123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255 |
- {
- "downloads.adsbox.disableAdblock": {
- "description": "Message next to pepe.",
- "message": "広告ブロッカーを無効にしてください。"
- },
- "downloads.adsbox.thankyou.message": {
- "description": "Message of the advertisement section box.",
- "message": "私たちは広告を使用して、最高のユーザーエクスペリエンスを提供しています!\n(ダウンロードするには、右上のスキップボタンをクリックしてください。)"
- },
- "downloads.adsbox.thankyou.title": {
- "description": "Title of the advertisement section box.",
- "message": "Thank you!"
- },
- "downloads.appdownloading.header": {
- "description": "Header above application download buttons.",
- "message": "アプリのダウンロード"
- },
- "downloads.button.back": {
- "description": "Back button on the ads section",
- "message": "戻る"
- },
- "downloads.button.cancel": {
- "description": "Button on the modal of Opera/Edge browsers.",
- "message": "キャンセル"
- },
- "downloads.button.done": {
- "description": "Button on the page when trying to download with adblocker on.",
- "message": "完了"
- },
- "downloads.button.login": {
- "description": "Login button on the downloads page.",
- "message": "ログイン"
- },
- "downloads.button.okay": {
- "description": "Button on the modal of Opera/Edge browsers.",
- "message": "OK"
- },
- "downloads.button.skip": {
- "description": "Skip button on the ads section",
- "message": "スキップ"
- },
- "downloads.button.skipanyway": {
- "description": "Skip Anyway button on the ads page.",
- "message": "無視してスキップ"
- },
- "downloads.error.login": {
- "description": "Error message if the user is not logged in.",
- "message": "これらのダウンロードを見るには、ログインしてください。"
- },
- "downloads.error.noaccess.description": {
- "description": "More info if the user doesn't alpha/beta access.",
- "message": "ベータプログラムに **ここから** 無料で参加できます!現在、{0} 個の空き枠があります!"
- },
- "downloads.error.noaccess.title": {
- "description": "Error message if the user doesn't alpha/beta access.",
- "message": "Alpha/Betaテストに参加する権限がありません。"
- },
- "downloads.extdownloading.header": {
- "description": "Header above extension download buttons.",
- "message": "拡張機能のダウンロード"
- },
- "downloads.header.subtitle": {
- "description": "Subtitle for header",
- "message": "PreMiDを使って、見ているものや聞いているものを他の人に見せびらかしましょう。同じ趣味を持った人を見つけられるかも…?"
- },
- "downloads.header.title": {
- "description": "Title",
- "message": "自己紹介のお時間です。"
- },
- "downloads.instructions.footer": {
- "description": "{0} will be replaced with footer.link",
- "message": "まだ問題が解決しませんか?{0}"
- },
- "downloads.instructions.footer.link": {
- "description": "Link to our discord",
- "message": "お手伝いいたします"
- },
- "downloads.instructions.heading": {
- "description": "Displayed at Downloads page above steps",
- "message": "はじめよう"
- },
- "downloads.instructions.step_1": {
- "description": "Heading for installing the application",
- "message": "PreMiDをダウンロード"
- },
- "downloads.instructions.step_2": {
- "description": "Heading for installing the application",
- "message": "アプリケーションをインストール"
- },
- "downloads.instructions.step_3": {
- "description": "Heading for installing the application",
- "message": "ブラウザに拡張機能を追加する"
- },
- "downloads.instructions.step_4": {
- "description": "I think you get what this is...",
- "message": "このページを再読み込み(F5)して、拡張機能が接続されているか確認する。"
- },
- "downloads.latest.header": {
- "description": "Header above alpha/beta download buttons.",
- "message": "早期リリース"
- },
- "downloads.mobile.errorMessage": {
- "description": "Downloads page warning when user is on mobile.",
- "message": "PreMiDはスマートフォンには対応していません。"
- },
- "downloads.showbeta.message": {
- "description": "",
- "message": "ベータ版を表示"
- },
- "downloads.showbeta.small": {
- "description": "Small text under the show beta title.",
- "message": "(通常版をダウンロードするために、ここにいる必要はありません。)"
- },
- "downloads.skipanyway.message1": {
- "description": "Skip anyway messages (changes everytime you click it).",
- "message": "サポートしないでダウンロードする"
- },
- "downloads.skipanyway.message2": {
- "description": "Skip anyway messages (changes everytime you click it).",
- "message": "本当によろしいですか?"
- },
- "downloads.skipanyway.message3": {
- "description": "Skip anyway messages (changes everytime you click it).",
- "message": "本当に?"
