language.enu 5.7 KB

  1. [enu default]
  2. //Menues
  3. OPTMNU_TNT = "Torment & Torture Options";
  4. MN_OPBLUR = "Motion Blur";
  5. MN_OPDIST = "Rendering Distance";
  6. MN_OPFAR1 = "Far";
  7. MN_OPFAR2 = "Very Far";
  8. MN_OPHEAT = "Heat Effect";
  9. MN_OPNEAR = "Near";
  10. MN_OPNONE = "None";
  11. MN_OPNORM = "Normal";
  12. MN_OPUTNT = "Configure these options to control bindings, weather and new effects.";
  13. SECRETMESSAGE = "\cUYou have found a \cCsecret\cU!";
  14. //Maps
  15. TUTNTMAPLE = "The Fury of Fire";
  16. //Keys
  17. PD_BLUECO = "\cCYou need a \cHblue keycard\cC to activate this object.";
  18. PD_REDCO = "\cCYou need a \cRred keycard\cC to activate this object.";
  19. PD_YELLOWCO = "\cCYou need a \cFyellow keycard\cC to activate this object.";
  20. PD_BLUESO = "\cCYou need a \cHblue skull\cC to activate this object.";
  21. PD_REDSO = "\cCYou need a \cRred skull\cC to activate this object.";
  22. PD_YELLOWSO = "\cCYou need a \cFyellow skull\cC to activate this object.";
  23. PD_BLUEC = "\cCYou need a \cHblue keycard\cC to open this door.";
  24. PD_REDC = "\cCYou need a \cRred keycard\cC to open this door.";
  25. PD_YELLOWC = "\cCYou need a \cFyellow keycard\cC to open this door.";
  26. PD_BLUES = "\cCYou need a \cHblue skull\cC to open this door.";
  27. PD_REDS = "\cCYou need a \cRred skull\cC to open this door.";
  28. PD_YELLOWS = "\cCYou need a \cFyellow skull\cC to open this door.";
  29. GOTREDCARD = "Picked up a red keycard.";
  30. GOTYELWCARD = "Picked up a yellow keycard.";
  31. GOTBLUECARD = "Picked up a blue keycard.";
  32. GOTBLUESKUL = "Picked up a blue skull key.";
  33. GOTYELWSKUL = "Picked up a yellow skull key.";
  34. GOTREDSKUL = "Picked up a red skull key.";
  35. //Obituaries
  36. HB_AFRT = "%o found the Afrit too hot to handle.";
  37. HB_BATF = "%o was scratched by a Bat familiar.";
  38. HB_BDEM = "%o was chewed up and spat out by a Blood Demon.";
  39. HB_BELF = "The last thing %o saw was the Belphegor's abs."
  40. HB_DIMP = "%o was touched by a Dark Imp.";
  41. HB_ECAC = "%o was mowed down by an Enhanced Cacodemon.";
  42. HB_HARV = "%o was electrocuted by the Soul Harvester.";
  43. HB_HELW = "%o was torn apart by a Hell Warrior.";
  44. HB_IMWA = "%o was beaten to death by an Imp Warlord.";
  45. HB_LANT = "%o admired the Cacolantern's teeth.";
  46. HB_SIMP = "%o was shredded by a Snake Imp.";
  47. HB_VOID = "%o was touched by a Void Imp.";
  48. OB_AFRT = "%o was scorched by an Afrit.";
  49. OB_BELF = "%o was incinerated by a Belphegor.";
  50. OB_CHZO = "%o was sliced by a Madman Zombie with a chainsaw!";
  51. OB_CYST = "%o was destroyed by a Cyber Mastermind.";
  52. OB_DIMP = "%o was cursed by a Dark Imp.";
  53. OB_DRAG = "%o was cooked by a Dragon familiar.";
  54. OB_ECAC = "%o was made into a snack by the Enhanced Cacodemon.";
  55. OB_HARV = "%o couldn't evade the Soul Harvester's attack.";
  56. OB_HELG = "%o was fried by a Hell Guard.";
  57. OB_HELW = "%o was tagged by the Hell Warrior's fireball.";
