service_request.yml 1.1 KB

  1. name: Service Request
  2. description: Request a new activity to be added to the store
  3. labels: [activity request]
  4. body:
  5. - type: markdown
  6. attributes:
  7. value: |
  8. Before submitting a new request, ensure your service hasn't already been
  9. requested before. If it has, reply to the open issue instead.
  10. - type: input
  11. attributes:
  12. label: Website name
  13. description: The name of the website you want to see added
  14. validations:
  15. required: true
  16. - type: input
  17. attributes:
  18. label: Website URL
  19. description: The URL of the website you want to see added
  20. validations:
  21. required: true
  22. - type: input
  23. attributes:
  24. label: Website logo
  25. description: The logo of the website you want to see added
  26. validations:
  27. required: true
  28. - type: checkboxes
  29. attributes:
  30. label: Prerequisites
  31. options:
  32. - label: It is a paid service
  33. - label: It is region restricted
  34. - type: textarea
  35. validations:
  36. required: true
  37. attributes:
  38. label: Description
  39. description: Provide a detailed description on what you would like to see displayed on this activity