123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370 |
- *news.txt* Nvim
- Notable changes since Nvim 0.10 *news*
- For changes in the previous release, see |news-0.10|.
- Type |gO| to see the table of contents.
- ==============================================================================
- ====== Remove this section before release. ======
- The following changes to UNRELEASED features were made during the development
- cycle (Nvim HEAD, the "master" branch).
- • Removed `vim.loader.disable()`. Use `vim.loader.enable(false)` instead.
- • 'jumpoptions' flag "unload" has been renamed to "clean".
- • The `msghistory` option has been removed in favor of 'messagesopt'.
- ==============================================================================
- BREAKING CHANGES *news-breaking*
- These changes may require adaptations in your config or plugins.
- • Improved API "meta" docstrings and :help documentation.
- • `vim.rpcnotify(0)` and `rpcnotify(0)` broadcast to ALL channels. Previously
- they would "multicast" only to subscribed channels (controlled by
- `nvim_subscribe()`). Plugins and clients that want "multicast" behavior must
- now maintain their own list of channels.
- • In the future, |vim.rpcnotify()| may accept a list of channels, if there
- is demand for this use-case.
- • "Dictionary" was renamed to "Dict" internally and in the RPC |api-metadata|.
- This is not expected to break clients because there are no known clients
- that actually use the `return_type` field or the parameter type names
- reported by |--api-info| or |nvim_get_api_info()|.
- • |nvim_open_win()| supports a `mouse` field that allows configuring mouse
- interaction with the window separately from `focusable` field.
- • Renamed `nvim__id_dictionary` (unsupported/experimental API) to
- `nvim__id_dict`.
- On Windows, only building with the UCRT runtime is supported.
- • |]d-default| and |[d-default| accept a count.
- • |[D-default| and |]D-default| jump to the first and last diagnostic in the
- current buffer, respectively.
- • 'number', 'relativenumber', 'signcolumn', and 'foldcolumn' are disabled in
- |terminal| buffers. See |terminal-config| for an example of changing these defaults.
- • |vim.json.encode()| no longer escapes the forward slash symbol by default
- • |vim.diagnostic.config()| accepts a "jump" table to specify defaults for
- |vim.diagnostic.jump()|.
- • The "underline" diagnostics handler sorts diagnostics by severity when using
- the "severity_sort" option.
- • The order in which signs are placed was changed. Higher priority signs will
- now appear left of lower priority signs.
- • |hl-CurSearch| now behaves the same as Vim and no longer updates on every
- cursor movement.
- • Moving in the buffer list using |:bnext| and similar commands behaves as
- documented and skips help buffers if run from a non-help buffer, otherwise
- it moves to another help buffer.
- • Bells from a |terminal| buffer are now silent by default, unless 'belloff'
- option doesn't contain "term" or "all".
- • |vim.ui_attach()| callbacks for |ui-messages| `msg_show` events are executed in
- |api-fast| context.
- • Improved rendering of LSP hover docs. |K-lsp-default|
- • |vim.lsp.completion.enable()| gained the `convert` callback which enables
- customizing the transformation of an LSP CompletionItem to |complete-items|.
- • |vim.lsp.diagnostic.from()| can be used to convert a list of
- |vim.Diagnostic| objects into their LSP diagnostic representation.
- • |vim.lsp.buf.references()|, |vim.lsp.buf.declaration()|, |vim.lsp.buf.definition()|,
- |vim.lsp.buf.type_definition()|, |vim.lsp.buf.implementation()| and
- |vim.lsp.buf.hover()| now support merging the results of multiple clients
- but no longer trigger the global handlers from `vim.lsp.handlers`
- • |vim.lsp.buf.typehierarchy()| now passes the correct params for each
- client request.
- • |vim.lsp.handlers.signature_help()| is no longer used.
- • |vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics()| and
- |vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_diagnostic()| no longer accept a config parameter and
- can no longer be configured with |vim.lsp.with()|.
- Instead use: >lua
- vim.diagnostic.config(config, vim.lsp.diagnostic.get_namespace(client_id))
- <
- • |vim.lsp.util.make_position_params()|, |vim.lsp.util.make_range_params()|
- and |vim.lsp.util.make_given_range_params()| now require the `position_encoding`
- parameter.
- • API functions now consistently return an empty dictionary as
- |vim.empty_dict()|. Earlier, a |lua-special-tbl| was sometimes used.
- • Command-line completions for: `vim.g`, `vim.t`, `vim.w`, `vim.b`, `vim.v`,
- `vim.o`, `vim.wo`, `vim.bo`, `vim.opt`, `vim.opt_local`, `vim.opt_global`,
- and `vim.fn`.
- • The 'statuscolumn' `%l` item can now be used as a number column segment that
- changes according to related options. It takes care of alignment, 'number',
- 'relativenumber' and 'signcolumn' set to "number". The now redundant `%r` item
- is no longer treated specially for 'statuscolumn'.
- • `:set {option}<` removes the local value for all |global-local| options instead
- of just string |global-local| options.