  58. OB_IMWA = "%o couldn't run from the Imp Warlord's fireball.";
  59. OB_LANT = "%o couldn't take %h eyes off the eye.";
  60. OB_LORD = "%o was annihilated by the Heresy Lord.";
  61. OB_PHYT = "%o was perforated by an Arachnophyte.";
  62. OB_PLZO = "%o got burned by a Plasma Zombie.";
  63. OB_RFTR = "%o was surprised by the Zombie's weaponry.";
  64. OB_RIMP = "%o was smashed by a Stone Imp.";
  65. OB_SATY = "%o was mauled by a Satyr.";
  66. OB_SHSO = "%o tasted the Shotgun Soldier's buckshot.";
  67. OB_SIMP = "%o tasted the venom of the Snake Imp.";
  68. OB_VOID = "%o was cursed by a Void Imp.";
  69. OB_ZOMA = "%o was killed by a Zombie Marine!";
  70. OB_ZORA = "%o was killed by a Zombie Railgunner!";
  71. OB_ZORO = "%o was splattered by the Zombie's rocket.";
  72. //NashGore
  73. OPTMNU_NASHGORE = "Customize Nash's Gore Mod";
  74. NASHGOREMNU_TITLE = "Nash's Gore Mod Options";
  75. NASHGOREMNU_BLOOD_TITLE = "Blood Options";
  76. NASHGOREMNU_GIB_TITLE = "Gib Options";
  77. NASHGOREMNU_MISC_TITLE = "Misc Options";
  79. NASHGOREMNU_BLOOD_TYPE = "Blood Type";
  80. NASHGOREMNU_BLOOD_AMOUNT = "Blood Amount";
  81. NASHGOREMNU_BLOOD_SPRITES = "Blood Spot Type";
  82. NASHGOREMNU_BLOOD_SPURTS = "Blood Spurts";
  83. NASHGOREMNU_GIB_TYPE = "Gib Type";
  84. NASHGOREMNU_GIB_AMOUNT = "Gib Amount";
  86. NASHGOREMNU_MISC_MAXGORE = "Max Gore Objects";
  89. NASHGOREMNU_MISC_DEATHFLIP = "Flip Death Sprite";
  90. NASHGOREMNU_MISC_SQUISH = "Squish Effect";
  92. NASHGOREMNU_MISC_SPLAT = "Fall Splat";
  94. // Generic reusable labels
  95. NASHGOREMNU_ENABLED = "Enabled";
  96. NASHGOREMNU_DEFAULT = "Default";
  97. NASHGOREMNU_VANILLA = "Vanilla";
  98. NASHGOREMNU_REALISTIC = "Realistic";
  99. // Specific labels
  101. NASHGOREMNU_GIB_TYPE_NOSTICKYGIBS = "No wall & ceiling gibs";
  104. // Help text
  105. NASHGOREMNU_HELPTEXT_BLOOD_TYPE = "Hitscan blood effect type.";
  106. NASHGOREMNU_HELPTEXT_BLOOD_AMOUNT = "Adjusts amount of blood.";
  107. NASHGOREMNU_HELPTEXT_BLOOD_SPRITES = "Use decals or sprites for blood spots.";
  108. NASHGOREMNU_HELPTEXT_BLOOD_SPURTS = "Enable blood spurts on corpses.";
  109. NASHGOREMNU_HELPTEXT_GIB_TYPE = "Gib effect type.";
  110. NASHGOREMNU_HELPTEXT_GIB_AMOUNT = "Adjusts amount of gibs.";
  111. NASHGOREMNU_HELPTEXT_MISC_MAXGORE = "Maximum number of blood & gore objects to spawn.";
  112. NASHGOREMNU_HELPTEXT_MISC_CORPSEBLOOD = "Enable pool of blood under corpses.";
  113. NASHGOREMNU_HELPTEXT_MISC_FOOTPRINTS = "Enable bloody footprints.";
  114. NASHGOREMNU_HELPTEXT_MISC_DEATHFLIP = "Randomly flip sprite upon death.";
  115. NASHGOREMNU_HELPTEXT_MISC_SQUISH = "Enable squishy flesh when corpse is crushed.";
  116. NASHGOREMNU_HELPTEXT_MISC_ICEDEATH = "Enhanced effects upon breaking a frozen enemy.";
  117. NASHGOREMNU_HELPTEXT_MISC_SPLAT = "Enable splat effect when corpse falls from tall height.";
  118. NASHGOREMNU_HELPTEXT_MISC_CLEARGORENOW = "Removes all gore effects immediately.";
  119. NASHGOREMNU_HELPTEXT_CONTROLS_CLEARGORE = "Key bind to remove all gore objects.";