downloads.json 9.3 KB

  1. {
  2. "downloads.adsbox.disableAdblock": {
  3. "description": "Message next to pepe.",
  4. "message": "請關閉廣告封鎖器"
  5. },
  6. "downloads.adsbox.thankyou.message": {
  7. "description": "Message of the advertisement section box.",
  8. "message": "我們使用廣告來支持我們的團隊並維護我們的服務器,以為您提供最佳的用戶體驗!"
  9. },
  10. "downloads.adsbox.thankyou.title": {
  11. "description": "Title of the advertisement section box.",
  12. "message": "感謝您!"
  13. },
  14. "downloads.appdownloading.header": {
  15. "description": "Header above application download buttons.",
  16. "message": "應用程序"
  17. },
  18. "downloads.button.back": {
  19. "description": "Back button on the ads section",
  20. "message": "返回"
  21. },
  22. "downloads.button.cancel": {
  23. "description": "Button on the modal of Opera/Edge browsers.",
  24. "message": "取消"
  25. },
  26. "downloads.button.done": {
  27. "description": "Button on the page when trying to download with adblocker on.",
  28. "message": "完成"
  29. },
  30. "downloads.button.login": {
  31. "description": "Login button on the downloads page.",
  32. "message": "登入"
  33. },
  34. "downloads.button.okay": {
  35. "description": "Button on the modal of Opera/Edge browsers.",
  36. "message": "確定"
  37. },
  38. "downloads.button.skip": {
  39. "description": "Skip button on the ads section",
  40. "message": "跳過"
  41. },
  42. "downloads.button.skipanyway": {
  43. "description": "Skip Anyway button on the ads page.",
  44. "message": "依要略過"
  45. },
  46. "downloads.error.login": {
  47. "description": "Error message if the user is not logged in.",
  48. "message": "你需要登入才能下載"
  49. },
  50. "downloads.error.noaccess.description": {
  51. "description": "More info if the user doesn't alpha/beta access.",
  52. "message": "您可以在**此處**免費加入我們的Beta版計劃. 趕快! 我們還有{0} 個名額。"
  53. },
  54. "downloads.error.noaccess.title": {
  55. "description": "Error message if the user doesn't alpha/beta access.",
  56. "message": "等等 你好像還沒有加入alpha/beta :("
  57. },
  58. "downloads.extdownloading.header": {
  59. "description": "Header above extension download buttons.",
  60. "message": "擴展程序"
  61. },
  62. "downloads.header.subtitle": {
  63. "description": "Subtitle for header",
  64. "message": "現在開始使用PreMiD,向其他人展示你在做什麼,可能你會找到志同道合的朋友。 "
  65. },
  66. "downloads.header.title": {
  67. "description": "Title",
  68. "message": "是時候展示你自己了!"
  69. },
  70. "downloads.instructions.footer": {
  71. "description": "{0} will be replaced with",
  72. "message": "還是有問題嗎?{0}"
  73. },
  74. "": {
  75. "description": "Link to our discord",
  76. "message": "我們在此提供協助!"
  77. },
  78. "downloads.instructions.heading": {
  79. "description": "Displayed at Downloads page above steps",
  80. "message": "馬上開始"
  81. },
  82. "downloads.instructions.step_1": {
  83. "description": "Heading for installing the application",
  84. "message": "下載PreMiD"
  85. },
  86. "downloads.instructions.step_2": {
  87. "description": "Heading for installing the application",
  88. "message": "安裝我們的應用程式"
  89. },
  90. "downloads.instructions.step_3": {
  91. "description": "Heading for installing the application",
  92. "message": "將我們的擴展添加到您的瀏覽器"
  93. },
  94. "downloads.instructions.step_4": {
  95. "description": "I think you get what this is...",
  96. "message": "刷新頁面, 來檢查擴展程序是否已連接"
  97. },
  98. "downloads.latest.header": {
  99. "description": "Header above alpha/beta download buttons.",
  100. "message": "測試版發佈"
  101. },
  102. "": {
  103. "description": "Downloads page warning when user is on mobile.",
  104. "message": "請注意, PreMiD當前不支持手機客戶端。"
  105. },
  106. "downloads.showbeta.message": {
  107. "description": "",
  108. "message": "顯示Beta版的下載"
  109. },
  110. "downloads.showbeta.small": {
  111. "description": "Small text under the show beta title.",
  112. "message": "(如果只是想在這下載普通版本則不需要)"
  113. },
  114. "downloads.skipanyway.message1": {
  115. "description": "Skip anyway messages (changes everytime you click it).",
  116. "message": "我不想支持."
  117. },
  118. "downloads.skipanyway.message2": {
  119. "description": "Skip anyway messages (changes everytime you click it).",
  120. "message": "你確定嗎?"
  121. },
  122. "downloads.skipanyway.message3": {
  123. "description": "Skip anyway messages (changes everytime you click it).",
  124. "message": "真的?"
  125. },
  126. "downloads.skipanyway.message4": {
  127. "description": "Skip anyway messages (changes everytime you click it).",
  128. "message": "拜...拜託請支持我 QAQ"
  129. },
  130. "downloads.skipanyway.message5": {
  131. "description": "Skip anyway messages (changes everytime you click it).",
  132. "message": "我需要你 :<"
  133. },
  134. "downloads.skipanyway.message6": {
  135. "description": "Last message of the skip anyway messages (changes everytime you click it).",
  136. "message": "好,好吧..."
