mapinfo.txt 6.2 KB

  1. gameinfo
  2. {
  3. playerclasses = "RefineryPlayer"
  4. AddEventHandlers = "NashGoreHandler"
  5. dimcolor = "35 3C 23"
  6. dimamount = "0.7"
  7. defaultdropstyle = "1"
  8. pickupcolor = "FF FF FF"
  9. menufontcolor_title = "OLIVE"
  10. menufontcolor_label = "OLIVE"
  11. menufontcolor_value = "GRAY"
  12. menufontcolor_action = "GRAY"
  13. menufontcolor_header = "OLIVE"
  14. menufontcolor_highlight = "WHITE"
  15. menufontcolor_selection = "WHITE"
  16. drawreadthis = false
  17. fullscreenautoaspect = 3
  18. infopage = "CREDIT"
  19. addinfopage = "HELP"
  20. borderflat = "AUTOPAGE"
  21. statscreen_single = "RefStatusScreen"
  22. EventHandlers="EnhWaterHandler", "MBlurShaderHandler", "CustomShaderHandler"
  23. }
  24. clearepisodes
  25. clearskills
  26. defaultmap
  27. {
  28. smoothlighting
  29. evenlighting
  30. ResetInventory
  31. }
  32. episode Z2M3
  33. {
  34. name = "The Refinery"
  35. noskillmenu
  36. }
  37. map Z2M3 "The Refinery"
  38. {
  39. next = "Z2M3"
  40. secretnext = "EndGameC"
  41. clipmidtextures
  42. resetinventory
  43. sky1 = "BLACK"
  44. }
  45. map TITLEMAP "Introduction"
  46. {
  47. music = "D_INTER"
  48. }
  49. skill first
  50. {
  51. name = "Betatest this first!"
  52. SpawnFilter = "1"
  53. textcolor = "black"
  54. Key = "1"
  55. DefaultSkill
  56. }
  57. skill second
  58. {
  59. name = "Betatest this later!"
  60. textcolor = "black"
  61. SpawnFilter = "2"
  62. Key = "2"
  63. }
  64. skill third
  65. {
  66. name = "Betatest this last!"
  67. textcolor = "black"
  68. SpawnFilter = "3"
  69. Key = "3"
  70. }
  71. ////////////////////////////
  73. ////////////////////////////
  74. doomednums
  75. {
  76. 301 = EmberSpawner_Horizontal
  77. 305 = ExplosionSpawner
  78. 309 = StarParticle_Spawner
  79. 667 = Tentacle1
  80. 668 = Tentacle2
  81. 3126 = Shadow
  82. 3204 = XimRocketGuy
  83. 10000 = FireSpawner //needs to be replaced
  84. 10077 = D3Wraith
  85. 10445 = SMGGuy
  86. 12001 = SteamSpawner_White //needs to be replaced
  87. 12002 = SteamSpawner_DarkGreen //needs to be replaced
  88. 12380 = ScurryRat //needs to be replaced
  89. 12381 = RatSpawner //needs to be replaced
  90. 14000 = Fleshspawn
  91. 20121 = WatersplashSpawner //needs to be replaced
  92. 20501 = Blot
  93. 20502 = Trite
  94. 24559 = HectebusClone
  95. 24560 = ZombieFodder
  96. 24561 = QuakeFodder
  97. 24562 = ZombieFodderWandering
  98. 24563 = QuakeFodderWandering
  99. 25555 = TimeFreezeSphereST
  100. 25556 = TimeBonus
  101. 30131 = Nightshade
  102. 30354 = DeimosRock1
  103. 30355 = DeimosRock2
  104. 30356 = DeimosRockSmall
  105. 30357 = CaveStalagmiteFloor
  106. 30358 = CaveStalagmiteCeiling1
  107. 30359 = CaveStalagmiteCeiling2
  108. 31000 = BlackObelisk
  109. 31001 = BlackObeliskNoBase
  110. 31002 = BlackObeliskFloat
  111. 31011 = WhiteSparkSpawner
  112. 31012 = RedSparkSpawner
  113. 31013 = OrangeSparkSpawner
  114. 31014 = YellowSparkSpawner
  115. 31015 = GreenSparkSpawner
  116. 31016 = BlueSparkSpawner
  117. 31018 = PurpleSparkSpawner
  118. 31100 = FogCloud_Generator //needs to be replaced
  119. 31102 = LightRay_Regular
  120. 31103 = LightRay_Wallsprite
  121. 31105 = LightRay2_Regular
  122. 31106 = LightRay2_Wallsprite
  123. 31726 = Vore
  124. 32029 = HeatEffectGiver
  125. 32030 = DarkSmokeSpawner
  126. 32123 = Hangman
  127. 32124 = ASGGuy
  128. 32129 = QuadShotgunZombie
  129. 32183 = Aracnorb
  130. 32198 = RepeaterZombie
  131. 32617 = Swarm
  132. 32618 = UACBattleRifle
  133. }
  134. ////////////////////////////////
  135. //////// CAST CALL /////////////
  136. ////////////////////////////////
  137. Intermission Inter_Cast
  138. {
  139. Image
  140. {
  141. // This is only here to initialize the background and the music
  142. Background = "bossback"
  143. Time = -1
  144. Music = "zcredit"
  145. }
  146. Link = RefineryCast
  147. }
  148. Intermission RefineryCast
  149. {
  150. Cast
  151. {
  152. CastClass = "Zombieman"
  153. CastName = "$CC_ZOMBIE"
  154. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "grunt/attack"
  155. }
  156. Cast
