SaphrInter.zc 6.3 KB

  1. //straight from gzdoom.pk3 but with SPITEMX-Y and drawLF/EF values rearranged - ozy81
  2. class SaphStatusScreen : DoomStatusScreen
  3. {
  4. override int drawLF ()
  5. {
  6. bool ispatch = wbs.LName0.isValid();
  7. int oldy = TITLEY+40 * CleanYfac;
  8. int h;
  9. if (!ispatch)
  10. {
  11. let asc = mapname.mFont.GetMaxAscender(lnametexts[1]);
  12. if (asc > TITLEY - 2)
  13. {
  14. oldy = (asc+2) * CleanYfac;
  15. }
  16. }
  17. int y = DrawName(oldy, wbs.LName0, lnametexts[0]);
  18. // If the displayed info is made of patches we need some additional offsetting here.
  19. if (ispatch)
  20. {
  21. int disp = 0;
  22. // The offset getting applied here must at least be as tall as the largest ascender in the following text to avoid overlaps.
  23. if (authortexts[0].length() == 0)
  24. {
  25. int h1 = BigFont.GetHeight() - BigFont.GetDisplacement();
  26. int h2 = (y - oldy) / CleanYfac / 4;
  27. disp = min(h1, h2);
  28. if (!TexMan.OkForLocalization(finishedPatch, "$WI_FINISHED"))
  29. {
  30. disp += finishedp.mFont.GetMaxAscender("$WI_FINISHED");
  31. }
  32. }
  33. else
  34. {
  35. disp += author.mFont.GetMaxAscender(authortexts[0]);
  36. }
  37. y += disp * CleanYfac;
  38. }
  39. y = DrawAuthor(y, authortexts[0]);
  40. // draw "Finished!"
  41. int statsy = multiplayer? NG_STATSY : SP_STATSY * CleanYFac;
  42. if (y < (statsy - finishedp.mFont.GetHeight()*3/4) * CleanYfac)
  43. {
  44. // don't draw 'finished' if the level name is too tall
  45. y = DrawPatchOrText(y, finishedp, finishedPatch, "$WI_FINISHED");
  46. }
  47. return y;
  48. }
  49. override void drawEL ()
  50. {
  51. bool ispatch = TexMan.OkForLocalization(enteringPatch, "$WI_ENTERING");
  52. int oldy = TITLEY+40 * CleanYfac;
  53. if (!ispatch)
  54. {
  55. let asc = entering.mFont.GetMaxAscender("$WI_ENTERING");
  56. if (asc > TITLEY - 2)
  57. {
  58. oldy = (asc+2) * CleanYfac;
  59. }
  60. }
  61. int y = DrawPatchOrText(oldy, entering, enteringPatch, "$WI_ENTERING");
  62. // If the displayed info is made of patches we need some additional offsetting here.
  63. if (ispatch)
  64. {
  65. int h1 = BigFont.GetHeight() - BigFont.GetDisplacement();
  66. let size = TexMan.GetScaledSize(enteringPatch);
  67. int h2 = int(size.Y);
  68. let disp = min(h1, h2) / 4;
  69. // The offset getting applied here must at least be as tall as the largest ascender in the following text to avoid overlaps.
  70. if (!wbs.LName1.isValid())
  71. {
  72. disp += mapname.mFont.GetMaxAscender(lnametexts[1]);
  73. }
  74. y += disp * CleanYfac;
  75. }
  76. y = DrawName(y, wbs.LName1, lnametexts[1]);
  77. if (wbs.LName1.isValid() && authortexts[1].length() > 0)
  78. {
  79. // Consdider the ascender height of the following text.
  80. y += author.mFont.GetMaxAscender(authortexts[1]) * CleanYfac;
  81. }
  82. DrawAuthor(y, authortexts[1]);
  83. }
  84. override void drawStats (void)
  85. {
  86. // line height
  87. int lh = IntermissionFont.GetHeight() * 3 / 2;
  88. drawLF();
  89. // For visual consistency, only use the patches here if all are present.
  90. bool useGfx = TexMan.OkForLocalization(Kills, "$TXT_IMKILLS")
  91. && TexMan.OkForLocalization(Items, "$TXT_IMITEMS")
  92. && TexMan.OkForLocalization(P_secret, "$TXT_IMSECRETS")
  93. && TexMan.OkForLocalization(Timepic, "$TXT_IMTIME")
  94. && (!wbs.partime || TexMan.OkForLocalization(Par, "$TXT_IMPAR"));
  95. // The font color may only be used when the entire screen is printed as text.
  96. // Otherwise the text based parts should not be translated to match the other graphics patches.
