Ultimaker.Cura.yaml 880 B

  1. PackageIdentifier: Ultimaker.Cura
  2. PackageVersion: 4.6.1
  3. PackageName: Cura
  4. Publisher: Ultimaker
  5. License: GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
  6. LicenseUrl: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/blob/master/LICENSE
  7. Moniker: cura
  8. Tags:
  9. - 3D printing
  10. - 3D slicer
  11. ShortDescription: Trusted by millions of users, Ultimaker Cura is the world’s most popular 3D printing software. Prepare prints with a few clicks, integrate with CAD software for an easier workflow, or dive into custom settings for in-depth control.
  12. PackageUrl: https://ultimaker.com/software/ultimaker-cura
  13. Installers:
  14. - Architecture: x64
  15. InstallerUrl: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/releases/download/4.6.1/Ultimaker.Cura-4.6.1-win64.exe
  16. InstallerSha256: 5B4D7758E274635DFC57E4024A65E694A7FAE75C1EC11B03E6C576EF75579D9D
  17. InstallerType: nullsoft
  18. PackageLocale: en-US
  19. ManifestType: singleton
  20. ManifestVersion: 1.0.0