popup.json 21 KB

  1. {
  2. "popup.buttons.help": {
  3. "description": "Help button (redirects to Wiki/troubleschooting) (located under the 'presences' area in the popup)",
  4. "message": "تحتاج مساعدة؟"
  5. },
  6. "popup.buttons.presenceStore": {
  7. "description": "Button when no presences are installed (located at the 'presences' area of the 'settings' section in the popup)",
  8. "message": "متجر Presence"
  9. },
  10. "popup.category.all": {
  11. "description": "Category name shown when you open tags",
  12. "message": "الكل"
  13. },
  14. "popup.category.anime": {
  15. "description": "Category name shown when you open tags",
  16. "message": "أنمي"
  17. },
  18. "popup.category.games": {
  19. "description": "Category name shown when you open tags",
  20. "message": "ألعاب"
  21. },
  22. "popup.category.music": {
  23. "description": "Category name shown when you open tags",
  24. "message": "موسيقى"
  25. },
  26. "popup.category.other": {
  27. "description": "Category name shown when you open tags",
  28. "message": "آخر"
  29. },
  30. "popup.category.socials": {
  31. "description": "Category name shown when you open tags",
  32. "message": "التـواصل"
  33. },
  34. "popup.category.videos": {
  35. "description": "Category name shown when you open tags",
  36. "message": "فيديوات"
  37. },
  38. "popup.credits.error.heading": {
  39. "description": "Title of the error message (located at the 'credits' tab in the popup)",
  40. "message": "أوه لا!"
  41. },
  42. "popup.credits.error.message": {
  43. "description": "Error message when the credits can't be loaded (located at the 'credits' tab in the popup)",
  44. "message": "خطأ أثناء تحميل الثناء"
  45. },
  46. "popup.headings.description": {
  47. "description": "Title of the description area in the presence settings view.",
  48. "message": "الوصف"
  49. },
  50. "popup.headings.general": {
  51. "description": "Title of the 'general' area of the 'settings' section in the popup",
  52. "message": "عام"
  53. },
  54. "popup.headings.presences": {
  55. "description": "Title of the 'presences' area of the 'settings' section in the popup",
  56. "message": "Presences"
  57. },
  58. "popup.headings.settings": {
  59. "description": "Title of the 'settings' section at the navigation in the popup",
  60. "message": "الإعدادات"
  61. },
  62. "popup.info.noInternet": {
  63. "description": "Shown when the user has no internet connection",
  64. "message": "لا يوجد اتصال بالإنترنت!"
  65. },
  66. "popup.info.noInternet.message": {
  67. "description": "Shown when the user has no internet connection",
  68. "message": "يبدو أنه ليس لديك اتصال بالإنترنت! لن يتمكن PreMiD من إظهار presences في الوقت الحالي."
  69. },
  70. "popup.info.notConnected": {
  71. "description": "Shown when the extension can't connect to the application",
  72. "message": "غير متصل"
  73. },
  74. "popup.info.notConnected.message": {
  75. "description": "Shown when the extension can't connect to the application",
  76. "message": "لم يتمكن PreMiD من الاتصال بتطبيقه! هل تم تثبيته وتشغيله؟ *استكشاف الأخطاء وإصلاحها*"
  77. },
  78. "popup.info.notConnectedDiscord": {
  79. "description": "Shown in the extension when the application can't connect to Discord",
  80. "message": "أنت غير متصل بديسكورد!"
  81. },
  82. "popup.info.notConnectedDiscord.message": {
  83. "description": "Shown in the extension when the application can't connect to Discord",
  84. "message": "لم يتمكن PreMiD من الإتصال بديسكورد! هل هو مثبت و مشتغل؟ *استكشاف الأخطاء وإصلاحها*"
  85. },
  86. "popup.info.safari.outdatedExtension": {
  87. "description": "Shown when Extension is outdated. Only for Safari port.",
  88. "message": "ملحق قديم"
  89. },
  90. "popup.info.safari.outdatedExtension.message": {
  91. "description": "Shown when Extension is outdated. Only for Safari port.",
  92. "message": "الملحق الخاص بك قديم. الرجاء تحديثه للحصول على أحدث الميزات عن طريق تحميله من موقعنا."
  93. },
  94. "popup.info.safari.urgentUpdate": {
  95. "description": "Shown when Extension is outdated. Only for Safari port.",
  96. "message": "تحديث عاجل"
  97. },
  98. "popup.info.safari.urgentUpdate.message": {
  99. "description": "Shown when very urgent update has been released to extension. Only for Safari port.",
  100. "message": "لقد أصدرنا تحديثاً عاجلاً للملحق. يرجى تحديثه لمواصلة استخدام PreMiD."
