123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # vim:fileencoding=utf-8
- # License: GPL v3 Copyright: 2017, Kovid Goyal <kovid at kovidgoyal.net>
- import json
- import os
- import re
- import subprocess
- import sys
- from enum import Enum
- from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Tuple
- _plat = sys.platform.lower()
- is_linux = 'linux' in _plat
- is_openbsd = 'openbsd' in _plat
- base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
- def null_func() -> None:
- return None
- class CompileKey(NamedTuple):
- src: str
- dest: str
- class Command(NamedTuple):
- desc: str
- cmd: Sequence[str]
- is_newer_func: Callable[[], bool]
- on_success: Callable[[], None] = null_func
- key: Optional[CompileKey] = None
- keyfile: Optional[str] = None
- class ISA(Enum):
- X86 = 0x03
- AMD64 = 0x3e
- ARM64 = 0xb7
- Other = 0x0
- class BinaryArch(NamedTuple):
- bits: int = 64
- isa: ISA = ISA.AMD64
- class CompilerType(Enum):
- gcc = 'gcc'
- clang = 'clang'
- unknown = 'unknown'
- class Env:
- cc: List[str] = []
- cppflags: List[str] = []
- cflags: List[str] = []
- ldflags: List[str] = []
- library_paths: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
- ldpaths: List[str] = []
- ccver: Tuple[int, int]
- vcs_rev: str = ''
- binary_arch: BinaryArch = BinaryArch()
- native_optimizations: bool = False
- primary_version: int = 0
- secondary_version: int = 0
- xt_version: str = ''
- has_copy_file_range: bool = False
- # glfw stuff
- all_headers: List[str] = []
- sources: List[str] = []
- wayland_packagedir: str = ''
- wayland_scanner: str = ''
- wayland_scanner_code: str = ''
- wayland_protocols: Tuple[str, ...] = ()
- def __init__(
- self, cc: List[str] = [], cppflags: List[str] = [], cflags: List[str] = [], ldflags: List[str] = [],
- library_paths: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}, ldpaths: Optional[List[str]] = None, ccver: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0),
- vcs_rev: str = '', binary_arch: BinaryArch = BinaryArch(),
- native_optimizations: bool = False,
- ):
- self.cc, self.cppflags, self.cflags, self.ldflags, self.library_paths = cc, cppflags, cflags, ldflags, library_paths
- self.ldpaths = ldpaths or []
- self.ccver = ccver
- self.vcs_rev = vcs_rev
- self.binary_arch = binary_arch
- self.native_optimizations = native_optimizations
- self._cc_version_string = ''
- self._compiler_type: Optional[CompilerType] = None
- @property
- def cc_version_string(self) -> str:
- if not self._cc_version_string:
- self._cc_version_string = subprocess.check_output(self.cc + ['--version']).decode()
- return self._cc_version_string
- @property
- def compiler_type(self) -> CompilerType:
- if self._compiler_type is None:
- raw = self.cc_version_string
- if 'Free Software Foundation' in raw:
- self._compiler_type = CompilerType.gcc
- elif 'clang' in raw.lower().split():
- self._compiler_type = CompilerType.clang
- else:
- self._compiler_type = CompilerType.unknown
- return self._compiler_type
- def copy(self) -> 'Env':
- ans = Env(self.cc, list(self.cppflags), list(self.cflags), list(self.ldflags), dict(self.library_paths), list(self.ldpaths), self.ccver)
- ans.all_headers = list(self.all_headers)
- ans._cc_version_string = self._cc_version_string
- ans.sources = list(self.sources)
- ans.wayland_packagedir = self.wayland_packagedir
- ans.wayland_scanner = self.wayland_scanner
- ans.wayland_scanner_code = self.wayland_scanner_code
- ans.wayland_protocols = self.wayland_protocols
- ans.vcs_rev = self.vcs_rev
- ans.binary_arch = self.binary_arch
- ans.native_optimizations = self.native_optimizations
