123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332 |
- import os
- import re
- import tempfile
- from base64 import standard_b64encode
- from kitty.notifications import Channel, DesktopIntegration, IconDataCache, NotificationManager, UIState, Urgency
- from . import BaseTest
- def n(
- title='title', body='', urgency=Urgency.Normal, desktop_notification_id=1, icon_names=(), icon_path='',
- application_name='', notification_types=(), timeout=-1, sound='system',
- ):
- return {
- 'title': title, 'body': body, 'urgency': urgency, 'id': desktop_notification_id, 'icon_names': icon_names, 'icon_path': icon_path,
- 'application_name': application_name, 'notification_types': notification_types, 'timeout': timeout, 'sound': sound,
- }
- class DesktopIntegration(DesktopIntegration):
- def initialize(self):
- self.reset()
- def reset(self):
- self.notifications = []
- self.close_events = []
- self.new_version_activated = False
- self.close_succeeds = True
- self.counter = 0
- def query_live_notifications(self, channel_id, client_id):
- ids = [n['id'] for n in self.notifications]
- self.notification_manager.send_live_response(channel_id, client_id, tuple(ids))
- def on_new_version_notification_activation(self, cmd, which) -> None:
- self.new_version_activated = which + 1
- def close_notification(self, desktop_notification_id: int) -> bool:
- self.close_events.append(desktop_notification_id)
- if self.close_succeeds:
- self.notification_manager.notification_closed(desktop_notification_id)
- return self.close_succeeds
- def notify(self, cmd, existing_desktop_notification_id) -> int:
- if existing_desktop_notification_id:
- did = existing_desktop_notification_id
- else:
- self.counter += 1
- did = self.counter
- title, body, urgency = cmd.title, cmd.body, (Urgency.Normal if cmd.urgency is None else cmd.urgency)
- ans = n(title, body, urgency, did, cmd.icon_names, os.path.basename(cmd.icon_path), cmd.application_name,
- cmd.notification_types, timeout=cmd.timeout, sound=cmd.sound_name)
- self.notifications.append(ans)
- return self.counter
- class Channel(Channel):
- focused = visible = True
- def __init__(self, *a):
- super().__init__(*a)
- self.reset()
- def reset(self):
- self.responses = []
- self.focus_events = []
- def ui_state(self, channel_id):
- return UIState(self.focused, self.visible)
- def focus(self, channel_id: int, activation_token: str) -> None:
- self.focus_events.append(activation_token)
- def send(self, channel_id: int, osc_escape_code: str) -> bool:
- self.responses.append(osc_escape_code)
- class NotificationManager(NotificationManager):
- @property
- def filter_rules(self):
- yield from ('title:filterme',)
- def do_test(self: 'TestNotifications', tdir: str) -> None:
- di = DesktopIntegration(None)
- ch = Channel()
- nm = NotificationManager(di, ch, lambda *a, **kw: None, base_cache_dir=tdir)
- di.notification_manager = nm
- def reset():
- di.reset()
- ch.reset()
- nm.reset()
- def h(raw_data, osc_code=99, channel_id=1):
- nm.handle_notification_cmd(channel_id, osc_code, raw_data)
- def activate(which=0, button=0):
- n = di.notifications[which]
- nm.notification_activated(n['id'], button)
- def close(which=0):
- n = di.notifications[which]
- di.close_notification(n['id'])
- def assert_events(focus=True, close=0, report='', close_response='', live=''):
- self.ae(ch.focus_events, [''] if focus else [])
- if report:
- self.assertIn(f'99;i={report};', ch.responses)
- else:
- for r in ch.responses:
- m = re.match(r'99;i=[a-z0-9]+;', r)
- self.assertIsNone(m, f'Unexpectedly found report response: {r}')
- if close_response:
- self.assertIn(f'99;i={close_response}:p=close;', ch.responses)
- else:
- for r in ch.responses:
- m = re.match(r'99;i=[a-z0-9]+:p=close;', r)
- self.assertIsNone(m, f'Unexpectedly found close response: {r}')
- if live:
- self.assertIn(f'99;i=live:p=alive;{live}', ch.responses)
- else:
- for r in ch.responses:
- m = re.match(r'99;i=[a-z0-9]+:p=alive;', r)
- self.assertIsNone(m, f'Unexpectedly found alive response: {r}')
- self.ae(di.close_events, [close] if close else [])
- h('test it', osc_code=9)
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n(title='test it')])
- activate()
- assert_events()
- reset()
- h('d=0:u=2:i=x;title')
- h('d=1:i=x:p=body;body')
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n(body='body', urgency=Urgency.Critical)])
- activate()
- assert_events()
- reset()
- h('i=x:p=body:a=-focus;body')
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n(title='body')])
- activate()
- assert_events(focus=False)
- reset()
- nm.send_new_version_notification('moose')
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n('kitty update available!', 'kitty version moose released')])
- activate()
- self.assertTrue(di.new_version_activated)
- reset()