  101. },
  102. "popup.info.unsupportedAppVersion": {
  103. "description": "Shown when application is outdated",
  104. "message": "نسخة قديمة للتطبيق"
  105. },
  106. "popup.info.unsupportedAppVersion.message": {
  107. "description": "Shown when application is outdated",
  108. "message": "تطبيق PreMiD الخاص بك قديم. يرجى تحديثه من أجل متابعة استخدام PreMiD."
  109. },
  110. "popup.info.extensionDisabled": {
  111. "description": "Shown when the extension has been disabled in the settings",
  112. "message": "الامتداد معطل"
  113. },
  114. "popup.info.extensionDisabled.message": {
  115. "description": "Shown when the extension has been disabled in the settings",
  116. "message": "تم تعطيل امتداد PreMiD من الإعدادات. يرجى تفعيله لمواصلة الاستخدام PreMiD."
  117. },
  118. "popup.info.discordStatusSetting.message": {
  119. "description": "Shown on the troubleshooting page when the user might have to change their Discord status setting",
  120. "message": "تأكد بسهولة من تفعيل الإعداد \"Display current activity as a status message\" في إعدادات Discord."
  121. },
  122. "popup.info.presenceNotSetMessage.message": {
  123. "description": "Shown on the troubleshooting page when PreMiD has not found a presence for the current tabs",
  124. "message": "لم يتمكن بريميد من أيجاد بريسنس لعلامة التبويب. يرجى التأكد من تثبيت بريسنس للخدمة المُراد أستخدامها. بعد تثبيت البريسنس، يرجى إعادة تحديث علامة التبويب للموقع، يرجى التأكد من تفعيل البريسنس في الإعدادات."
  125. },
  126. "popup.navigation.credits": {
  127. "description": "Title of the 'credits' section at the navigation in the popup",
  128. "message": "المساهمون"
  129. },
  130. "popup.navigation.settings": {
  131. "description": "Title of the 'settings' section at the navigation in the popup",
  132. "message": "الإعدادات"
  133. },
  134. "popup.navigation.information": {
  135. "description": "Title of the 'information' section at the navigation in the popup",
  136. "message": "معلومات"
  137. },
  138. "popup.navigation.diagnostics": {
  139. "description": "Title of the 'diagnostics' section at the navigation in the popup",
  140. "message": "الإحصائيات"
  141. },
  142. "popup.presences.done": {
  143. "description": "Done button",
  144. "message": "تم الإنجاز"
  145. },
  146. "popup.presences.load": {
  147. "description": "Load Presence button",
  148. "message": "تحميل Presence"
  149. },
  150. "popup.presences.manage": {
  151. "description": "Button which enables the opportunity to manage installed presences (located at the 'presences' area of the 'settings' section in the popup)",
  152. "message": "إدارة"
  153. },
  154. "popup.presences.noPresences": {
  155. "description": "Warning message when no presences are installed (located at the 'presences' area of the 'settings' section in the popup)",
  156. "message": "لم تتم إضافة أي Presences"
  157. },
  158. "popup.setting.autoLaunch": {
  159. "description": "Enable/Disable auto startup of the application (location: extension popup -> discord icon/profile picture -> 'settings' section)",
  160. "message": "تشغيل تلقائي"
  161. },
  162. "popup.setting.enabled": {
  163. "description": "Enable/Disable PreMiD (location: extension popup -> discord icon/profile picture -> 'settings' section)",
  164. "message": "تم تمكين"
  165. },
  166. "popup.setting.developerMode": {
  167. "description": "Enable/Disable developer mode (location: extension popup -> discord icon/profile picture -> 'settings' section)",
  168. "message": "وضع المطور"
  169. },
  170. "popup.setting.mediaControl": {
  171. "description": "Enable/Disable media keys (location: extension popup -> discord icon/profile picture -> 'settings' section)",
  172. "message": "ضوابط وسائل الإعلام"
  173. },
  174. "popup.setting.titleMenubar": {
  175. "description": "Enable/Disable the indicator in the menu bar (location: extension popup -> discord icon/profile picture -> 'settings' section)",
  176. "message": "شريط عنوان القوائم"
  177. },
  178. "popup.setting.syncLanguage": {
  179. "description": "Enable/Disable syncing the language of the extension with the language of presences (location: extension popup -> discord icon/profile picture -> 'language' section)",
  180. "message": "مزامنة اللغة"
  181. },
  182. "popup.setting.preferredPresenceLanguage": {
  183. "description": "When the 'Sync Language' setting is disabled, it will show a selector where you can select a language that will be preferred for the languages of presences (location: extension popup -> discord icon/profile picture -> 'language' section)",
