Opera.OperaGX.locale.en-US.yaml 1.0 KB

  1. # Created using wingetcreate
  2. PackageIdentifier: Opera.OperaGX
  3. PackageVersion: 75.0.3969.279
  4. PackageLocale: en-US
  5. Publisher: Opera Software
  6. PublisherUrl: https://www.opera.com
  7. PublisherSupportUrl: https://www.opera.com/help
  8. PrivacyUrl: https://www.opera.com/privacy
  9. Author: Opera Software
  10. PackageName: Opera GX
  11. PackageUrl: https://www.opera.com/gx
  12. License: Freeware
  13. LicenseUrl: https://www.opera.com/eula/computers/row
  14. Copyright: © 1995-2021 Opera Norway
  15. CopyrightUrl: https://www.opera.com/terms/row
  16. ShortDescription: Opera GX is a special version of the Opera browser which, on top of Opera’s great features for privacy, security and efficiency, includes special features designed to complement gaming.
  17. Description: Opera GX is a special version of the Opera browser which, on top of Opera’s great features for privacy, security and efficiency, includes special features designed to complement gaming.
  18. Moniker: operagx
  19. Tags:
  20. - browser
  21. - chromium
  22. - blink
  23. - gaming
  24. ManifestType: defaultLocale
  25. ManifestVersion: 1.0.0