Poly.PlantronicsHub.locale.en-US.yaml 1.1 KB

  1. # Automatically updated by the winget bot at 2022/Mar/11
  2. # yaml-language-server: $schema=https://aka.ms/winget-manifest.defaultLocale.1.0.0.schema.json
  3. PackageIdentifier: Poly.PlantronicsHub
  4. PackageVersion: 3.24.53524.36336
  5. PackageLocale: en-US
  6. Publisher: Plantronics, Inc.
  7. PublisherUrl: https://www.poly.com/us/en
  8. PublisherSupportUrl: https://www.poly.com/us/en/support
  9. PrivacyUrl: https://www.poly.com/us/en/legal/privacy
  10. Author: Plantronics, Inc.
  11. PackageName: Plantronics Hub Software
  12. PackageUrl: https://www.poly.com/us/en/support/downloads-apps/hub-desktop
  13. License: Proprietary
  14. LicenseUrl: https://www.poly.com/us/en/legal/terms
  15. Copyright: © 2021 Plantronics, Inc. All rights reserved.
  16. CopyrightUrl: https://www.poly.com/us/en/legal/trademarks
  17. ShortDescription: Allows end-users to customize their settings and get visible status of their Plantronics audio device on their desktop.
  18. Description: Allows end-users to customize their settings and get visible status of their Plantronics audio device on their desktop.
  19. Moniker: plantronicshub
  20. ManifestType: defaultLocale
  21. ManifestVersion: 1.0.0