- ans.primary_version = self.primary_version
- ans.secondary_version = self.secondary_version
- ans.xt_version = self.xt_version
- ans.has_copy_file_range = self.has_copy_file_range
- return ans
- def wayland_protocol_file_name(base: str, ext: str = 'c') -> str:
- base = os.path.basename(base).rpartition('.')[0]
- return f'wayland-{base}-client-protocol.{ext}'
- def init_env(
- env: Env,
- pkg_config: Callable[..., List[str]],
- pkg_version: Callable[[str], Tuple[int, int]],
- at_least_version: Callable[..., None],
- test_compile: Callable[..., Any],
- module: str = 'x11'
- ) -> Env:
- ans = env.copy()
- ans.cflags.append('-fPIC')
- ans.cppflags.append(f'-D_GLFW_{module.upper()}')
- ans.cppflags.append('-D_GLFW_BUILD_DLL')
- with open(os.path.join(base, 'source-info.json')) as f:
- sinfo = json.load(f)
- module_sources = list(sinfo[module]['sources'])
- if module in ('x11', 'wayland'):
- remove = 'null_joystick.c' if is_linux else 'linux_joystick.c'
- module_sources.remove(remove)
- ans.sources = sinfo['common']['sources'] + module_sources
- ans.all_headers = [x for x in os.listdir(base) if x.endswith('.h')]
- if module in ('x11', 'wayland'):
- ans.cflags.append('-pthread')
- ans.ldpaths.extend('-pthread -lm'.split())
- if not is_openbsd:
- ans.ldpaths.extend('-lrt -ldl'.split())
- major, minor = pkg_version('xkbcommon')
- if (major, minor) < (0, 5):
- raise SystemExit('libxkbcommon >= 0.5 required')
- if major < 1:
- ans.cflags.append('-DXKB_HAS_NO_UTF32')
- if module == 'x11':
- for dep in 'x11 xrandr xinerama xcursor xkbcommon xkbcommon-x11 x11-xcb dbus-1'.split():
- ans.cflags.extend(pkg_config(dep, '--cflags-only-I'))
- ans.ldpaths.extend(pkg_config(dep, '--libs'))
- elif module == 'cocoa':
- ans.cppflags.append('-DGL_SILENCE_DEPRECATION')
- for f_ in 'Cocoa IOKit CoreFoundation CoreVideo UniformTypeIdentifiers'.split():
- ans.ldpaths.extend(('-framework', f_))
- elif module == 'wayland':
- at_least_version('wayland-protocols', *sinfo['wayland_protocols'])
- ans.wayland_packagedir = os.path.abspath(pkg_config('wayland-protocols', '--variable=pkgdatadir')[0])
- ans.wayland_scanner = os.path.abspath(pkg_config('wayland-scanner', '--variable=wayland_scanner')[0])
- scanner_version = tuple(map(int, pkg_config('wayland-scanner', '--modversion')[0].strip().split('.')))
- ans.wayland_scanner_code = 'private-code' if scanner_version >= (1, 14, 91) else 'code'
- ans.wayland_protocols = tuple(sinfo[module]['protocols'])
- for p in ans.wayland_protocols:
- ans.sources.append(wayland_protocol_file_name(p))
- ans.all_headers.append(wayland_protocol_file_name(p, 'h'))
- for dep in 'wayland-client wayland-cursor xkbcommon dbus-1'.split():
- ans.cflags.extend(pkg_config(dep, '--cflags-only-I'))
- ans.ldpaths.extend(pkg_config(dep, '--libs'))
- has_memfd_create = test_compile(env.cc, '-Werror', src='''#define _GNU_SOURCE
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <sys/syscall.h>
- int main(void) {
- return syscall(__NR_memfd_create, "test", 0);
- }''')
- if has_memfd_create:
- ans.cppflags.append('-DHAS_MEMFD_CREATE')
- return ans
- def build_wayland_protocols(
- env: Env,
- parallel_run: Callable[[List[Command]], None],
- emphasis: Callable[[str], str],
- newer: Callable[..., bool],
- dest_dir: str
- ) -> None:
- items = []
- for protocol in env.wayland_protocols:
- if '/' in protocol:
- src = os.path.join(env.wayland_packagedir, protocol)
- if not os.path.exists(src):
- raise SystemExit(f'The wayland-protocols package on your system is missing the {protocol} protocol definition file')
- else:
- src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), protocol)
- if not os.path.exists(src):
