klinker24.google-calendar-desktop.locale.en-US.yaml 855 B

  1. # Created with YamlCreate.ps1 v2.0.0 using YAML parsing
  2. # yaml-language-server: $schema=https://aka.ms/winget-manifest.defaultLocale.1.0.0.schema.json
  3. PackageIdentifier: klinker24.google-calendar-desktop
  4. PackageVersion: 1.7.1
  5. PackageLocale: en-US
  6. Publisher: Luke Klinker
  7. PublisherUrl: https://luke.klinker.xyz/
  8. PublisherSupportUrl: https://github.com/klinker24/google-calendar-desktop/issues
  9. Author: Luke Klinker
  10. PackageName: Google Calendar
  11. PackageUrl: https://github.com/klinker24/google-calendar-desktop
  12. License: Apache-2.0
  13. LicenseUrl: https://github.com/klinker24/google-calendar-desktop/blob/master/LICENSE
  14. Copyright: Copyright (c) 2020 Luke Klinker
  15. ShortDescription: A simple Electron app to display Google Calendar
  16. Moniker: googlecalendar
  17. Tags:
  18. - electron
  19. - google
  20. - calendar
  21. ManifestType: defaultLocale
  22. ManifestVersion: 1.0.0