12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243 |
- ---@meta
- ---@nodoc
- vim.json = {}
- -- luacheck: no unused args
- ---@brief
- ---
- --- This module provides encoding and decoding of Lua objects to and
- --- from JSON-encoded strings. Supports |vim.NIL| and |vim.empty_dict()|.
- --- Decodes (or "unpacks") the JSON-encoded {str} to a Lua object.
- ---
- --- - Decodes JSON "null" as |vim.NIL| (controllable by {opts}, see below).
- --- - Decodes empty object as |vim.empty_dict()|.
- --- - Decodes empty array as `{}` (empty Lua table).
- ---
- --- Example:
- ---
- --- ```lua
- --- vim.print(vim.json.decode('{"bar":[],"foo":{},"zub":null}'))
- --- -- { bar = {}, foo = vim.empty_dict(), zub = vim.NIL }
- --- ```
- ---
- ---@param str string Stringified JSON data.
- ---@param opts? table<string,any> Options table with keys:
- --- - luanil: (table) Table with keys:
- --- - object: (boolean) When true, converts `null` in JSON objects
- --- to Lua `nil` instead of |vim.NIL|.
- --- - array: (boolean) When true, converts `null` in JSON arrays
- --- to Lua `nil` instead of |vim.NIL|.
- ---@return any
- function vim.json.decode(str, opts) end
- --- Encodes (or "packs") Lua object {obj} as JSON in a Lua string.
- ---@param obj any
- ---@param opts? table<string,any> Options table with keys:
- --- - escape_slash: (boolean) (default false) Escape slash
- --- characters "/" in string values.
- ---@return string
- function vim.json.encode(obj, opts) end