- raise SystemExit(f'The local Wayland protocol {protocol} is missing from kitty sources')
- for ext in 'hc':
- dest = wayland_protocol_file_name(src, ext)
- dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, dest)
- if newer(dest, src):
- q = 'client-header' if ext == 'h' else env.wayland_scanner_code
- items.append(Command(
- f'Generating {emphasis(os.path.basename(dest))} ...',
- [env.wayland_scanner, q, src, dest], lambda: True))
- if items:
- parallel_run(items)
- class Arg:
- def __init__(self, decl: str):
- self.type, self.name = decl.rsplit(' ', 1)
- self.type = self.type.strip()
- self.name = self.name.strip()
- while self.name.startswith('*'):
- self.name = self.name[1:]
- self.type = self.type + '*'
- if '[' in self.name:
- self.type += '[' + self.name.partition('[')[-1]
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- return f'Arg({self.type}, {self.name})'
- class Function:
- def __init__(self, declaration: str, check_fail: bool = True):
- self.check_fail = check_fail
- m = re.match(
- r'(.+?)\s+(glfw[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+)[(](.+)[)]$', declaration
- )
- if m is None:
- raise SystemExit('Failed to parse ' + repr(declaration))
- self.restype = m.group(1).strip()
- self.name = m.group(2)
- args = m.group(3).strip().split(',')
- args = [x.strip() for x in args]
- self.args = []
- for a in args:
- if a == 'void':
- continue
- self.args.append(Arg(a))
- if not self.args:
- self.args = [Arg('void v')]
- def declaration(self) -> str:
- return 'typedef {restype} (*{name}_func)({args});\nGFW_EXTERN {name}_func {name}_impl;\n#define {name} {name}_impl'.format(
- restype=self.restype,
- name=self.name,
- args=', '.join(a.type for a in self.args)
- )
- def load(self) -> str:
- ans = f'*(void **) (&{self.name}_impl) = dlsym(handle, "{self.name}");'
- ans += f'\n if ({self.name}_impl == NULL) '
- if self.check_fail:
- ans += f'fail("Failed to load glfw function {self.name} with error: %s", dlerror());'
- else:
- ans += 'dlerror(); // clear error indicator'
- return ans
- def generate_wrappers(glfw_header: str) -> None:
- with open(glfw_header) as f:
- src = f.read()
- functions = []
- first = None
- for m in re.finditer(r'^GLFWAPI\s+(.+[)]);\s*$', src, flags=re.MULTILINE):
- if first is None:
- first = m.start()
- decl = m.group(1)
- if 'VkInstance' in decl:
- continue
- functions.append(Function(decl))
- for line in '''\
- void* glfwGetCocoaWindow(GLFWwindow* window)
- void* glfwGetNSGLContext(GLFWwindow *window)
- uint32_t glfwGetCocoaMonitor(GLFWmonitor* monitor)
- GLFWcocoatextinputfilterfun glfwSetCocoaTextInputFilter(GLFWwindow* window, GLFWcocoatextinputfilterfun callback)
- GLFWhandleurlopen glfwSetCocoaURLOpenCallback(GLFWhandleurlopen callback)
- GLFWcocoatogglefullscreenfun glfwSetCocoaToggleFullscreenIntercept(GLFWwindow *window, GLFWcocoatogglefullscreenfun callback)
- GLFWapplicationshouldhandlereopenfun glfwSetApplicationShouldHandleReopen(GLFWapplicationshouldhandlereopenfun callback)
- GLFWapplicationwillfinishlaunchingfun glfwSetApplicationWillFinishLaunching(GLFWapplicationwillfinishlaunchingfun callback)
- uint32_t glfwGetCocoaKeyEquivalent(uint32_t glfw_key, int glfw_mods, int* cocoa_mods)
- void glfwCocoaRequestRenderFrame(GLFWwindow *w, GLFWcocoarenderframefun callback)
- GLFWcocoarenderframefun glfwCocoaSetWindowResizeCallback(GLFWwindow *w, GLFWcocoarenderframefun callback)
- void* glfwGetX11Display(void)
- unsigned long glfwGetX11Window(GLFWwindow* window)
- void glfwSetPrimarySelectionString(GLFWwindow* window, const char* string)