- • `:setlocal {option}<` copies the global value to the local value for number
- and boolean |global-local| options instead of removing the local value.
- • Setting |hidden-options| now gives an error. In particular, setting
- 'noshellslash' is now only allowed on Windows.
- • TODO
- • |Query:iter_matches()| correctly returns all matching nodes in a match
- instead of only the last node. This means that the returned table maps
- capture IDs to a list of nodes that need to be iterated over. For
- backwards compatibility, an option `all=false` (only return the last
- matching node) is provided that will be removed in a future release.
- • |vim.treesitter.language.get_filetypes()| always includes the {language}
- argument in addition to explicitly registered filetypes.
- • |vim.treesitter.language.get_lang()| falls back to the {filetype} argument
- if no languages are explicitly registered.
- • |vim.treesitter.language.add()| returns `true` if a parser was loaded
- successfully and `nil,errmsg` otherwise instead of throwing an error.
- • New |TSNode:child_with_descendant()|, which is nearly identical to
- |TSNode:child_containing_descendant()| except that it can return the
- descendant itself.
- • TODO
- • |v:msgpack_types| has the type "binary" removed. |msgpackparse()| no longer
- treats BIN, STR and FIXSTR as separate types. Any of these is returned as a
- string if possible, or a |blob| if the value contained embedded NUL:s.
- ==============================================================================
- NEW FEATURES *news-features*
- The following new features were added.
- • |nvim__ns_set()| can set properties for a namespace
- • |vim.json.encode()| has an option to enable forward slash escaping
- • Highlighting:
- • Improved styling of :checkhealth and :help buffers.
- • Mappings:
- • |grn| in Normal mode maps to |vim.lsp.buf.rename()|
- • |grr| in Normal mode maps to |vim.lsp.buf.references()|
- • |gri| in Normal mode maps to |vim.lsp.buf.implementation()|
- • |gO| in Normal mode maps to |vim.lsp.buf.document_symbol()|
- • |gra| in Normal and Visual mode maps to |vim.lsp.buf.code_action()|
- • CTRL-S in Insert and Select mode maps to |vim.lsp.buf.signature_help()|
- • Mouse |popup-menu| includes an "Open in web browser" item when you right-click
- on a URL.
- • Mouse |popup-menu| includes a "Go to definition" item when LSP is active
- in the buffer.
- • Mappings inspired by Tim Pope's vim-unimpaired:
- • |[q|, |]q|, |[Q|, |]Q|, |[CTRL-Q|, |]CTRL-Q| navigate through the |quickfix| list
- • |[l|, |]l|, |[L|, |]L|, |[CTRL-L|, |]CTRL-L| navigate through the |location-list|
- • |[t|, |]t|, |[T|, |]T|, |[CTRL-T|, |]CTRL-T| navigate through the |tag-matchlist|
- • |[a|, |]a|, |[A|, |]A| navigate through the |argument-list|
- • |[b|, |]b|, |[B|, |]B| navigate through the |buffer-list|
- • |[<Space>|, |]<Space>| add an empty line above and below the cursor
- • Snippet:
- • `<Tab>` in Insert and Select mode maps to `vim.snippet.jump({ direction = 1 })`
- when a snippet is active and jumpable forwards.
- • `<S-Tab>` in Insert and Select mode maps to `vim.snippet.jump({ direction = -1 })`
- when a snippet is active and jumpable backwards.
- • Improved |paste| handling for redo (dot-repeat) and macros (|recording|):
- • Redoing a large paste is significantly faster and ignores 'autoindent'.
- • Replaying a macro with |@| also replays pasted text.
- • On Windows, filename arguments on the command-line prefixed with "~\" or
- "~/" are now expanded to the user's profile directory, not a relative path
- to a literal "~" directory.
- • |hl-PmenuMatch| and |hl-PmenuMatchSel| show matched text in completion popup.
- • |CompleteDone| now sets the `reason` key in `v:event` which specifies the reason
- for completion being done.
- • |vim.on_key()| callbacks can consume the key by returning an empty string.
- • Completion side effects (including snippet expansion, execution of commands
- and application of additional text edits) is now built-in.
- • |vim.lsp.util.locations_to_items()| sets `end_col` and `end_lnum` fields.
- • |vim.lsp.buf.format()| now supports passing a list of ranges
- via the `range` parameter (this requires support for the
- `textDocument/rangesFormatting` request).
- • |vim.lsp.buf.code_action()| actions show client name when there are multiple
- clients.
- • |vim.lsp.buf.signature_help()| can now cycle through different signatures
- using `<C-s>` and also support multiple clients.
- • The client now supports `'utf-8'` and `'utf-32'` position encodings.
- • |vim.lsp.buf.hover()| now highlights hover ranges using the
- |hl-LspReferenceTarget| highlight group.
- • Functions in |vim.lsp.Client| can now be called as methods.
- • Implemented LSP folding: |vim.lsp.foldexpr()|
- https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specification/#textDocument_foldingRange
- • |vim.lsp.config()| has been added to define default configurations for
- servers. In addition, configurations can be specified in `lsp/<name>.lua`.
