123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455 |
- local t = require('test.testutil')
- local n = require('test.functional.testnvim')()
- local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen')
- local clear, feed_command = n.clear, n.feed_command
- local feed, next_msg, eq = n.feed, n.next_msg, t.eq
- local command = n.command
- local expect = n.expect
- local curbuf_contents = n.curbuf_contents
- local api = n.api
- local exec_lua = n.exec_lua
- local write_file = t.write_file
- local fn = n.fn
- local eval = n.eval
- before_each(clear)
- describe('mappings', function()
- local add_mapping = function(mapping, send)
- local cmd = 'nnoremap '
- .. mapping
- .. " :call rpcnotify(1, 'mapped', '"
- .. send:gsub('<', '<lt>')
- .. "')<cr>"
- feed_command(cmd)
- end
- local check_mapping = function(mapping, expected)
- feed(mapping)
- eq({ 'notification', 'mapped', { expected } }, next_msg())
- end
- before_each(function()
- add_mapping('<A-l>', '<A-l>')
- add_mapping('<A-L>', '<A-L>')
- add_mapping('<D-l>', '<D-l>')
- add_mapping('<D-L>', '<D-L>')
- add_mapping('<C-L>', '<C-L>')
- add_mapping('<C-S-L>', '<C-S-L>')
- add_mapping('<s-up>', '<s-up>')
- add_mapping('<s-up>', '<s-up>')
- add_mapping('<c-s-up>', '<c-s-up>')
- add_mapping('<c-s-a-up>', '<c-s-a-up>')
- add_mapping('<c-s-a-d-up>', '<c-s-a-d-up>')
- add_mapping('<c-d-a>', '<c-d-a>')
- add_mapping('<d-1>', '<d-1>')
- add_mapping('<khome>', '<khome>')
- add_mapping('<kup>', '<kup>')
- add_mapping('<kpageup>', '<kpageup>')
- add_mapping('<kleft>', '<kleft>')
- add_mapping('<korigin>', '<korigin>')
- add_mapping('<kright>', '<kright>')
- add_mapping('<kend>', '<kend>')
- add_mapping('<kdown>', '<kdown>')
- add_mapping('<kpagedown>', '<kpagedown>')
- add_mapping('<kinsert>', '<kinsert>')
- add_mapping('<kdel>', '<kdel>')
- add_mapping('<kdivide>', '<kdivide>')
- add_mapping('<kmultiply>', '<kmultiply>')
- add_mapping('<kminus>', '<kminus>')
- add_mapping('<kplus>', '<kplus>')
- add_mapping('<kenter>', '<kenter>')
- add_mapping('<kcomma>', '<kcomma>')
- add_mapping('<kequal>', '<kequal>')
- add_mapping('<f38>', '<f38>')
- add_mapping('<f63>', '<f63>')
- end)
- it('ok', function()
- check_mapping('<A-l>', '<A-l>')
- check_mapping('<A-L>', '<A-L>')
- check_mapping('<A-S-l>', '<A-L>')
- check_mapping('<A-S-L>', '<A-L>')
- check_mapping('<D-l>', '<D-l>')
- check_mapping('<D-L>', '<D-L>')
- check_mapping('<D-S-l>', '<D-L>')
- check_mapping('<D-S-L>', '<D-L>')
- check_mapping('<C-l>', '<C-L>')
- check_mapping('<C-L>', '<C-L>')
- check_mapping('<C-S-l>', '<C-S-L>')
- check_mapping('<C-S-L>', '<C-S-L>')
- check_mapping('<s-up>', '<s-up>')
- check_mapping('<c-s-up>', '<c-s-up>')
- check_mapping('<s-c-up>', '<c-s-up>')
- check_mapping('<c-s-a-up>', '<c-s-a-up>')
- check_mapping('<s-c-a-up>', '<c-s-a-up>')
- check_mapping('<c-a-s-up>', '<c-s-a-up>')
- check_mapping('<s-a-c-up>', '<c-s-a-up>')
- check_mapping('<a-c-s-up>', '<c-s-a-up>')
- check_mapping('<a-s-c-up>', '<c-s-a-up>')
- check_mapping('<c-s-a-d-up>', '<c-s-a-d-up>')