  184. "message": "لغة البريسنس المفضلة"
  185. },
  186. "popup.setting.failedToFetchUser": {
  187. "description": "Shown when the user is logged in but we could not get their profile data (location: extension popup -> discord icon/profile picture)",
  188. "message": "تعذر الحصول على معلومات المستخدم"
  189. },
  190. "popup.setting.heartbeat": {
  191. "description": "Enable/Disable sending heartbeats to PreMiD (Anonymized diagonistic data about what version you are using of PreMiD etc.) (location: extension popup -> discord icon/profile picture -> 'Diagnostics' section)",
  192. "message": "نبيض كالقلب"
  193. },
  194. "popup.setting.preferApp": {
  195. "description": "Enable/Disable the use of the app instead of the extension (location: extension popup -> discord icon/profile picture -> 'settings' section)",
  196. "message": "تفضيل التطبيق"
  197. },
  198. "popup.information.extensionVersion": {
  199. "description": "Shows the version of the extension (located at the 'information' tab in the popup); {0} will be replaced with for example '2.5.0' -> {0} is a variable and should not be translated; Example: Extension version: 2.5.0",
  200. "message": "إصدار الإضافة: {0}"
  201. },
  202. "popup.information.appVersion": {
  203. "description": "Shows the version of the app (located at the 'information' tab in the popup); {0} will be replaced with for example '2.5.0' -> {0} is a variable and should not be translated; Example: App version: 2.5.0",
  204. "message": "إصدار التطبيق: {0}"
  205. },
  206. "popup.information.appNotFound": {
  207. "description": "Shows that no connection was able to be made to the PreMiD app (located at the 'information' tab in the popup)",
  208. "message": "تعذر الاتصال بتطبيق بريميد"
  209. },
  210. "popup.information.discordUser": {
  211. "description": "Shows Discord user PreMiD is connected to (located at the 'information' tab in the popup); {0} will be replaced the username of the Discord account -> {0} is a variable and should not be translated; Example: Discord user: Bas950",
  212. "message": "مستخدم ديسكورد: {0}"
  213. },
  214. "popup.information.discordNotFound": {
  215. "description": "Shows that no connection was able to be made to the Discord app (located at the 'information' tab in the popup)",
  216. "message": "تعذر الاتصال بتطبيق ديسكورد"
  217. },
  218. "popup.notConnectedBanner.heading": {
  219. "description": "Title of the error banner when no discord connection is found",
  220. "message": "لم يتم ربط حساب ديسكورد"
  221. },
  222. "popup.notConnectedBanner.description": {
  223. "description": "Description of the error banner when no discord connection is found",
  224. "message": "يتطلب بريميد ربط حساب ديسكورد للعمل. يرجى ربط حسابك الديسكورد للإستمرار في استخدام بريميد."
  225. },
  226. "popup.notConnectedBanner.button": {
  227. "description": "Button to the Discord connection page",
  228. "message": "اربط حسابي في ديسكورد"
  229. },
  230. "popup.information.notYou": {
  231. "description": "Is shown next to popup.information.discordUser, is a link to unlink the current Discord account",
  232. "message": "ليس أنت؟"
  233. },
  234. "popup.informationIcon.notLinked.heading": {
  235. "description": "Exclamation mark icon next user avatar, title of the error message when no discord connection is found",
  236. "message": "لم يتم الربط"
  237. },
  238. "popup.informationIcon.notLinked.description": {
  239. "description": "Exclamation mark icon next user avatar, description of the error message when no discord connection is found",
  240. "message": "لم يتم ربط حسابك في ديسكورد مع بريميد."
  241. },
  242. "popup.logout": {
  243. "description": "Button to unlink the current Discord account",
  244. "message": "تسجيل الخروج"
  245. },
  246. "popup.setting.usePlayingStatus": {
  247. "description": "Enable/Disable the use of the 'Playing' status in Discord (location: extension popup -> discord icon/profile picture -> 'settings' section)",
  248. "message": "استخدم حالة التشغيل (Playing)"
  249. },
  250. "popup.whatsNew.heading": {
  251. "description": "Title of the 'What's new' section at the navigation in the popup",
  252. "message": "ما الجديد 🎉"
  253. },
  254. "popup.whatsNew.description": {
  255. "description": "Description of the 'What's new' section at the navigation in the popup",
  256. "message": "تحقق من أخر التحديثات!"