- • |vim.lsp.enable()| has been added to enable servers.
- • |vim.fs.rm()| can delete files and directories.
- • |vim.validate()| now has a new signature which uses less tables,
- is more performant and easier to read.
- • |vim.str_byteindex()| and |vim.str_utfindex()| gained overload signatures
- supporting two new parameters, `encoding` and `strict_indexing`.
- • 'completeopt' flag "fuzzy" enables |fuzzy-matching| during |ins-completion|.
- • 'messagesopt' configures |:messages| and |hit-enter| prompt.
- • 'tabclose' controls which tab page to focus when closing a tab page.
- • Significantly reduced redraw time for long lines with treesitter
- highlighting.
- • EditorConfig
- • spelling_language property is now supported.
- • Nvim will fail if the |--listen| or |$NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS| address is
- invalid, instead of silently skipping an invalid address.
- • The |terminal| now understands the OSC 52 escape sequence to write to the
- system clipboard (copy). Querying with OSC 52 (paste) is not supported.
- • |hl-StatusLineTerm| and |hl-StatusLineTermNC| define highlights for the
- status line in |terminal| windows.
- • The terminal buffer now supports reflow (wrapped lines adapt when the buffer
- is resized horizontally). Note: Lines that are not visible and kept in
- 'scrollback' are not reflown.
- • The |terminal| now supports OSC 8 escape sequences and will display
- hyperlinks in supporting host terminals.
- • |LanguageTree:node_for_range()| gets anonymous and named nodes for a range
- • |vim.treesitter.get_node()| now takes an option `include_anonymous`, default
- false, which allows it to return anonymous nodes as well as named nodes.
- • |treesitter-directive-trim!| can trim all whitespace (not just empty lines)
- from both sides of a node.
- • The builtin UI declares info |nvim_set_client_info()| on its channel. See
- |startup-tui|. To see the current UI info, try this: >
- :lua =vim.api.nvim_get_chan_info(vim.api.nvim_list_uis()[1].chan)
- • |log| messages written by the builtin UI client (TUI, |--remote-ui|) are
- now prefixed with "ui" instead of "?".
- • The TUI will re-query the terminal's background color when a theme update
- notification is received and Nvim will update 'background' accordingly.
- UI
- • |vim.ui.open()| (by default bound to |gx|) accepts an `opt.cmd` parameter
- which controls the tool used to open the given path or URL. If you want to
- globally set this, you can override vim.ui.open using the same approach
- described at |vim.paste()|.
- - `vim.ui.open()` now supports
- [lemonade](https://github.com/lemonade-command/lemonade) as an option for
- opening urls/files. This is handy if you are in an ssh connection and use
- `lemonade`.
- • The |ins-completion-menu| now supports cascading highlight styles.
- |hl-PmenuSel| and |hl-PmenuMatch| both inherit from |hl-Pmenu|, and
- |hl-PmenuMatchSel| inherits highlights from both |hl-PmenuSel| and
- |hl-PmenuMatch|.
- • |vim.diagnostic.setqflist()| updates existing diagnostics quickfix list if one
- exists.
- • |ui-messages| content chunks now also contain the highlight group ID.
- ==============================================================================
- CHANGED FEATURES *news-changed*
- These existing features changed their behavior.
- • 'scrollbind' now works properly with buffers that contain virtual lines.
- Scrollbind works by aligning to a target top line of each window in a tab
- page. Previously this was done by calculating the difference between the old
- top line and the target top line, and scrolling by that amount. Now the
- top lines are calculated using screen line numbers which take virtual lines
- into account.
- • The implementation of grapheme clusters (or combining chars |mbyte-combining|)
- was upgraded to closely follow extended grapheme clusters as defined by UAX#29
- in the unicode standard. Noteworthily, this enables proper display of many
- more emoji characters than before, including those encoded with multiple
- emoji codepoints combined with ZWJ (zero width joiner) codepoints.
- • Text in the 'statusline', 'tabline', and 'winbar' now inherits highlights
- from the respective |hl-StatusLine|, |hl-TabLine|, and |hl-WinBar| highlight
- groups.
- • |vim.on_key()| callbacks won't be invoked recursively when a callback itself
- consumes input.
- • "q" in man pages now uses |CTRL-W_q| instead of |CTRL-W_c| to close the
- current window, and it no longer throws |E444| when there is only one window
- on the screen. Global variable `vim.g.pager` is removed.
- • Default 'titlestring' is now implemented with 'statusline' "%" format items.
- This means the default, empty value is essentially an alias to:
- `%t%(\ %M%)%(\ \(%{expand(\"%:~:h\")}\)%)%a\ -\ Nvim`. This is only an
- implementation simplification, not a behavior change.
- ==============================================================================
- REMOVED FEATURES *news-removed*
- These deprecated features were removed.
- • N/A
- ==============================================================================
- DEPRECATIONS *news-deprecations*
- See |deprecated-0.11|.
- vim:tw=78:ts=8:sw=2:et:ft=help:norl: