tabs.json 9.6 KB

  1. {
  2. "donate": {
  3. "description": "Donate button of the tab which opens when you install PreMiD for the first time",
  4. "message": "捐赠"
  5. },
  6. "version": {
  7. "description": "{0} will be replaced with for example '2.5.0' -> {0} is a variable and should not be translated; Version text of the extension/app",
  8. "message": "v{0}"
  9. },
  10. "tab.button.changelog": {
  11. "description": "Changelog button (opens changelog) of the tab which opens when you install PreMiD for the first time",
  12. "message": "更新日志"
  13. },
  14. "": {
  15. "description": "Wiki button (opens wiki) of the tab which opens when you install PreMiD for the first time",
  16. "message": "维基"
  17. },
  18. "tab.installed.error": {
  19. "description": "Error message of the tab which opens when you install PreMiD for the first time",
  20. "message": "**哦不!**我们无法连接到应用程序…你安装它了吗?"
  21. },
  22. "tab.installed.heading": {
  23. "description": "Title of the tab which opens when you install PreMiD for the first time",
  24. "message": "感谢你"
  25. },
  26. "": {
  27. "description": "Download button (redirects to of the tab which opens when you install PreMiD for the first time",
  28. "message": "安装应用程序"
  29. },
  30. "": {
  31. "description": "Troubleshooting button (redirects to wiki) of the tab which opens when you install PreMiD for the first time",
  32. "message": "疑难解答"
  33. },
  34. "tab.installed.start": {
  35. "description": "{0} will be replaced with 'PreMiD' -> {0} is a variable and should not be translated; Button (redirects you to a promotional video) of the tab which opens when you install PreMiD for the first time",
  36. "message": "开始使用 {0}"
  37. },
  38. "tab.installed.subHeading": {
  39. "description": "{0} will be replaced with 'PreMiD' -> {0} is a variable and should not be translated; Subtitle of the tab which opens when you install PreMiD for the first time",
  40. "message": "用于安装 {0}"
  41. },
  42. "tab.updated.changed": {
  43. "description": "Title of the 'changes' section of the tab which opens when PreMiD was updated",
  44. "message": "更改"
  45. },
  46. "tab.updated.fixed": {
  47. "description": "Title of the 'fixed' section of the tab which opens when PreMiD was updated",
  48. "message": "修正"
  49. },
  50. "tab.updated.heading": {
  51. "description": "Title of the tab which opens when PreMiD was updated",
  52. "message": "升级!"
  53. },
  54. "": {
  55. "description": "Title of the 'new features' section of the tab which opens when PreMiD was updated",
  56. "message": "新增"
  57. },
  58. "tab.updated.subHeading": {
  59. "description": "{0} will be replaced with 'PreMiD' -> {0} is a variable and should not be translated; Subtitle of the tab which opens when PreMiD was updated",
  60. "message": "{0} 已被更新!"
  61. },
  62. "tab.troubleshooting.heading": {
  63. "description": "Title of the tab which opens when you click on the troubleshooting button",
  64. "message": "疑难解答"
  65. },
  66. "tab.troubleshooting.subHeading": {
  67. "description": "Subtitle of the tab which opens when you click on the troubleshooting button, {0} will be replaced with 'PreMiD' -> {0} is a variable and should not be translated",
  68. "message": "遇到 {0} 问题了吗?"
  69. },
  70. "tab.troubleshooting.checks.extensionEnabled": {
  71. "description": "Check 1 of the tab which opens when you click on the troubleshooting button, in front of the text will be a checkbox (✓) or a cross (✗) depending on the result",
  72. "message": "扩展已启用"
  73. },
  74. "tab.troubleshooting.checks.internetConnection": {
  75. "description": "Check 2 of the tab which opens when you click on the troubleshooting button, in front of the text will be a checkbox (✓) or a cross (✗) depending on the result",
  76. "message": "互联网连接"
  77. },
  78. "tab.troubleshooting.checks.appConnection": {
  79. "description": "Check 3 of the tab which opens when you click on the troubleshooting button, in front of the text will be a checkbox (✓) or a cross (✗) depending on the result",
  80. "message": "已连接到PreMiD应用程序"
  81. },
  82. "tab.troubleshooting.checks.discordConnection": {
  83. "description": "Check 4 of the tab which opens when you click on the troubleshooting button, in front of the text will be a checkbox (✓) or a cross (✗) depending on the result",
  84. "message": "已连接到Discord应用程序"
  85. },
  86. "tab.troubleshooting.checks.discordStatus": {
  87. "description": "Check 5 of the tab which opens when you click on the troubleshooting button, in front of the text will be a question mark (?) since we can't check this",
  88. "message": "Discord 状态消息已启用"
  89. },
  90. "tab.troubleshooting.checks.presenceToDisplay": {
  91. "description": "Check 6 of the tab which opens when you click on the troubleshooting button, in front of the text will be a checkbox (✓) or a cross (✗) depending on the result",
  92. "message": "要显示的状态"
  93. },
  94. "tab.installed.connectToDiscord": {
  95. "description": "Information text to tell users to connect to Discord",
  96. "message": "要使用PreMiD,您需要将其连接到您的Discord帐户,只需点击下面的按钮即可。"
  97. },
  98. "tab.updated.header": {
  99. "description": "Header of the tab which opens when PreMiD was updated",
  100. "message": "PreMiD已更新!"
