popup.json 14 KB

  1. {
  2. "popup.buttons.help": {
  3. "description": "Help button (redirects to Wiki/troubleschooting) (located under the 'presences' area in the popup)",
  4. "message": "Brauchst Du Hilfe?"
  5. },
  6. "popup.buttons.presenceStore": {
  7. "description": "Button when no presences are installed (located at the 'presences' area of the 'settings' section in the popup)",
  8. "message": "Presence-Store"
  9. },
  10. "popup.category.all": {
  11. "description": "Category name shown when you open tags",
  12. "message": "Alle"
  13. },
  14. "popup.category.anime": {
  15. "description": "Category name shown when you open tags",
  16. "message": "Anime"
  17. },
  18. "popup.category.games": {
  19. "description": "Category name shown when you open tags",
  20. "message": "Spiele"
  21. },
  22. "popup.category.music": {
  23. "description": "Category name shown when you open tags",
  24. "message": "Musik"
  25. },
  26. "popup.category.other": {
  27. "description": "Category name shown when you open tags",
  28. "message": "Sonstige"
  29. },
  30. "popup.category.socials": {
  31. "description": "Category name shown when you open tags",
  32. "message": "Soziale Netzwerke"
  33. },
  34. "popup.category.videos": {
  35. "description": "Category name shown when you open tags",
  36. "message": "Videos & Streams"
  37. },
  38. "popup.credits.error.heading": {
  39. "description": "Title of the error message (located at the 'credits' tab in the popup)",
  40. "message": "Och ne!"
  41. },
  42. "popup.credits.error.message": {
  43. "description": "Error message when the credits can't be loaded (located at the 'credits' tab in the popup)",
  44. "message": "Fehler beim Laden der Mitwirkenden"
  45. },
  46. "popup.headings.description": {
  47. "description": "Title of the description area in the presence settings view.",
  48. "message": "Beschreibung"
  49. },
  50. "popup.headings.general": {
  51. "description": "Title of the 'general' area of the 'settings' section in the popup",
  52. "message": "Generell"
  53. },
  54. "popup.headings.presences": {
  55. "description": "Title of the 'presences' area of the 'settings' section in the popup",
  56. "message": "Presences"
  57. },
  58. "popup.headings.settings": {
  59. "description": "Title of the 'settings' section at the navigation in the popup",
  60. "message": "Einstellungen"
  61. },
  62. "popup.info.noInternet": {
  63. "description": "Shown when the user has no internet connection",
  64. "message": "Keine Internetverbindung!"
  65. },
  66. "popup.info.noInternet.message": {
  67. "description": "Shown when the user has no internet connection",
  68. "message": "Sieht so aus, als hättest du keine Internetverbindung! PreMiD kann im Moment keine Presence anzeigen."
  69. },
  70. "popup.info.notConnected": {
  71. "description": "Shown when the extension can't connect to the application",
  72. "message": "Nicht verbunden"
  73. },
  74. "popup.info.notConnected.message": {
  75. "description": "Shown when the extension can't connect to the application",
  76. "message": "PreMiD konnte sich nicht mit seiner Anwendung verbinden! Ist sie installiert und läuft sie? *Fehlerbehebung*"
  77. },
  78. "popup.info.notConnectedDiscord": {
  79. "description": "Shown in the extension when the application can't connect to Discord",
  80. "message": "Keine Verbindung zu Discord!"
  81. },
  82. "popup.info.notConnectedDiscord.message": {
  83. "description": "Shown in the extension when the application can't connect to Discord",
  84. "message": "PreMiD konnte sich nicht mit deiner Discord Anwendung verbinden! Wurde alles ordnungsgemäß installiert und gestartet? *Fehlerbehebung*"
  85. },
  86. "popup.info.safari.outdatedExtension": {
  87. "description": "Shown when Extension is outdated. Only for Safari port.",
  88. "message": "Veraltete Erweiterung"
  89. },
  90. "popup.info.safari.outdatedExtension.message": {
  91. "description": "Shown when Extension is outdated. Only for Safari port.",
  92. "message": "Ihre Erweiterung ist nicht mehr aktuell. Aktualisieren Sie es, um die neuesten Funktionen zu erhalten, indem Sie es von unserer Website herunterladen."