- check_mapping('<s-a-d-c-up>', '<c-s-a-d-up>')
- check_mapping('<d-s-a-c-up>', '<c-s-a-d-up>')
- check_mapping('<c-d-a>', '<c-d-a>')
- check_mapping('<d-c-a>', '<c-d-a>')
- check_mapping('<d-1>', '<d-1>')
- check_mapping('<khome>', '<khome>')
- check_mapping('<KP7>', '<khome>')
- check_mapping('<kup>', '<kup>')
- check_mapping('<KP8>', '<kup>')
- check_mapping('<kpageup>', '<kpageup>')
- check_mapping('<KP9>', '<kpageup>')
- check_mapping('<kleft>', '<kleft>')
- check_mapping('<KP4>', '<kleft>')
- check_mapping('<korigin>', '<korigin>')
- check_mapping('<KP5>', '<korigin>')
- check_mapping('<kright>', '<kright>')
- check_mapping('<KP6>', '<kright>')
- check_mapping('<kend>', '<kend>')
- check_mapping('<KP1>', '<kend>')
- check_mapping('<kdown>', '<kdown>')
- check_mapping('<KP2>', '<kdown>')
- check_mapping('<kpagedown>', '<kpagedown>')
- check_mapping('<KP3>', '<kpagedown>')
- check_mapping('<kinsert>', '<kinsert>')
- check_mapping('<KP0>', '<kinsert>')
- check_mapping('<kdel>', '<kdel>')
- check_mapping('<KPPeriod>', '<kdel>')
- check_mapping('<kdivide>', '<kdivide>')
- check_mapping('<KPDiv>', '<kdivide>')
- check_mapping('<kmultiply>', '<kmultiply>')
- check_mapping('<KPMult>', '<kmultiply>')
- check_mapping('<kminus>', '<kminus>')
- check_mapping('<KPMinus>', '<kminus>')
- check_mapping('<kplus>', '<kplus>')
- check_mapping('<KPPlus>', '<kplus>')
- check_mapping('<kenter>', '<kenter>')
- check_mapping('<KPEnter>', '<kenter>')
- check_mapping('<kcomma>', '<kcomma>')
- check_mapping('<KPComma>', '<kcomma>')
- check_mapping('<kequal>', '<kequal>')
- check_mapping('<KPEquals>', '<kequal>')
- check_mapping('<f38>', '<f38>')
- check_mapping('<f63>', '<f63>')
- end)
- it('support meta + multibyte char mapping', function()
- add_mapping('<m-ä>', '<m-ä>')
- check_mapping('<m-ä>', '<m-ä>')
- end)
- end)
- describe('input utf sequences that contain K_SPECIAL (0x80)', function()
- it('ok', function()
- feed('i…<esc>')
- expect('…')
- end)
- it('can be mapped', function()
- command('inoremap … E280A6')
- feed('i…<esc>')
- expect('E280A6')
- end)
- end)
- describe('input utf sequences that contain CSI (0x9B)', function()
- it('ok', function()
- feed('iě<esc>')
- expect('ě')
- end)
- it('can be mapped', function()
- command('inoremap ě C49B')
- feed('iě<esc>')
- expect('C49B')
- end)
- end)
- describe('input split utf sequences', function()
- it('ok', function()
- local str = '►'
- feed('i' .. str:sub(1, 1))
- vim.uv.sleep(10)
- feed(str:sub(2, 3))
- expect('►')
- end)
- it('can be mapped', function()
- command('inoremap ► E296BA')
- local str = '►'
- feed('i' .. str:sub(1, 1))
- vim.uv.sleep(10)
- feed(str:sub(2, 3))
- expect('E296BA')
- end)
- end)
- describe('input pairs', function()
- describe('<tab> / <c-i>', function()
- it('ok', function()
- feed('i<tab><c-i><esc>')
- eq('\t\t', curbuf_contents())
- end)
- describe('can be mapped separately', function()
- it('if <tab> is mapped after <c-i>', function()
- command('inoremap <c-i> CTRL-I!')
