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- import axios from "axios";
- import { getNativeName } from "language-flag-colors";
- export default async function () {
- return {
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- srcDir: "./src",
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- content: "#7289DA"
- },
- {
- hid: "description",
- name: "description",
- content:
- "PreMiD is a simple, configurable utility that allows you to show what you're doing on the web in your Discord now playing status."
- },
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- property: "twitter:card",
- content: "summary"
- },
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- property: "twitter:url",
- content: "https://premid.app"
- },
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- hid: "twitter:description",
- property: "twitter:description",
- content:
- "PreMiD is a simple, configurable utility that allows you to show what you're doing on the web in your Discord now playing status."
- },
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- property: "twitter:image",
- content: "https://premid.app/assets/images/logo.png"
- },
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- property: "og:site_name",
- content: "PreMiD"
- },
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- property: "og:title",
- content: "PreMiD"
- },
- {
- hid: "og:description",
- property: "og:description",
- content:
- "PreMiD is a simple, configurable utility that allows you to show what you're doing on the web in your Discord now playing status."
- },
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- hid: "og:image",
- property: "og:image",
- content: "https://premid.app/assets/images/logo.png"
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- google:
- "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Inter:wght@400;500;600;700;800;900&display=swap"
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- },
- auth: {
- redirect: {
- login: "/login",
- logout: "/",
- callback: "/callback",
- home: "/"
- },
- strategies: {
- local: false,
- discord: {
- _scheme: "oauth2",
- authorization_endpoint: "https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/authorize",
- userinfo_endpoint: "https://discordapp.com/api/users/@me",
- scope: ["identify"],
- client_id: "503557087041683458"
- }
- }
- },
- publicRuntimeConfig: {
- axios: {
- browserBaseURL: process.env.BROWSER_BASE_URL
- },
- privateRuntimeConfig: {
- axios: {
- baseURL: process.env.BASE_URL
- }
- }
- },
- axios: {
- baseURL: "https://api.premid.app",
- retry: { retries: 3 },
- credentials: false
- },
- loading: "~/components/Loader.vue",
- buildModules: [
- "nuxt-font-loader",
- "@nuxt/typescript-build",
- ["@nuxtjs/google-analytics", { id: "UA-129058596-1" }]
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- css: ["~stylesheets/root.scss"],
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- "@nuxtjs/auth",
- [
- "@nuxtjs/i18n",
- {
- strategy: "no_prefix",
- defaultLocale: "en",
- locales: await getAvailableLocales(),
- detectBrowserLanguage: {
- fallbackLocale: "en"
- },
- lazy: true,
- langDir: "./",
- vueI18n: {
- fallbackLocale: "en",
- silentTranslationWarn: true
- }
- }
- ],
- "@nuxtjs/axios"
- ],
- plugins: [
- "~/plugins/graphqlBase.js",
- { src: "~/plugins/Anime.js", mode: "client" },
- { src: "~/plugins/Axios.js", mode: "client" },
- { src: "~/plugins/Tippy.js", mode: "client" },
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- { src: "~/plugins/Carousel.js", mode: "client" },
- { src: "~/plugins/Scrollmagic.js", mode: "client" },
- { src: "~/plugins/Modal.js", mode: "client" }
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- build: {
- ssr: true
- },
- serverMiddleware: [
- {
- path: "/_ipx",
- handler: "~/serverMiddleware/ipx.ts"
- }
- ]
- };
- }
- async function getAvailableLocales() {
- const languageCodes = (
- await axios({
- url: process.env.BASE_URL
- ? process.env.BASE_URL + "/v3"
- : "https://api.premid.app/v3",
- method: "POST",
- data: {
- query: `
- {
- langFiles(project:"website") {
- lang
- }
- }
- `
- }
- })
- ).data.data.langFiles.flatMap(({ lang }) => [lang]);
- return languageCodes
- .map(lang => {
- return {
- code: lang,
- name: getNativeName(lang.replace("_", "-")),
- file: "fetchLocale.js"
- };
- })
- .sort((a, b) => {
- if (a.name < b.name) return -1;
- if (a.name > b.name) return 1;
- return 0;
- });
- }