presence.ts 6.2 KB

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  3. }),
  4. browsingTimestamp = Math.floor( / 1000);
  5. presence.on("UpdateData", async () => {
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  8. "",
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  10. details: "Viewing Page:",
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  75. .textContent.trim();
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  84. )
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  92. .textContent.trim()} to ${document
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  98. ?.textContent?.trim();
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  100. case "spot":
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  102. break;
  103. case "isolated":
  104. presenceData.details = `Trading on Isolated ${tradeLeverage}:`;
  105. break;
  106. case "cross":
  107. presenceData.details = `Trading on Cross ${tradeLeverage}:`;
  108. break;
  109. default:
  110. presenceData.details = "Trading:";
  111. break;
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  115. .textContent.trim();
  116. } else if (
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  118. window.location.pathname.includes("/delivery")
  119. ) {
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  121. .querySelector("div.css-1kk0gzs > a:nth-child(2)")
  122. .textContent.trim()}:`;
  123. presenceData.state = `${document
  124. .querySelector("div.css-1wd9czp > h1")
  125. .textContent.trim()} ${document
  126. .querySelector("div.css-1wd9czp > div > h1")
  127. .textContent.trim()}`;
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