  101. },
  102. "tab.updated.whatsNew": {
  103. "description": "Subtitle of the tab which opens when PreMiD was updated",
  104. "message": "有什么新鲜事🎉"
  105. },
  106. "tab.updated.changeTypes.features": {
  107. "description": "Title of the 'features' section of the tab which opens when PreMiD was updated",
  108. "message": "功能"
  109. },
  110. "tab.updated.changeTypes.fixes": {
  111. "description": "Title of the 'fixes' section of the tab which opens when PreMiD was updated",
  112. "message": "修复"
  113. },
  114. "tab.updated.changeTypes.performance": {
  115. "description": "Title of the 'performance' section of the tab which opens when PreMiD was updated",
  116. "message": "性能"
  117. },
  118. "tab.updated.changeTypes.chores": {
  119. "description": "Title of the 'changes' section of the tab which opens when PreMiD was updated",
  120. "message": "常规更改"
  121. },
  122. "tab.updated.linkYourDiscordAccount": {
  123. "description": "Button to link your Discord account",
  124. "message": "链接您的Discord账户"
  125. },
  126. "tab.updated.linkYourDiscordAccountDescription": {
  127. "description": "Description of the button to link your Discord account",
  128. "message": "从 v2.6.0 版本开始,PreMiD需要一个关联的Discord账户才能正常工作。请链接您的Discord账户以继续使用PreMiD。"
  129. },
  130. "tab.updated.linkYourDiscordAccountButton": {
  131. "description": "Button to link your Discord account",
  132. "message": "链接您的Discord账户"
  133. },
  134. "tab.updated.whatsNext": {
  135. "description": "Subtitle of the tab which opens when PreMiD was updated",
  136. "message": "下一步"
  137. },
  138. "tab.updated.whatsNextDescription": {
  139. "description": "Description of the subtitle of the tab which opens when PreMiD was updated",
  140. "message": "我们希望您喜欢新的更新!如果您有任何反馈或建议,请随时加入我们的Discord服务器并告知我们。"
  141. },
  142. "tab.updated.whatsNextJoinDiscordButton": {
  143. "description": "Button to join the Discord server",
  144. "message": "加入我们的Discord服务器"
  145. },
  146. "tab.installed.welcome": {
  147. "description": "Welcome message",
  148. "message": "欢迎使用PreMiD !"
  149. },
  150. "tab.installed.getStarted": {
  151. "description": "Get started message",
  152. "message": "让我们开始吧!"
  153. },
  154. "tab.installed.installExtension": {
  155. "description": "Instruction to install extension",
  156. "message": "安装PreMiD的扩展"
  157. },
  158. "tab.installed.linkDiscord": {
  159. "description": "Instruction to link Discord account",
  160. "message": "链接Discord帐户"
  161. },
  162. "tab.installed.enableActivityStatus": {
  163. "description": "Instruction to enable activity status",
  164. "message": "确保您已启用“将当前活动显示为状态消息”选项"
  165. },
  166. "tab.installed.activitySettingsPath": {
  167. "description": "Path to activity settings ({0} will be replaced with an arrow)",
  168. "message": "用户设置 {0} 活动设置 {0} 活动隐私"
  169. },
  170. "tab.installed.linkDiscordAccount": {
  171. "description": "Prompt to link Discord account",
  172. "message": "链接您的Discord账户"
  173. },
  174. "tab.installed.linkDiscordAccountDescription": {
  175. "description": "Description of the prompt to link Discord account",
  176. "message": "这允许PreMiD将您当前的活动显示为状态消息。"
  177. },
  178. "tab.installed.discordAccountLinked": {
  179. "description": "Confirmation of Discord account linked",
  180. "message": "Discord帐户已链接"
  181. },
  182. "tab.installed.nextStep": {
  183. "description": "Prompt to move to the next step",
  184. "message": "让我们继续下一步"
  185. },
  186. "": {
  187. "description": "Next button text",
  188. "message": "继续"
  189. },
  190. "tab.installed.enableActivityStatusDescription": {
  191. "description": "Description of the prompt to enable activity status",
  192. "message": "确保您已启用“将当前活动显示为状态消息”选项,否则没人会看到您炫新的状态。"
  193. },
  194. "tab.installed.enableActivityStatusPrompt": {
  195. "description": "Prompt to enable activity status",
  196. "message": "启用“将当前活动显示为状态消息”。"
  197. },
  198. "tab.installed.allDone": {
  199. "description": "Confirmation of completion",
  200. "message": "全部完成!"
  201. },
  202. "tab.installed.setupComplete": {
  203. "description": "Setup complete message",
  204. "message": "一切设置完毕,准备好开始使用了!我们希望您喜欢使用PreMiD。如果您有任何问题或需要帮助,请随时加入我们的Discord服务器。如果您像我们一样喜欢PreMiD,可以通过捐赠、评价扩展或与朋友分享来支持我们。"
  205. },
  206. "tab.installed.close": {
  207. "description": "Close button text",
  208. "message": "关闭"
  209. },
  210. "tab.installed.donate": {
  211. "description": "Donate button text",
  212. "message": "捐赠"
  213. }
  214. }