  137. },
  138. "downloads.tooltips.os_not_supported.part1": {
  139. "description": "First part of the message.",
  140. "message": "警告:"
  141. },
  142. "downloads.tooltips.os_not_supported.part2": {
  143. "description": "Next part of the tooltip message. {0} are replaced with `downloads.tooltips.os_not_supported.part1`",
  144. "message": "{0} 該操作系統沒有安裝程序. 這就代表著沒有專業的客服能協助您."
  145. },
  146. "downloads.warning.differentVersion": {
  147. "description": "Tippy message of the Linux card.",
  148. "message": "該平台的當前版本為 {0} (此版本為Linux定制,不適用於其他平臺)。"
  149. },
  150. "downloads.warning.differentVersion2": {
  151. "description": "Tippy message of the version number when user is on Linux.",
  152. "message": "此版本為Linux定制,不適用於其他系統。主程序的主要版本是{0}"
  153. },
  154. "downloads.warning.message.opera": {
  155. "description": "Warning modal message when an Opera user clicks on Opera (extension) download. '**this**' will be replaced with link to the Opera's extension store. Keep the *.",
  156. "message": "您必須先安裝 **此** 擴展程序,然後才能從chrome線上應用程式商店安裝PreMiD。"
  157. },
  158. "downloads.warning.title": {
  159. "description": "Warning modal title, pops out when user clicks on Edge/Opera downloads (based on the current browser).",
  160. "message": "警告"
  161. },
  162. "": {
  163. "description": "Warning message shown on mobile devices indicating PreMiD is not available.",
  164. "message": "PreMiD並不支援行動裝置,請使用電腦瀏覽器下載PreMiD"
  165. },
  166. "": {
  167. "description": "Button text to show downloads section on mobile.",
  168. "message": "顯示下載"
  169. },
  170. "": {
  171. "description": "Button text to hide downloads section on mobile.",
  172. "message": "隱藏下載"
  173. },
  174. "downloads.notice.header.title": {
  175. "description": "Main announcement title in the downloads page.",
  176. "message": "重大消息!"
  177. },
  178. "downloads.notice.header.removal": {
  179. "description": "First line of the announcement about app removal.",
  180. "message": "我們已經取消程式了!"
  181. },
  182. "downloads.notice.header.simplified": {
  183. "description": "Second line explaining the simplified installation process.",
  184. "message": "現在只需要瀏覽器插件就可以使用-無需另外下載"
  185. },
  186. "downloads.notice.features.oneClick": {
  187. "description": "Feature tag highlighting one-click setup.",
  188. "message": "一鍵設定"
  189. },
  190. "downloads.notice.features.noApp": {
  191. "description": "Feature tag highlighting no app requirement.",
  192. "message": "不需要程式"
  193. },
  194. "downloads.notice.version": {
  195. "description": "Small text showing version information and reason for change.",
  196. "message": "程式於v2.6.0中移除讓你的生活簡單了不少"
  197. },
  198. "downloads.notice.browsers.title": {
  199. "description": "Title for the browser selection section.",
  200. "message": "加入PreMiD至你的瀏覽器"
  201. },
  202. "downloads.notice.browsers.comingSoon": {
  203. "description": "Label shown on unavailable browser options.",
  204. "message": "即將推出!"
  205. },
  206. "downloads.notice.browsers.beta": {
  207. "description": "Label for beta browsers",
  208. "message": "測試版本"
  209. },
  210. "downloads.notice.beta.title": {
  211. "description": "Title for the beta program section.",
  212. "message": "測試計畫"
  213. },
  214. "downloads.notice.beta.description": {
  215. "description": "Description of how to join the beta program.",
  216. "message": "喜歡嘗試新事物嗎?加入我們的Discord使用/beta來提前體驗"
  217. },
  218. "downloads.notice.alpha.title": {
  219. "description": "Title for the alpha access section.",
  220. "message": "Alpha 訪問權限:"
  221. },
  222. "downloads.notice.alpha.description": {
  223. "description": "Description of how to get alpha access.",
  224. "message": "在GitHub或Patreon支持我們以獲得更新的東西!"
  225. },
  226. "": {
  227. "description": "Start of the support section text.",
  228. "message": "需要幫忙嗎?加入我們的"
  229. },
  230. "": {
  231. "description": "Discord link text in support section.",
  232. "message": "Discord"
  233. },
  234. "": {
  235. "description": "End of the support section text.",
  236. "message": "得到幫助"
  237. },
  238. "downloads.notice.appreciation.title": {
  239. "description": "Title for the appreciation section.",
  240. "message": "喜歡PreMiD嗎?"
  241. },
  242. "downloads.notice.appreciation.description": {
  243. "description": "Description in the appreciation section.",
  244. "message": "考慮一下支持我們或是留下你的想法-這對我們十分重要!"
  245. },
  246. "": {
  247. "description": "Review button text.",
  248. "message": "留下你的想法"
  249. }
  250. }