- command('inoremap <tab> TAB!')
- feed('i<tab><c-i><esc>')
- eq('TAB!CTRL-I!', curbuf_contents())
- end)
- it('if <tab> is mapped before <c-i>', function()
- command('inoremap <tab> TAB!')
- command('inoremap <c-i> CTRL-I!')
- feed('i<tab><c-i><esc>')
- eq('TAB!CTRL-I!', curbuf_contents())
- end)
- end)
- end)
- describe('<cr> / <c-m>', function()
- it('ok', function()
- feed('iunos<c-m>dos<cr>tres<esc>')
- eq('unos\ndos\ntres', curbuf_contents())
- end)
- describe('can be mapped separately', function()
- it('if <cr> is mapped after <c-m>', function()
- command('inoremap <c-m> SNIPPET!')
- command('inoremap <cr> , and then<cr>')
- feed('iunos<c-m>dos<cr>tres<esc>')
- eq('unosSNIPPET!dos, and then\ntres', curbuf_contents())
- end)
- it('if <cr> is mapped before <c-m>', function()
- command('inoremap <cr> , and then<cr>')
- command('inoremap <c-m> SNIPPET!')
- feed('iunos<c-m>dos<cr>tres<esc>')
- eq('unosSNIPPET!dos, and then\ntres', curbuf_contents())
- end)
- end)
- end)
- describe('<esc> / <c-[>', function()
- it('ok', function()
- feed('2adouble<c-[>asingle<esc>')
- eq('doubledoublesingle', curbuf_contents())
- end)
- describe('can be mapped separately', function()
- it('if <esc> is mapped after <c-[>', function()
- command('inoremap <c-[> HALLOJ!')
- command('inoremap <esc> ,<esc>')
- feed('2adubbel<c-[>upp<esc>')
- eq('dubbelHALLOJ!upp,dubbelHALLOJ!upp,', curbuf_contents())
- end)
- it('if <esc> is mapped before <c-[>', function()
- command('inoremap <esc> ,<esc>')
- command('inoremap <c-[> HALLOJ!')
- feed('2adubbel<c-[>upp<esc>')
- eq('dubbelHALLOJ!upp,dubbelHALLOJ!upp,', curbuf_contents())
- end)
- end)
- end)
- end)
- it('Ctrl-6 is Ctrl-^ vim-patch:8.1.2333', function()
- command('split aaa')
- command('edit bbb')
- feed('<C-6>')
- eq('aaa', fn.bufname())
- end)
- it('c_CTRL-R_CTRL-R, i_CTRL-R_CTRL-R, i_CTRL-G_CTRL-K work properly vim-patch:8.1.2346', function()
- command('set timeoutlen=10')
- command([[let @a = 'aaa']])
- feed([[:let x = '<C-R><C-R>a'<CR>]])
- eq([[let x = 'aaa']], eval('@:'))
- feed('a<C-R><C-R>a<Esc>')
- expect('aaa')
- command('bwipe!')
- feed('axx<CR>yy<C-G><C-K>a<Esc>')
- expect([[
- axx
- yy]])
- end)
- it('typing a simplifiable key at hit-enter prompt triggers mapping vim-patch:8.2.0839', function()
- local screen = Screen.new(60, 8)
- command([[nnoremap <C-6> <Cmd>echo 'hit ctrl-6'<CR>]])
- feed_command('ls')
- screen:expect([[
- |
- {1:~ }|*3
- {3: }|
- :ls |
- 1 %a "[No Name]" line 1 |
- {6:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ |
- ]])
- feed('<C-6>')
- screen:expect([[
- ^ |
- {1:~ }|*6
- hit ctrl-6 |
- ]])
- end)
- it('mixing simplified and unsimplified keys can trigger mapping vim-patch:8.2.0916', function()
- command('set timeoutlen=10')
- command([[imap ' <C-W>]])
- command('imap <C-W><C-A> c-a')
- feed([[a'<C-A>]])
- expect('c-a')
- end)
- it('unsimplified mapping works when there was a partial match vim-patch:8.2.4504', function()
- command('set timeoutlen=10')
- command('nnoremap <C-J> a')
- command('nnoremap <NL> x')
- command('nnoremap <C-J>x <Nop>')
- fn.setline(1, 'x')
- -- CTRL-J b should have trigger the <C-J> mapping and then insert "b"
- feed('<C-J>b<Esc>')
- expect('xb')
- end)
- describe('input non-printable chars', function()
- after_each(function()
- os.remove('Xtest-overwrite')
- end)
- it("doesn't crash when echoing them back", function()
- write_file('Xtest-overwrite', [[foobar]])
- local screen = Screen.new(60, 8)
- command('set shortmess-=F')
- feed_command('e Xtest-overwrite')
- screen:expect([[
- ^foobar |
- {1:~ }|*6
- "Xtest-overwrite" [noeol] 1L, 6B |
- ]])
- -- Wait for some time so that the timestamp changes.
