1. The EmailRegistration plugin allows user registration with just an email
  2. address.
  3. When users register, the part before '@' in their email address will become
  4. their nickname/username (normalized). In case of collisions, a auto-increment
  5. number will be added to the username.
  6. For example, if someone registers with "", their username
  7. will be "user". If someone else registers with "", their
  8. username will be user1, and so on.
  9. Installation
  10. ============
  11. add "addPlugin('EmailRegistration');"
  12. to the bottom of your config.php
  13. Note: This plugin is enabled by default on private instances.
  14. Settings
  15. ========
  16. none
  17. Example
  18. =======
  19. addPlugin('EmailRegistration');