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- # Created with YamlCreate.ps1 v2.0.4 $debug=QUSU.7-2-1
- # yaml-language-server: $schema=https://aka.ms/winget-manifest.defaultLocale.1.1.0.schema.json
- PackageIdentifier: valinet.ExplorerPatcher.Prerelease
- PackageVersion: 22000.376.40.17
- PackageLocale: en-US
- Publisher: VALINET Solutions SRL
- PublisherUrl: https://github.com/valinet
- PublisherSupportUrl: https://github.com/valinet/ExplorerPatcher/issues
- # PrivacyUrl:
- Author: valinet
- PackageName: ExplorerPatcher Pre-Release
- PackageUrl: https://github.com/valinet/ExplorerPatcher
- License: GPL-2.0
- LicenseUrl: https://github.com/valinet/ExplorerPatcher/blob/master/LICENSE
- # Copyright:
- CopyrightUrl: https://github.com/valinet/ExplorerPatcher/blob/master/LICENSE
- ShortDescription: This project aims to bring back a productive working environment on Windows 11
- # Description:
- Moniker: explorerpatcher-prerelease
- # Tags:
- # Agreements:
- # ReleaseNotes:
- # ReleaseNotesUrl:
- ManifestType: defaultLocale
- ManifestVersion: 1.1.0