  93. },
  94. "popup.info.safari.urgentUpdate": {
  95. "description": "Shown when Extension is outdated. Only for Safari port.",
  96. "message": "Dringendes Update"
  97. },
  98. "popup.info.safari.urgentUpdate.message": {
  99. "description": "Shown when very urgent update has been released to extension. Only for Safari port.",
  100. "message": "Wir haben ein dringendes Update für die Erweiterung veröffentlicht. Bitte aktualisieren Sie PreMiD, um sie weiterzunutzen."
  101. },
  102. "popup.info.unsupportedAppVersion": {
  103. "description": "Shown when application is outdated",
  104. "message": "Veraltete Applikation"
  105. },
  106. "popup.info.unsupportedAppVersion.message": {
  107. "description": "Shown when application is outdated",
  108. "message": "Deine PreMiD Applikation ist veraltet. Bitte aktualisiere sie, um PreMiD weiterhin zu verwenden."
  109. },
  110. "popup.info.extensionDisabled": {
  111. "description": "Shown when the extension has been disabled in the settings",
  112. "message": "Erweiterung deaktiviert"
  113. },
  114. "popup.info.extensionDisabled.message": {
  115. "description": "Shown when the extension has been disabled in the settings",
  116. "message": "Die PreMiD-Erweiterung wurde in den Einstellungen deaktiviert. Bitte aktivieren Sie sie, um PreMiD weiterzuverwenden."
  117. },
  118. "popup.info.discordStatusSetting.message": {
  119. "description": "Shown on the troubleshooting page when the user might have to change their Discord status setting",
  120. "message": "Bitte stelle sicher, dass du die Einstellung \"Aktuelle Aktivität als Statusnachricht anzeigen\" in deinen Discord-Einstellungen aktiviert hast."
  121. },
  122. "popup.info.presenceNotSetMessage.message": {
  123. "description": "Shown on the troubleshooting page when PreMiD has not found a presence for the current tabs",
  124. "message": "PreMiD konnte keine Presence für deine aktuellen Tabs finden. Bitte stelle sicher, dass du eine Presence für die Website installiert hast, auf der du dich gerade befindest. Wenn du eine Presence installiert hast, versuche, die Website neu zu laden und stelle sicher, dass du die Presence in den Einstellungen aktiviert hast."
  125. },
  126. "popup.navigation.credits": {
  127. "description": "Title of the 'credits' section at the navigation in the popup",
  128. "message": "Mitwirkende"
  129. },
  130. "popup.navigation.settings": {
  131. "description": "Title of the 'settings' section at the navigation in the popup",
  132. "message": "Einstellungen"
  133. },
  134. "popup.navigation.information": {
  135. "description": "Title of the 'information' section at the navigation in the popup",
  136. "message": "Informationen"
  137. },
  138. "popup.navigation.diagnostics": {
  139. "description": "Title of the 'diagnostics' section at the navigation in the popup",
  140. "message": "Diagnosen"
  141. },
  142. "popup.presences.done": {
  143. "description": "Done button",
  144. "message": "Fertig"
  145. },
  146. "popup.presences.load": {
  147. "description": "Load Presence button",
  148. "message": "Presence wird geladen"
  149. },
  150. "popup.presences.manage": {
  151. "description": "Button which enables the opportunity to manage installed presences (located at the 'presences' area of the 'settings' section in the popup)",
  152. "message": "Verwalten"
  153. },
  154. "popup.presences.noPresences": {
  155. "description": "Warning message when no presences are installed (located at the 'presences' area of the 'settings' section in the popup)",
  156. "message": "Keine Presences hinzugefügt"
  157. },
  158. "popup.setting.autoLaunch": {
  159. "description": "Enable/Disable auto startup of the application (location: extension popup -> discord icon/profile picture -> 'settings' section)",
  160. "message": "Autostart"
  161. },
  162. "popup.setting.enabled": {
  163. "description": "Enable/Disable PreMiD (location: extension popup -> discord icon/profile picture -> 'settings' section)",
  164. "message": "Aktiviert"
  165. },
  166. "popup.setting.developerMode": {
  167. "description": "Enable/Disable developer mode (location: extension popup -> discord icon/profile picture -> 'settings' section)",
  168. "message": "Entwicklermodus"
  169. },
  170. "popup.setting.mediaControl": {
  171. "description": "Enable/Disable media keys (location: extension popup -> discord icon/profile picture -> 'settings' section)",
  172. "message": "Mediensteuerung"
  173. },
  174. "popup.setting.titleMenubar": {
  175. "description": "Enable/Disable the indicator in the menu bar (location: extension popup -> discord icon/profile picture -> 'settings' section)",
  176. "message": "Titel Menubar"
  177. },
  178. "popup.setting.syncLanguage": {
  179. "description": "Enable/Disable syncing the language of the extension with the language of presences (location: extension popup -> discord icon/profile picture -> 'language' section)",
  180. "message": "Sprach Synchronisation"
  181. },
  182. "popup.setting.preferredPresenceLanguage": {
  183. "description": "When the 'Sync Language' setting is disabled, it will show a selector where you can select a language that will be preferred for the languages of presences (location: extension popup -> discord icon/profile picture -> 'language' section)",
  184. "message": "Bevorzugte Presence-Sprache"
  185. },
  186. "popup.setting.failedToFetchUser": {
  187. "description": "Shown when the user is logged in but we could not get their profile data (location: extension popup -> discord icon/profile picture)",
  188. "message": "Benutzer kann nicht abgerufen werden"
  189. },
  190. "popup.setting.heartbeat": {
  191. "description": "Enable/Disable sending heartbeats to PreMiD (Anonymized diagonistic data about what version you are using of PreMiD etc.) (location: extension popup -> discord icon/profile picture -> 'Diagnostics' section)",
  192. "message": "Herzschlag"
  193. },
  194. "popup.setting.preferApp": {
  195. "description": "Enable/Disable the use of the app instead of the extension (location: extension popup -> discord icon/profile picture -> 'settings' section)",
  196. "message": "App bevorzugen"
  197. },
  198. "popup.information.extensionVersion": {
  199. "description": "Shows the version of the extension (located at the 'information' tab in the popup); {0} will be replaced with for example '2.5.0' -> {0} is a variable and should not be translated; Example: Extension version: 2.5.0",
  200. "message": "Erweiterungs-Version: {0}"
  201. },
  202. "popup.information.appVersion": {
  203. "description": "Shows the version of the app (located at the 'information' tab in the popup); {0} will be replaced with for example '2.5.0' -> {0} is a variable and should not be translated; Example: App version: 2.5.0",
  204. "message": "App-Version: {0}"
  205. },
  206. "popup.information.appNotFound": {
  207. "description": "Shows that no connection was able to be made to the PreMiD app (located at the 'information' tab in the popup)",
  208. "message": "Nicht mit der PreMiD App verbunden"
  209. },
  210. "popup.information.discordUser": {
  211. "description": "Shows Discord user PreMiD is connected to (located at the 'information' tab in the popup); {0} will be replaced the username of the Discord account -> {0} is a variable and should not be translated; Example: Discord user: Bas950",
  212. "message": "Discord-Benutzer: {0}"
  213. },
  214. "popup.information.discordNotFound": {
  215. "description": "Shows that no connection was able to be made to the Discord app (located at the 'information' tab in the popup)",
  216. "message": "Nicht mit der Discord App verbunden"
  217. },
  218. "popup.notConnectedBanner.heading": {
  219. "description": "Title of the error banner when no discord connection is found",
  220. "message": "Discord nicht verknüpft"
  221. },
  222. "popup.notConnectedBanner.description": {
  223. "description": "Description of the error banner when no discord connection is found",
  224. "message": "PreMiD benötigt ein verlinktes Discord Konto, um korrekt zu funktionieren. Bitte verlinke dein Discord Konto, um PreMiD weiter nutzen zu können."
