123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111 |
- {
- "jobs.benefit1.description": {
- "description": "Benefit card description.",
- "message": "Sazinies ar cilvēkiem, kas strādā PreMiD."
- },
- "jobs.benefit1.title": {
- "description": "Benefit card title.",
- "message": "Satiec mūs"
- },
- "jobs.benefit2.description": {
- "description": "Benefit card description.",
- "message": "Ieskaties mūsu Izstrādāšanā un Mārketingā."
- },
- "jobs.benefit2.title": {
- "description": "Benefit card title.",
- "message": "Ieskati"
- },
- "jobs.benefit3.description": {
- "description": "Benefit card description.",
- "message": "Spēcīgas Discord atļaujas un krāsaina loma."
- },
- "jobs.benefit3.title": {
- "description": "Benefit card title.",
- "message": "Cieņa"
- },
- "jobs.benefit4.description": {
- "description": "Benefit card description.",
- "message": "Ar tavu palīdzību, ir iespējams uzturēt šo projektu."
- },
- "jobs.benefit4.title": {
- "description": "Benefit card title.",
- "message": "Atbalsti PreMiD"
- },
- "jobs.benefit5.description": {
- "description": "Benefit card description.",
- "message": "Nesteidzies! Šis ir brīvprātīgs darbs."
- },
- "jobs.benefit5.title": {
- "description": "Benefit card title.",
- "message": "Pārtraukumi"
- },
- "jobs.benefit6.description": {
- "description": "Benefit card description.",
- "message": "Izmēģini jaunās funkcijas viens no pirmajiem."
- },
- "jobs.benefit6.title": {
- "description": "Benefit card title.",
- "message": "Priekšlaicīgā piekļuve"
- },
- "jobs.benefits.title": {
- "description": "Text before the benefits cards.",
- "message": "Augstas klases Priekšrocības"
- },
- "jobs.errors.alreadyApplied": {
- "description": "Notification when you applied already.",
- "message": "Jau esiet pieteicies!"
- },
- "jobs.guild.explanation": {
- "description": "Explanation why users should be in Discord server to perform job application.",
- "message": "Lai pievienotos, Tev jābūt mūsu Discord serverī. Savādāk nevarēsim ar Tevi sazināties, ja tiksi izvēlēts!"
- },
- "jobs.guild.required": {
- "description": "Title of the modal the user will see if it's not in Discord server.",
- "message": "Pievienojies mūsu Discord serverim"
- },
- "jobs.header.description": {
- "description": "The second part of the jobs page.",
- "message": "Vai esat gatavs palīdzēt lielākajai Rich-Presence programmai?"
- },
- "jobs.header.title": {
- "description": "First part of the jobs page.",
- "message": "Strādāt PreMiD"
- },
- "jobs.modal.buttons.cancel": {
- "description": "Cancel, button in the modal.",
- "message": "Atcelt"
- },
- "jobs.modal.buttons.join": {
- "description": "Join Discord button in the modal.",
- "message": "Pievienojies"
- },
- "jobs.modal.buttons.next": {
- "description": "Next button in the modal.",
- "message": "Nākamais"
- },
- "jobs.modal.error": {
- "description": "Error when user did not fill all the fields.",
- "message": "Lūdzu aizpildiet visus laukus"
- },
- "jobs.modal.notice": {
- "description": "Notice for applicants.",
- "message": "PreMiD ir atvērtā avota tipa projekts, kas nozīmē ka mēs negūstam peļņu. Katrs ziedojums nokļūst atpakaļ produktā. Piesakoties darbā PreMiD, Tu apzinies, ka esi brīvprātīgais un nesaņemsi atalgojumu."
- },
- "jobs.modal.step": {
- "description": "Step indicator of the modal. {0} will be replaced with the current page .",
- "message": "Solis {0} no 2"
- },
- "jobs.modal.title": {
- "description": "Jobs apply modal title, {0} will be replaced with the job name.",
- "message": "Pieteikties par {0}"
- },
- "jobs.openings.title": {
- "description": "Text before the available job positions cards.",
- "message": "Vakances"
- },
- "jobs.success.applied": {
- "description": "Notification when applying.",
- "message": "Paldies par pieteikšanos!"
- }
- }