language.txt 2.7 KB

  1. [enu default]
  2. PD_BLUECO = "\cCYou need a \cHblue keycard\cC to activate this object.";
  3. PD_REDCO = "\cCYou need a \cRred keycard\cC to activate this object.";
  4. PD_YELLOWCO = "\cCYou need a \cFyellow keycard\cC to activate this object.";
  5. PD_BLUESO = "\cCYou need a \cHblue skull\cC to activate this object.";
  6. PD_REDSO = "\cCYou need a \cRred skull\cC to activate this object.";
  7. PD_YELLOWSO = "\cCYou need a \cFyellow skull\cC to activate this object.";
  8. PD_BLUEC = "\cCYou need a \cHblue keycard\cC to open this door.";
  9. PD_REDC = "\cCYou need a \cRred keycard\cC to open this door.";
  10. PD_YELLOWC = "\cCYou need a \cFyellow keycard\cC to open this door.";
  11. PD_BLUES = "\cCYou need a \cHblue skull\cC to open this door.";
  12. PD_REDS = "\cCYou need a \cRred skull\cC to open this door.";
  13. PD_YELLOWS = "\cCYou need a \cFyellow skull\cC to open this door.";
  14. GOTREDCARD = "Picked up a red keycard.";
  15. GOTYELWCARD = "Picked up a yellow keycard.";
  16. GOTBLUECARD = "Picked up a blue keycard.";
  17. GOTBLUESKUL = "Picked up a blue skull key.";
  18. GOTYELWSKUL = "Picked up a yellow skull key.";
  19. GOTREDSKUL = "Picked up a red skull key.";
  20. SECRETMESSAGE = "\cUYou have found a \cCsecret\cU!";
  21. TXT_DOES_NOT_WORK = "\cCThat doesn't seem to work.";
  22. //custom
  23. MN_OPREFI = "Adjust these options to improve performance with new effects.";
  24. MN_OPBLUR = "Motion Blur";
  25. MN_OPDIST = "Rendering Distance";
  26. MN_OPHEAT = "Heat Effect";
  27. MN_OPNONE = "None";
  28. MN_OPNEAR = "Near";
  29. MN_OPNORM = "Normal";
  30. MN_OPFAR1 = "Far";
  31. MN_OPFAR2 = "Very Far";
  32. MN_OPPART = "Stars";
  33. //pickups
  34. PK_BONUS = "TimeBonus! Hell has been thwarted.";
  35. PK_TIME = "Time freeze!";
  36. PK_UACBR = "Picked up the UAC Standard Battle Rifle.";
  37. //obituaries
  38. HB_AGAS = "%o was cut open by an Agaures.";
  39. HB_D3WR = "%o was slashed by a Wraith.";
  40. HB_NORB = "%o had %p skull chewed by an Aracnorb.";
  41. HB_TRIT = "%o was nipped by a Trite.";
  42. OB_AGAS = "%o fell before an Agaures.";
  43. OB_ASGY = "%o got emmenthal'd by an ASG-Guy.";
  44. OB_BLOT = "%o was engulfed by a Blot.";
  45. OB_DAED = "%o was Torched by a Daedabus.";
  46. OB_HANG = "%o was ambushed by a Hangman.";
  47. OB_NORB = "%o suffered psychic trauma from an Aracnorb's brainwaves.";
  48. OB_NSHA = "%o couldn't escape the Nightshade.";
  49. OB_PUST = "%o was popped by a Pustule.";
  50. OB_QSZO = "%o was smeared by a Quad-Shotgun Zombie.";
  51. OB_SHAD = "%o was assassinated by a Shadow.";
  52. OB_SMGG = "%o was shredded by SMG-Zombie.";
  53. OB_SRZO = "%o was sniped by a Zombie with a Sonic Railgun.";
  54. OB_TENT = "%o was snared by a Tentacle.";
  55. OB_UACBR = "%o was anihilated by %k's BattleRifle.";
  56. OB_VORE = "%o couldn't escape a Vore.";
  57. OB_XIMR = "%o was 'sploded by a Xim's rocketlauncher.";
  58. OB_ZOPR = "%o was railed by a ZSpecOps.";
  59. OB_ZOPS = "%o was gunned down by a ZSpecOps.";
  60. OB_ZREP = "%o was vapourized by a Zombie with a Repeater.";