Kingsoft.KDocs.locale.en-US.yaml 1.3 KB

  1. # Created with YamlCreate.ps1 v2.0.6 using InputObject 🤖 $debug=QUSU-7-2-1
  2. # yaml-language-server: $schema=
  3. PackageIdentifier: Kingsoft.KDocs
  4. PackageVersion: 3.3.0
  5. PackageLocale: en-US
  6. Publisher: Kingsoft Corp.
  7. PublisherUrl:
  8. PublisherSupportUrl:
  9. PrivacyUrl:
  10. Author: Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co., Ltd.
  11. PackageName: 金山文档
  12. PackageUrl:
  13. License: Proprietary
  14. LicenseUrl:
  15. Copyright: Copyright © 2022 Kingsoft Corp.
  16. # CopyrightUrl:
  17. ShortDescription: Online document for multi-user collaboration
  18. Description: KDocs is an online Office for real-time multi-user collaboration, where multiple users can view and edit the same document together. It can save changes automatically, sync across devices in real time, and store in the cloud, so you never have to worry about losing files.
  19. # Moniker:
  20. Tags:
  21. - collaboration
  22. - diagram
  23. - docs
  24. - document
  25. - form
  26. - mind-map
  27. - mindmap
  28. - office
  29. - presentation
  30. - share
  31. - sheet
  32. - slide
  33. - sync
  34. - team
  35. - template
  36. - wps
  37. # Agreements:
  38. # ReleaseNotes:
  39. # ReleaseNotesUrl:
  40. ManifestType: defaultLocale
  41. ManifestVersion: 1.1.0