  257. },
  258. "popup.whatsNew.button": {
  259. "description": "Button to open the 'What's new' page",
  260. "message": "سجل التعديلات"
  261. },
  262. "popup.discordUnlinked.title": {
  263. "description": "Title of the 'Discord Unlinked' section at the navigation in the popup",
  264. "message": "لم يتم ربط حساب ديسكورد"
  265. },
  266. "popup.discordUnlinked.description": {
  267. "description": "Description of the 'Discord Unlinked' section at the navigation in the popup",
  268. "message": "يتطلب بريميد ربط حساب ديسكورد للعمل. يرجى ربط حسابك الديسكورد للإستمرار في استخدام بريميد."
  269. },
  270. "popup.discordUnlinked.button": {
  271. "description": "Button to link the Discord account",
  272. "message": "اربط حسابي في ديسكورد"
  273. },
  274. "popup.navigation.feedback": {
  275. "description": "Text on the information tab in the popup to give feedback",
  276. "message": "هل تريد قول شيئاً؟"
  277. },
  278. "popup.navigation.feedbackLink": {
  279. "description": "Link to the feedback page",
  280. "message": "ضع بعض الملاحظات"
  281. },
  282. "popup.feedback.presence": {
  283. "description": "Title of the presence option in the feedback type selection box",
  284. "message": "ابلغ عن خطأ أو مشكلة مع الحدث"
  285. },
  286. "popup.feedback.extension": {
  287. "description": "Title of the extension option in the feedback type selection box",
  288. "message": "ابلغ عن خطأ أو مشكلة مع ألإضافة"
  289. },
  290. "popup.feedback.feature": {
  291. "description": "Title of the feature option in the feedback type selection box",
  292. "message": "أطلب المِيزة"
  293. },
  294. "popup.feedback.other": {
  295. "description": "Title of the other option in the feedback type selection box",
  296. "message": "آخر"
  297. },
  298. "popup.feedback.title": {
  299. "description": "Title of the feedback popup",
  300. "message": "الملاحظات"
  301. },
  302. "popup.feedback.select.header": {
  303. "description": "On the feedback type select page the header text",
  304. "message": "ماذا يحدث؟ 🤔"
  305. },
  306. "popup.feedback.select.description": {
  307. "description": "On the feedback type select page the description text",
  308. "message": "رجاءً اختر نوع الملاحظة التي تريد تقديمها."
  309. },
  310. "popup.feedback.presence.header": {
  311. "description": "The title of the presence feedback page",
  312. "message": "بلغ عن خطأ أو مشكلة مع الحدث"
  313. },
  314. "popup.feedback.presence.description": {
  315. "description": "The description of the presence feedback page",
  316. "message": "أوه لا! ناسف لسماع انك تواجه مشكلات مع الحدث.\n\nيتم صيانة الإحداث من قبل المجتمع, لذا يرجى الإبلاغ عن أي مشكلة تواجهك مع الحدث في مستودعنا في GitHub.\n\nإذا اخترت الحدث الأتي, سنقوم تلقائياً بأدراج معلومات الحدث في صفحة الإبلاغ."
  317. },
  318. "popup.feedback.close": {
  319. "description": "Close button on the feedback popup",
  320. "message": "غلق"
  321. },
  322. "popup.feedback.submit": {
  323. "description": "Submit button on the feedback popup",
  324. "message": "ارسل"
  325. },
  326. "popup.feedback.extension.header": {
  327. "description": "The title of the extension feedback page",
  328. "message": "ابلغ عن خطأ أو مشكلة مع ألإضافة"
  329. },
  330. "popup.feedback.extension.description": {
  331. "description": "The description of the extension feedback page",
  332. "message": "أوه لا! 😱 ناسف لسماع انك تواجه مشكلة مع الإضافة\n\nيرجى ملء النموذج الآتي للإبلاغ عن أي مشكلة تواجهك مع الإضافة."
  333. },
  334. "popup.feedback.extension.describe": {
  335. "description": "The title of the input field to describe the issue on the extension feedback page",
  336. "message": "صف المشكلة"
  337. },
  338. "popup.feedback.extension.placeholder": {
  339. "description": "The placeholder of the input field to describe the issue on the extension feedback page",
  340. "message": "يرجى وصف المشكلة التي تواجهه مع الإضافة بأكبر قدر من المعلومات."
