12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758 |
- # Created with YamlCreate.ps1 v2.0.0 $debug=MDSU.7-1-5
- # yaml-language-server: $schema=https://aka.ms/winget-manifest.installer.1.0.0.schema.json
- PackageIdentifier: Tencent.QQMusic
- PackageVersion: "18.22"
- MinimumOSVersion:
- InstallerType: exe
- Scope: machine
- InstallModes:
- - interactive
- - silent
- InstallerSwitches:
- Silent: silence=1
- SilentWithProgress: silence=1
- InstallLocation: installdir="<INSTALLPATH>"
- Custom: runafterinstall=no
- # Other switches (-help):
- # channelid: Number, channel id
- # channelver: String, channel version
- # desktopshortcut: yes or no, decide whether to create desktop shortcut
- # songrecognitionshortcut: yes or no, decide whether to create shortcut for song recognition
- # autostart: yes or no, decide whether to auto-startup with windows system starts up
- UpgradeBehavior: install
- FileExtensions:
- - aac
- - ac3
- - aif
- - aiff
- - ape
- - au
- - caf
- - cue
- - dff
- - dsf
- - dts
- - flac
- - lrc
- - m4a
- - m4r
- - mid
- - mp3
- - mpc
- - ogg
- - opus
- - qrc
- - tta
- - tac
- - wav
- - wma
- - wv
- ProductCode: QQMusic
- Installers:
- - Architecture: x86
- InstallerUrl: https://dl.softmgr.qq.com/original/Audio/QQMusic_Setup_1822.5311_QMgr.exe
- InstallerSha256: E92CBE403BBBD87C2AC06E1E5E608BA8A3F549B51AF25F845ADEB0DF54D70902
- ManifestType: installer
- ManifestVersion: 1.0.0