- vim.uv.sleep(10)
- write_file('Xtest-overwrite', [[smurf]])
- feed_command('w')
- screen:expect([[
- foobar |
- {1:~ }|*3
- {3: }|
- "Xtest-overwrite" |
- {9:WARNING: The file has been changed since reading it!!!} |
- {6:Do you really want to write to it (y/n)?}^ |
- ]])
- feed('u')
- screen:expect([[
- foobar |
- {1:~ }|*2
- {3: }|
- "Xtest-overwrite" |
- {9:WARNING: The file has been changed since reading it!!!} |
- {6:Do you really want to write to it (y/n)?}u |
- {6:Do you really want to write to it (y/n)?}^ |
- ]])
- feed('\005')
- screen:expect([[
- foobar |
- {1:~ }|
- {3: }|
- "Xtest-overwrite" |
- {9:WARNING: The file has been changed since reading it!!!} |
- {6:Do you really want to write to it (y/n)?}u |
- {6:Do you really want to write to it (y/n)?}{18:^E} |
- {6:Do you really want to write to it (y/n)?}^ |
- ]])
- feed('n')
- screen:expect([[
- foobar |
- {3: }|
- "Xtest-overwrite" |
- {9:WARNING: The file has been changed since reading it!!!} |
- {6:Do you really want to write to it (y/n)?}u |
- {6:Do you really want to write to it (y/n)?}{18:^E} |
- {6:Do you really want to write to it (y/n)?}n |
- {6:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ |
- ]])
- feed('<cr>')
- screen:expect([[
- ^foobar |
- {1:~ }|*6
- |
- ]])
- end)
- end)
- describe('event processing and input', function()
- it('not blocked by event bursts', function()
- api.nvim_set_keymap(
- '',
- '<f2>',
- "<cmd>lua vim.rpcnotify(1, 'stop') winning = true <cr>",
- { noremap = true }
- )
- exec_lua [[
- winning = false
- burst = vim.schedule_wrap(function(tell)
- if tell then
- vim.rpcnotify(1, 'start')
- end
- -- Are we winning, son?
- if not winning then
- burst(false)
- end
- end)
- burst(true)
- ]]
- eq({ 'notification', 'start', {} }, next_msg())
- feed '<f2>'
- eq({ 'notification', 'stop', {} }, next_msg())
- end)
- end)
- describe('display is updated', function()
- local screen
- before_each(function()
- screen = Screen.new(60, 8)
- end)
- it('in Insert mode after <Nop> mapping #17911', function()
- command('imap <Plug>test <Nop>')
- command('imap <F2> abc<CR><Plug>test')
- feed('i<F2>')
- screen:expect([[
- abc |
- ^ |
- {1:~ }|*5
- {5:-- INSERT --} |
- ]])
- end)
- it('in Insert mode after empty string <expr> mapping #17911', function()
- command('imap <expr> <Plug>test ""')
- command('imap <F2> abc<CR><Plug>test')
- feed('i<F2>')
- screen:expect([[
- abc |
- ^ |
- {1:~ }|*5
- {5:-- INSERT --} |
- ]])
- end)
- end)