  97. let tcolor = useGfx? Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED : content.mColor;
  98. Font printFont;
  99. Font textFont = generic_ui? NewSmallFont : content.mFont;
  100. int statsx = SP_STATSX;
  101. if (useGfx)
  102. {
  103. printFont = IntermissionFont;
  104. screen.DrawTexture (Kills, true, statsx, SP_STATSY+12, DTA_Clean, true);
  105. screen.DrawTexture (Items, true, statsx, SP_STATSY+12+lh, DTA_Clean, true);
  106. screen.DrawTexture (P_secret, true, statsx, SP_STATSY+12+2*lh, DTA_Clean, true);
  107. screen.DrawTexture (Timepic, true, SP_TIMEX, SP_TIMEY+12-2*lh, DTA_Clean, true);
  108. if (wbs.partime) screen.DrawTexture (Par, true, 160 + SP_TIMEX, SP_TIMEY+12-2*lh, DTA_Clean, true);
  109. }
  110. else
  111. {
  112. // Check if everything fits on the screen.
  113. String percentage = wi_percents? " 0000%" : " 0000/0000";
  114. int perc_width = textFont.StringWidth(percentage);
  115. int k_width = textFont.StringWidth("$TXT_IMKILLS");
  116. int i_width = textFont.StringWidth("$TXT_IMITEMS");
  117. int s_width = textFont.StringWidth("$TXT_IMSECRETS");
  118. int allwidth = max(k_width, i_width, s_width) + perc_width;
  119. if ((SP_STATSX*2 + allwidth) > 320) // The content does not fit so adjust the position a bit.
  120. {
  121. statsx = max(0, (320 - allwidth) / 2);
  122. }
  123. printFont = generic_ui? IntermissionFont : BigFont;
  124. screen.DrawText (textFont, tcolor, statsx, SP_STATSY+12, "$TXT_IMKILLS", DTA_Clean, true);
  125. screen.DrawText (textFont, tcolor, statsx, SP_STATSY+12+lh, "$TXT_IMITEMS", DTA_Clean, true);
  126. screen.DrawText (textFont, tcolor, statsx, SP_STATSY+12+2*lh, "$TXT_IMSECRETS", DTA_Clean, true);
  127. screen.DrawText (textFont, tcolor, SP_TIMEX, SP_TIMEY+12-2*lh, "$TXT_IMTIME", DTA_Clean, true);
  128. if (wbs.partime) screen.DrawText (textFont, tcolor, 160 + SP_TIMEX, SP_TIMEY+12-2*lh, "$TXT_IMPAR", DTA_Clean, true);
  129. }
  130. drawPercent (printFont, 320 - statsx, SP_STATSY+12, cnt_kills[0], wbs.maxkills, true, tcolor);
  131. drawPercent (printFont, 320 - statsx, SP_STATSY+12+lh, cnt_items[0], wbs.maxitems, true, tcolor);
  132. drawPercent (printFont, 320 - statsx, SP_STATSY+12+2*lh, cnt_secret[0], wbs.maxsecret, true, tcolor);
  133. drawTimeFont (printFont, 160 - SP_TIMEX, SP_TIMEY+12-2*lh, cnt_time, tcolor);
  134. // This really sucks - not just by its message - and should have been removed long ago!
  135. // To avoid problems here, the "sucks" text only gets printed if the lump is present, this even applies to the text replacement.
  136. if (cnt_time >= wbs.sucktime * 60 * 60 && wbs.sucktime > 0 && Sucks.IsValid())
  137. { // "sucks"
  138. int x = 160 - SP_TIMEX;
  139. int y = SP_TIMEY+12;
  140. if (useGfx && TexMan.OkForLocalization(Sucks, "$TXT_IMSUCKS"))
  141. {
  142. let size = TexMan.GetScaledSize(Sucks);
  143. screen.DrawTexture (Sucks, true, x - size.X, y - size.Y - 2, DTA_Clean, true);
  144. }
  145. else
  146. {
  147. screen.DrawText (textFont, tColor, x - printFont.StringWidth("$TXT_IMSUCKS"), y - printFont.GetHeight() - 2, "$TXT_IMSUCKS", DTA_Clean, true);
  148. }
  149. }
  150. if (wi_showtotaltime)
  151. {
  152. drawTimeFont (printFont, 160 - SP_TIMEX, SP_TIMEY+12-2*lh + lh, cnt_total_time, tcolor);
  153. }
  154. if (wbs.partime)
  155. {
  156. drawTimeFont (printFont, 320 - SP_TIMEX, SP_TIMEY+12-2*lh, cnt_par, tcolor);
  157. }
  158. }
  159. }