- void glfwCocoaSetWindowChrome(GLFWwindow* window, unsigned int color, bool use_system_color, unsigned int system_color,\
- int background_blur, unsigned int hide_window_decorations, bool show_text_in_titlebar, int color_space, float background_opacity, bool resizable)
- const char* glfwGetPrimarySelectionString(GLFWwindow* window, void)
- int glfwGetNativeKeyForName(const char* key_name, int case_sensitive)
- void glfwRequestWaylandFrameEvent(GLFWwindow *handle, unsigned long long id, GLFWwaylandframecallbackfunc callback)
- void glfwWaylandActivateWindow(GLFWwindow *handle, const char *activation_token)
- const char* glfwWaylandMissingCapabilities(void)
- void glfwWaylandRunWithActivationToken(GLFWwindow *handle, GLFWactivationcallback cb, void *cb_data)
- bool glfwWaylandSetTitlebarColor(GLFWwindow *handle, uint32_t color, bool use_system_color)
- void glfwWaylandRedrawCSDWindowTitle(GLFWwindow *handle)
- void glfwWaylandSetupLayerShellForNextWindow(const GLFWLayerShellConfig *c)
- pid_t glfwWaylandCompositorPID(void)
- unsigned long long glfwDBusUserNotify(const char *app_name, const char* icon, const char *summary, const char *body, \
- const char *action_text, int32_t timeout, int urgency, GLFWDBusnotificationcreatedfun callback, void *data)
- void glfwDBusSetUserNotificationHandler(GLFWDBusnotificationactivatedfun handler)
- int glfwSetX11LaunchCommand(GLFWwindow *handle, char **argv, int argc)
- void glfwSetX11WindowAsDock(int32_t x11_window_id)
- void glfwSetX11WindowStrut(int32_t x11_window_id, uint32_t dimensions[12])
- '''.splitlines():
- if line:
- functions.append(Function(line.strip(), check_fail=False))
- declarations = [f.declaration() for f in functions]
- p = src.find(' * GLFW API tokens')
- p = src.find('*/', p)
- preamble = src[p + 2:first]
- header = '''\
- //
- //
- //
- #pragma once
- #include <stddef.h>
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include "monotonic.h"
- #ifndef GFW_EXTERN
- #define GFW_EXTERN extern
- #endif
- {}
- typedef int (* GLFWcocoatextinputfilterfun)(int,int,unsigned int,unsigned long);
- typedef bool (* GLFWapplicationshouldhandlereopenfun)(int);
- typedef bool (* GLFWhandleurlopen)(const char*);
- typedef void (* GLFWapplicationwillfinishlaunchingfun)(void);
- typedef bool (* GLFWcocoatogglefullscreenfun)(GLFWwindow*);
- typedef void (* GLFWcocoarenderframefun)(GLFWwindow*);
- typedef void (*GLFWwaylandframecallbackfunc)(unsigned long long id);
- typedef void (*GLFWDBusnotificationcreatedfun)(unsigned long long, uint32_t, void*);
- typedef void (*GLFWDBusnotificationactivatedfun)(uint32_t, const char*);
- {}
- const char* load_glfw(const char* path);
- '''.format(preamble, '\n\n'.join(declarations))
- with open('../kitty/glfw-wrapper.h', 'w') as f:
- f.write(header)
- code = '''
- // generated by glfw.py DO NOT edit
- #define GFW_EXTERN
- #include "data-types.h"
- #include "glfw-wrapper.h"
- #include <dlfcn.h>
- static void* handle = NULL;
- #define fail(msg, ...) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), msg, __VA_ARGS__); return buf; }
- const char*
- load_glfw(const char* path) {
- static char buf[2048];
- handle = dlopen(path, RTLD_LAZY);
- if (handle == NULL) fail("Failed to dlopen %s with error: %s", path, dlerror());
- dlerror();
- return NULL;
- }
- void
- unload_glfw(void) {
- if (handle) { dlclose(handle); handle = NULL; }
- }
- '''.replace('LOAD', '\n\n '.join(f.load() for f in functions))
- with open('../kitty/glfw-wrapper.c', 'w') as f:
- f.write(code)
- def main() -> None:
- os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
- generate_wrappers('glfw3.h')
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()