- h('i=x:e=1;' + standard_b64encode(b'title').decode('ascii'))
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n()])
- activate()
- assert_events()
- reset()
- h('e=1;' + standard_b64encode(b'title').decode('ascii'))
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n()])
- activate()
- assert_events()
- reset()
- h('d=0:i=x:a=-report;title')
- h('d=1:i=x:a=report;body')
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n(title='titlebody')])
- activate()
- assert_events(report='x')
- reset()
- h('a=report;title')
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n()])
- activate()
- assert_events(report='0')
- reset()
- h('d=0:i=y;title')
- h('d=1:i=y:p=xxx;title')
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n()])
- reset()
- h(';title')
- h(';filterme please')
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n()])
- reset()
- h('i=c;title')
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n()])
- close()
- assert_events(focus=False, close=True)
- reset()
- h('i=c:c=1;title')
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n()])
- h('i=c:p=close')
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n()])
- assert_events(focus=False, close=True, close_response='c')
- reset()
- h('i=c:c=1;title')
- h('i=c:p=close')
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n()])
- assert_events(focus=False, close=True, close_response='c')
- reset()
- h('i=c;title')
- activate()
- close()
- h('i=c:p=close')
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n()])
- assert_events(focus=True, close=True)
- reset()
- h('i=c:a=report:c=1;title')
- activate()
- h('i=c:p=close')
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n()])
- assert_events(focus=True, report='c', close=True, close_response='c')
- reset()
- h('i=a[;title')
- h('i=b;title')
- h('i=live:p=alive;')
- assert_events(focus=False, live='a,b')
- reset()
- h(';title')
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n()])
- activate()
- assert_events()
- reset()
- def enc(x):
- return standard_b64encode(x.encode()).decode()
- h(f's={enc("silent")};title')
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n(sound='silent')])
- h(f's={enc("custom")};title')
- self.ae(di.notifications[-1], n(desktop_notification_id=2, sound='custom'))
- reset()
- h('i=xyz:p=?')
- self.assertFalse(di.notifications)
- qr = 'a=focus,report:o=always,unfocused,invisible:u=0,1,2:p=title,body,?,close,icon,alive,buttons:c=1:w=1:s=system,silent,error,info,question,warn,warning'
- self.ae(ch.responses, [f'99;i=xyz:p=?;{qr}'])
- reset()
- h('p=?')
- self.assertFalse(di.notifications)
- self.ae(ch.responses, [f'99;i=0:p=?;{qr}'])
- for padding in (True, False):
- for extra in ('a', 'ab', 'abc', 'abcd'):
- text = 'some reasonably long text to test MIME streaming with: '
- encoded = standard_b64encode(text.encode()).decode()
- if not padding:
- encoded = encoded.rstrip('=')
- for t in encoded:
- h(f'i=s:e=1:d=0;{t}')
- h(f'i=s:e=1:d=0:p=body;{encoded[:13]}')
- h(f'i=s:e=1:d=0:p=body;{encoded[13:]}')
- h('i=s')
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n(text, text)])
- reset()
- def e(x):
- return standard_b64encode(x.encode()).decode()
- h(f'i=t:d=0:f={e("app")}:t={e("1")};title')
- h(f'i=t:t={e("test")}')
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n(application_name='app', notification_types=('1', 'test',))])
- reset()
- h('w=3;title')
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n(timeout=3)])
- reset()
- dc = IconDataCache(base_cache_dir=tdir, max_cache_size=4)
- cache_dir = dc._ensure_state()
- for i in range(5):
- dc.add_icon(str(i), str(i).encode())
- self.ae(set(dc.keys()), set(map(str, range(1, 5))))
- del dc
- self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(cache_dir))
- def send_with_icon(data='', n='', g=''):
- m = ''
- if n:
- for x in n.split(','):
- m += f'n={standard_b64encode(x.encode()).decode()}:'
- if g:
- m += f'g=({g}:'
- h(f'i=9:d=0:{m};title')
- h(f'i=9:p=icon;{data}')
- dc = nm.icon_data_cache
- send_with_icon(n='mycon,ic2')
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n(icon_names=('mycon', 'ic2'))])
- reset()
- send_with_icon(g='gid')
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n()])
- reset()
- send_with_icon(g='gid', data='1')
- self.ae(di.notifications, [n(icon_path=dc.hash(b'1'))])
- send_with_icon(g='gid', n='moose')
- self.ae(di.notifications[-1], n(icon_names=('moose',), icon_path=dc.hash(b'1')))
- send_with_icon(g='gid2', data='2')
- self.ae(di.notifications[-1], n(icon_path=dc.hash(b'2')))
- send_with_icon(data='3')
- self.ae(di.notifications[-1], n(icon_path=dc.hash(b'3')))
- reset()
- class TestNotifications(BaseTest):
- def test_desktop_notify(self):
- with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir:
- do_test(self, tdir)