  225. },
  226. "popup.notConnectedBanner.button": {
  227. "description": "Button to the Discord connection page",
  228. "message": "Discord verknüpfen"
  229. },
  230. "popup.information.notYou": {
  231. "description": "Is shown next to popup.information.discordUser, is a link to unlink the current Discord account",
  232. "message": "Nicht du?"
  233. },
  234. "popup.informationIcon.notLinked.heading": {
  235. "description": "Exclamation mark icon next user avatar, title of the error message when no discord connection is found",
  236. "message": "Nicht verknüpft"
  237. },
  238. "popup.informationIcon.notLinked.description": {
  239. "description": "Exclamation mark icon next user avatar, description of the error message when no discord connection is found",
  240. "message": "Dein Discord Account ist nicht mit PreMiD verknüpft."
  241. },
  242. "popup.logout": {
  243. "description": "Button to unlink the current Discord account",
  244. "message": "Ausloggen"
  245. },
  246. "popup.setting.usePlayingStatus": {
  247. "description": "Enable/Disable the use of the 'Playing' status in Discord (location: extension popup -> discord icon/profile picture -> 'settings' section)",
  248. "message": "\"Spielt\"-Status verwenden"
  249. },
  250. "popup.whatsNew.heading": {
  251. "description": "Title of the 'What's new' section at the navigation in the popup",
  252. "message": "Was ist neu 🎉"
  253. },
  254. "popup.whatsNew.description": {
  255. "description": "Description of the 'What's new' section at the navigation in the popup",
  256. "message": "Schau dir die neuesten coolen Sachen an!"
  257. },
  258. "popup.whatsNew.button": {
  259. "description": "Button to open the 'What's new' page",
  260. "message": "Changelog öffnen"
  261. },
  262. "popup.discordUnlinked.title": {
  263. "description": "Title of the 'Discord Unlinked' section at the navigation in the popup",
  264. "message": "Discord nicht verknüpft"
  265. },
  266. "popup.discordUnlinked.description": {
  267. "description": "Description of the 'Discord Unlinked' section at the navigation in the popup",
  268. "message": "PreMiD benötigt ein verlinktes Discord Konto, um korrekt zu funktionieren. Bitte verlinke dein Discord Konto, um PreMiD weiter nutzen zu können."
  269. },
  270. "popup.discordUnlinked.button": {
  271. "description": "Button to link the Discord account",
  272. "message": "Discord verknüpfen"
  273. },
  274. "popup.navigation.feedback": {
  275. "description": "Text on the information tab in the popup to give feedback",
  276. "message": "Hast du etwas zu sagen?"
  277. },
  278. "popup.navigation.feedbackLink": {
  279. "description": "Link to the feedback page",
  280. "message": "Feedback abgeben"
  281. },
  282. "popup.feedback.presence": {
  283. "description": "Title of the presence option in the feedback type selection box",
  284. "message": "Melde einen Fehler oder ein Problem mit einem Präsenz"
  285. },
  286. "popup.feedback.extension": {
  287. "description": "Title of the extension option in the feedback type selection box",
  288. "message": "Melde einen Fehler oder ein Problem mit der Erweiterung"
  289. },
  290. "popup.feedback.other": {
  291. "description": "Title of the other option in the feedback type selection box",
  292. "message": "Sonstige"
  293. },
  294. "popup.feedback.presence.header": {
  295. "description": "The title of the presence feedback page",
  296. "message": "Melde einen Fehler oder ein Problem mit einem Präsenz"
  297. },
  298. "popup.feedback.close": {
  299. "description": "Close button on the feedback popup",
  300. "message": "Schließen"
  301. },
  302. "popup.feedback.extension.header": {
  303. "description": "The title of the extension feedback page",
  304. "message": "Melde einen Fehler oder ein Problem mit der Erweiterung"
  305. },
  306. "popup.feedback.other.header": {
  307. "description": "The title of the other feedback page",
  308. "message": "Sonstige"
  309. }
  310. }