  157. {
  158. CastClass = "ShotgunGuy"
  159. CastName = "$CC_SHOTGUN"
  160. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "shotguy/attack"
  161. }
  162. Cast
  163. {
  164. CastClass = "ASGGuy_CastCall"
  165. CastName = "Auto Shotgun Guy"
  166. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "asgguy/asgfir"
  167. }
  168. Cast
  169. {
  170. CastClass = "SMGGuy"
  171. CastName = "Submachine Gun Guy"
  172. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "weapons/smg"
  173. }
  174. Cast
  175. {
  176. CastClass = "QuadShotgunZombie_CastCall"
  177. CastName = "Quad Shotgun Guy"
  178. AttackSound = "Missile", 2, "QuadShotgunZombie/QuadFire"
  179. }
  180. Cast
  181. {
  182. CastClass = "XimRocketGuy"
  183. CastName = "Rocket Guy"
  184. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "weapons/rocklf"
  185. }
  186. Cast
  187. {
  188. CastClass = "SonicRailgunZombie"
  189. CastName = "Sonic Railgun Guy"
  190. AttackSound = "Missile", 4, "SRailgunZombie/Fire"
  191. }
  192. Cast
  193. {
  194. CastClass = "Trite"
  195. CastName = "Trite"
  196. AttackSound = "Melee", 1, "impspid/atack"
  197. }
  198. Cast
  199. {
  200. CastClass = "ZombieFodder"
  201. CastName = "Zombie Fodder"
  202. AttackSound = "Melee", 2, "ZombieFodder/Melee"
  203. }
  204. Cast
  205. {
  206. CastClass = "DoomImp"
  207. CastName = "$CC_IMP"
  208. AttackSound = "Missile", 2, "imp/attack"
  209. }
  210. Cast
  211. {
  212. CastClass = "Shadow"
  213. CastName = "Shadow"
  214. AttackSound = "Missile", 2, "Shadow/attack"
  215. }
  216. Cast
  217. {
  218. CastClass = "Nightshade"
  219. CastName = "Nightshade"
  220. AttackSound = "Missile", 2, "Monster/nshatk"
  221. }
  222. Cast
  223. {
  224. CastClass = "D3Wraith"
  225. CastName = "Wraith"
  226. AttackSound = "Melee", 2, "Imp/Melee"
  227. }
  228. Cast
  229. {
  230. CastClass = "Hangman"
  231. CastName = "Hangman"
  232. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "hanger/attack"
  233. }
  234. Cast
  235. {
  236. CastClass = "Swarm_CastCall"
  237. CastName = "Swarm"
  238. AttackSound = "Melee", 1, "SwarmFlyAttack"
  239. }
  240. Cast
  241. {
  242. CastClass = "Demon"
  243. CastName = "$CC_DEMON"
  244. AttackSound = "Melee", 1, "demon/melee"
  245. }
  246. Cast
  247. {
  248. CastClass = "Tentacle1"
  249. CastName = "Tentacle"
  250. AttackSound = "Missile1", 1, "imp/attack"
  251. }
  252. Cast
  253. {
  254. CastClass = "Fleshspawn_CastCall"
  255. CastName = "Flesh Spawn"
  256. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "caco/attack"
  257. AttackSound = "Charge", 1, "flesh/melee"
  258. }
  259. Cast
  260. {
  261. CastClass = "LostSoul"
  262. CastName = "$CC_LOST"
  263. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "skull/melee"
  264. }
  265. Cast
  266. {
  267. CastClass = "Cacodemon"
  268. CastName = "$CC_CACO"
  269. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "caco/attack"
  270. }
  271. Cast
  272. {
  273. CastClass = "Vore"
  274. CastName = "Vore"
  275. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "Vore/Throw"
  276. }
  277. Cast
  278. {
  279. CastClass = "HectebusClone_CastCall"
  280. CastName = "Hectebus"
  281. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "Imp/Attack"
  282. }
  283. Cast
  284. {
  285. CastClass = "BaronOfHell"
  286. CastName = "$CC_BARON"
  287. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "baron/attack"
  288. }
  289. Cast
  290. {
  291. CastClass = "Aracnorb_CastCall"
  292. CastName = "Aracnorb"
  293. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "baby/attack"
  294. AttackSound = "Melee", 1, "aracnorb/melee"
  295. }
  296. Cast
  297. {
  298. CastClass = "AracnorbQueen_CastCall"
  299. CastName = "Aracnorb Queen"
  300. AttackSound = "RapidFire", 1, "electricplasma/shoot"
  301. AttackSound = "Melee", 1, "queen/melee"
  302. AttackSound = "BFG", 1, "queen/fire"
  303. }
  304. Cast
  305. {
  306. CastClass = "DoomPlayer"
  307. CastName = "$CC_HERO"
  308. AttackSound = "Missile", 0, "weapons/sshotf"
  309. }
  310. Link = RefineryCast // restart cast call
  311. }