  341. },
  342. "popup.feedback.extension.privacy": {
  343. "description": "The privacy notice on the extension feedback page",
  344. "message": "كل البلاغات مجهولة أن لم تضف معلومات التواصل الخاصة بك.\nقد يتم التواصل معك بخصوص الحصول على المزيد من المعلومات أن احتجنا, أو لأعلامك عندما يتم حل المشكلة."
  345. },
  346. "popup.feedback.email": {
  347. "description": "The placeholder for the email input field",
  348. "message": "عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني(اختياري)"
  349. },
  350. "popup.feedback.discord": {
  351. "description": "The placeholder for the discord input field",
  352. "message": "اسمك الشخصي في ديسكورد (اختياري)"
  353. },
  354. "popup.feedback.feature.header": {
  355. "description": "The title of the feature feedback page",
  356. "message": "أطلب المِيزة"
  357. },
  358. "popup.feedback.feature.description": {
  359. "description": "The description of the feature feedback page",
  360. "message": "نحن دائما نسعى لتحسين PreMid وجعله أفضل لك.\nيرجى ملء النموذج الأتي لطلب الميزات التي ترغب في رؤيتها في PreMid."
  361. },
  362. "popup.feedback.feature.describe": {
  363. "description": "The title of the input field to describe the issue on the feature feedback page",
  364. "message": "ضع وصفاً للميزة"
  365. },
  366. "popup.feedback.feature.placeholder": {
  367. "description": "The placeholder of the input field to describe the issue on the feature feedback page",
  368. "message": "يرجى وصف المِيزة التي ترغب بان تراها في PreMiD بأكبر قدراً من المعلومات."
  369. },
  370. "popup.feedback.feature.privacy": {
  371. "description": "The privacy notice on the feature feedback page",
  372. "message": "كل طلبات الميزات المرسلة مجهولة أن لم تضف معلومات التواصل الخاصة بك.\nقد يتم التواصل معك بخصوص المزيد من المعلومات أن احتجنا, أو لنخبرك في حال أضافه المِيزة."
  373. },
  374. "popup.feedback.other.header": {
  375. "description": "The title of the other feedback page",
  376. "message": "آخر"
  377. },
  378. "popup.feedback.other.description": {
  379. "description": "The description of the other feedback page",
  380. "message": "يرجئ ملء النموذج التالي لتقديم ملاحظاتك على أي شيء أخر ترغب في مشاركة للجميع."
  381. },
  382. "popup.feedback.other.describe": {
  383. "description": "The title of the input field to describe the issue on the other feedback page",
  384. "message": "صف ملاحظتك"
  385. },
  386. "popup.feedback.other.placeholder": {
  387. "description": "The placeholder of the input field to describe the issue on the other feedback page",
  388. "message": "يرجئ وصف ملاحظتك التي ترغب أن تشاركها مع الجميع بأكبر قدراً ممكن من المعلومات."
  389. },
  390. "popup.feedback.other.privacy": {
  391. "description": "The privacy notice on the other feedback page",
  392. "message": "كل الملاحظات المرسلة مجهولة أن لم تضف معلومات التواصل الخاصة بك.\nقد يتم التواصل معك بخصوص المزيد من المعلومات أن احتجنا, أو لنخبرك في حال تمت معالجة ملاحظاتك."
  393. },
  394. "popup.feedback.submitted.header": {
  395. "description": "The title of the submitted feedback page",
  396. "message": "تم إرسال الملاحظة"
  397. },
  398. "popup.feedback.submitted.description": {
  399. "description": "The description of the submitted feedback page",
  400. "message": "شكراً لك على تقديم ملاحظاتك! 🎉\n\nنحن نقدر لك تخصيص الوقت لمشاركة أفكارك معنا. سنستعرض ملاحظاتك ونرجع إليك إذا لزم الأمر."
  401. },
  402. "popup.feedback.error.header": {
  403. "description": "The title of the error feedback page",
  404. "message": "أوه لا! 😱"
  405. },
  406. "popup.feedback.error.description": {
  407. "description": "The description of the error feedback page",
  408. "message": "حدث خطأ ما في أثناء إرسال ملاحظتك. يرجى أعادة المحاولة فيما بعد.\nأن استمرت المشكلة. يرجى التواصل معنا على خادم ديسكورد."
  409. }
  410. }