- },
- "downloads.skipanyway.message4": {
- "description": "Skip anyway messages (changes everytime you click it).",
- "message": "お願いです…"
- },
- "downloads.skipanyway.message5": {
- "description": "Skip anyway messages (changes everytime you click it).",
- "message": "あなたの力が必要なんです…"
- },
- "downloads.skipanyway.message6": {
- "description": "Last message of the skip anyway messages (changes everytime you click it).",
- "message": "わかりました…"
- },
- "downloads.tooltips.os_not_supported.part1": {
- "description": "First part of the message.",
- "message": "注意"
- },
- "downloads.tooltips.os_not_supported.part2": {
- "description": "Next part of the tooltip message. {0} are replaced with `downloads.tooltips.os_not_supported.part1`",
- "message": "{0}アプリにはこのOS用のインストーラがありません。 つまりこの環境に対しての専門的なサポートはありません。"
- },
- "downloads.warning.differentVersion": {
- "description": "Tippy message of the Linux card.",
- "message": "このプラットフォームの現在のバージョンは {0} です。(このバージョンは Linux に固有で、他のプラットフォームには適用されません)"
- },
- "downloads.warning.differentVersion2": {
- "description": "Tippy message of the version number when user is on Linux.",
- "message": "このバージョンは Linux に固有で、他のシステムには適用されません。アプリケーションのメインバージョンは {0} です。"
- },
- "downloads.warning.message.opera": {
- "description": "Warning modal message when an Opera user clicks on Opera (extension) download. '**this**' will be replaced with link to the Opera's extension store. Keep the *.",
- "message": "ストアからPreMiDをインストールするには、**この拡張機能**をインストールする必要があります。"
- },
- "downloads.warning.title": {
- "description": "Warning modal title, pops out when user clicks on Edge/Opera downloads (based on the current browser).",
- "message": "注意"
- },
- "downloads.mobile.notAvailable": {
- "description": "Warning message shown on mobile devices indicating PreMiD is not available.",
- "message": "PreMiDはスマートフォンではご利用になれません。インストールするにはデスクトップブラウザをご使用ください。"
- },
- "downloads.mobile.showDownloads": {
- "description": "Button text to show downloads section on mobile.",
- "message": "表示する"
- },
- "downloads.mobile.hideDownloads": {
- "description": "Button text to hide downloads section on mobile.",
- "message": "非表示にする"
- },
- "downloads.notice.header.title": {
- "description": "Main announcement title in the downloads page.",
- "message": "ビッグニュース!"
- },
- "downloads.notice.header.removal": {
- "description": "First line of the announcement about app removal.",
- "message": "アプリ版はもう必要ありません!"
- },
- "downloads.notice.header.simplified": {
- "description": "Second line explaining the simplified installation process.",
- "message": "必要なのは拡張機能だけ。余分なダウンロードは要りません。"
- },
- "downloads.notice.features.oneClick": {
- "description": "Feature tag highlighting one-click setup.",
- "message": "ワンクリックで設定!"
- },
- "downloads.notice.features.noApp": {
- "description": "Feature tag highlighting no app requirement.",
- "message": "アプリ必要なし"
- },
- "downloads.notice.features.justWorks": {
- "description": "Feature tag emphasizing simplicity.",
- "message": "とにかく便利"
- },
- "downloads.notice.version": {
- "description": "Small text showing version information and reason for change.",
- "message": "v2.6.0からアプリが必要なくなり、より使いやすくなりました✨"
- },
- "downloads.notice.browsers.title": {
- "description": "Title for the browser selection section.",
- "message": "PreMiDを手に入れよう!"
- },
- "downloads.notice.browsers.comingSoon": {
- "description": "Label shown on unavailable browser options.",
- "message": "まもなく登場"
- },
- "downloads.notice.browsers.beta": {
- "description": "Label for beta browsers",
- "message": "ベータ版"
- },
- "downloads.notice.beta.title": {
- "description": "Title for the beta program section.",
- "message": "ベータ版"
- },
- "downloads.notice.beta.description": {
- "description": "Description of how to join the beta program.",
- "message": "新しいモノ好きですか? Discordに参加し \"/beta\" を使用して早期アクセスに参加しよう!"
- },
- "downloads.notice.alpha.title": {
- "description": "Title for the alpha access section.",
- "message": "アルファ版"
- },
- "downloads.notice.alpha.description": {
- "description": "Description of how to get alpha access.",
- "message": "GitHubやPatreonでサポートして最先端の機能を手に入れよう!"
- },
- "downloads.notice.support.needHelp": {
- "description": "Start of the support section text.",
- "message": "ヘルプが必要ですか? 我々の"
- },
- "downloads.notice.support.discord": {
- "description": "Discord link text in support section.",
- "message": "Discord"
- },
- "downloads.notice.support.forSupport": {
- "description": "End of the support section text.",
- "message": "でサポートします!"
- },
- "downloads.notice.appreciation.title": {
- "description": "Title for the appreciation section.",
- "message": "PreMiDが気に入ったら…"
- },
- "downloads.notice.appreciation.description": {
- "description": "Description in the appreciation section.",
- "message": "ご支援やレビューをいただけると嬉しいです! 励みになります!"
- },
- "downloads.notice.appreciation.buttons.review": {
- "description": "Review button text.",
- "message": "レビューをする"
- }
- }