another, hidden, buffer, which is used for Vim to communicate with
- gdb. The buffer name is "gdb communication". Do not delete this buffer, it
- will break the debugger.
- Gdb has some weird behavior, the plugin does its best to work around that.
- For example, after typing "continue" in the gdb window a CTRL-C can be used to
- interrupt the running program. But after using the MI command
- "-exec-continue" pressing CTRL-C does not interrupt. Therefore you will see
- "continue" being used for the `:Continue` command, instead of using the
- communication channel.
- GDB command ~
- *g:termdebugger*
- To change the name of the gdb command, set "debugger" entry in
- g:termdebug_config or the "g:termdebugger" variable before invoking
- `:Termdebug`: >vim
- let g:termdebug_config['command'] = "mygdb"
- If there is no g:termdebug_config you can use: >vim
- let g:termdebugger = "mygdb"
- If the command needs an argument use a List: >vim
- let g:termdebug_config['command'] = ['rr', 'replay', '--']
- If there is no g:termdebug_config you can use: >vim
- let g:termdebugger = ['rr', 'replay', '--']
- If you are a mouse person, you can also define a mapping using your right
- click to one of the terminal command like evaluate the variable under the
- cursor: >vim
- nnoremap <RightMouse> :Evaluate<CR>
- or set/unset a breakpoint: >vim
- nnoremap <RightMouse> :Break<CR>
- Several arguments will be added to make gdb work well for the debugger.
- If you want to modify them, add a function to filter the argument list: >vim
- let g:termdebug_config['command_filter'] = MyDebugFilter
- If you do not want the arguments to be added, but you do need to set the
- "pty", use a function to add the necessary arguments: >vim
- let g:termdebug_config['command_add_args'] = MyAddArguments
- The function will be called with the list of arguments so far, and a second
- argument that is the name of the pty.
- *gdb-version*
- Only debuggers fully compatible with gdb will work. Vim uses the GDB/MI
- interface. The "new-ui" command requires gdb version 7.12 or later. If you
- get this error:
- Undefined command: "new-ui". Try "help".~
- Then your gdb is too old.
- Colors ~
- *hl-debugPC* *hl-debugBreakpoint*
- The color of the signs can be adjusted with these highlight groups:
- - debugPC the current position
- - debugBreakpoint a breakpoint
- The defaults are, when 'background' is "light":
- hi debugPC term=reverse ctermbg=lightblue guibg=lightblue
- hi debugBreakpoint term=reverse ctermbg=red guibg=red
- When 'background' is "dark":
- hi debugPC term=reverse ctermbg=darkblue guibg=darkblue
- hi debugBreakpoint term=reverse ctermbg=red guibg=red
- Shortcuts ~
- *termdebug_shortcuts*
- You can define your own shortcuts (mappings) to control gdb, that can work in
- any window, using the TermDebugSendCommand() function. Example: >vim
- map ,w :call TermDebugSendCommand('where')<CR>
- The argument is the gdb command.
- Popup menu ~
- *termdebug_popup*
- By default the Termdebug plugin sets 'mousemodel' to "popup_setpos" and adds
- these entries to the popup menu:
- Set breakpoint `:Break`
- Clear breakpoint `:Clear`
- Evaluate `:Evaluate`
- If you don't want this then disable it with: >vim
- let g:termdebug_config['popup'] = 0
- If there is no g:termdebug_config you can use: >vim
- let g:termdebug_popup = 0
- Change default signs ~
- *termdebug_signs*
- Termdebug uses the hex number of the breakpoint ID in the signcolumn to
- represent breakpoints. If it is greater than "0xFF", then it will be displayed
- as "F+", due to we really only have two screen cells for the sign.
- You may also use decimal breakpoint signs instead, in which case IDs greater
- than 99 will be displayed as "9+".
- If you want to customize the breakpoint signs to show `>>` in the signcolumn: >vim
- let g:termdebug_config['sign'] = '>>'
- If you would like to use decimal (base 10) breakpoint signs: >vim
- let g:termdebug_config['sign_decimal'] = 1
- If the variable g:termdebug_config does not yet exist, you can use: >vim
- let g:termdebug_config = {'sign': '>>'}
- Likewise, to enable decimal signs: >vim
- let g:termdebug_config = {'sign_decimal': 1}
- Vim window width ~
- *termdebug_wide*
- To change the width of the Vim window when debugging starts and use a vertical
- split: >vim
- let g:termdebug_config['wide'] = 163
- If there is no g:termdebug_config you can use: >vim
- let g:termdebug_wide = 163
- This will set 'columns' to 163 when `:Termdebug` is used. The value is
- restored when quitting the debugger.
- If the wide value is set and 'columns' is already a greater value, then a
- vertical split will be used without modifying 'columns'.
- Set the wide value to 1 to use a vertical split without ever changing
- 'columns'. This is useful when the terminal can't be resized by Vim.
- vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl: