compile.bat 887 B

  1. @echo off
  2. REM First, delete all previously compiled libraries
  3. cd ../acs
  4. if exist *.o del *.o
  5. REM Now let's go to the source directory
  6. cd ../acs_src
  7. if exist *.o del *.o
  8. if exist error.txt del error.txt
  9. REM Compile all libraries
  10. for %%v in (*.acs) do (
  11. acc %%v
  12. if exist acs.err ren acs.err error.txt
  13. if exist error.txt goto ACS_Error
  14. )
  15. goto ACS_No_Error
  16. :ACS_No_Error
  17. for %%v in (*.o) do (
  18. copy %%v ..\acs\%%v
  19. )
  20. if exist *.o del *.o
  21. echo ACS compiled successfully.
  22. REM Go to the ACS directory to do some cleaning up
  23. cd ../acs
  24. REM Generate the LOADACS
  25. type NUL > ../loadacs.txt
  26. echo // Generated automatically by build script, do not edit>>../loadacs.txt
  27. for %%v in (*.o) do (
  28. echo %%~nv>>../loadacs.txt
  29. )
  30. goto ACS_All_Success
  31. :ACS_Error
  32. echo Errors found in compiling ACS libraries. Aborting...
  33. error.txt
  34. exit
  35. :ACS_All_Success
  36. echo All ACS scripts compiled successfully!