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- # Created with YamlCreate.ps1 v2.0.0 $debug=NVS1.7-1-5
- # yaml-language-server: $schema=https://aka.ms/winget-manifest.defaultLocale.1.0.0.schema.json
- PackageIdentifier: LAIPIC.LaiHuaVideo
- PackageVersion: 1.0.8
- PackageLocale: en-US
- Publisher: laihua
- PublisherUrl: https://www.laihua.com/
- PublisherSupportUrl: https://support.laihua.com/
- PrivacyUrl: https://www.laihua.com/about/privacy
- Author: Shenzhen Qianhai Shouhui Science and Technology Culture Co., Ltd.
- PackageName: LaiHuaVideo
- PackageUrl: https://www.laihua.com/video
- License: Proprietary
- LicenseUrl: https://www.laihua.com/about?id=9
- Copyright: Copyright © 2021 laihua
- CopyrightUrl: https://www.laihua.com/about?id=110
- ShortDescription: Real-time interactive video presentations
- Description: LaiHua Video is a real-time interactive video presentation editor to help you achieve interactive presentations combining real person and video content instead of tedious PPT presentation, making video speech and presentation more vivid and interesting.
- # Moniker:
- Tags:
- - presentations
- - videos
- - recording
- - capture
- - live
- - streaming
- - broadcasting
- - meetings
- - conferences
- - classes
- - laihua
- - 来画视频
- ManifestType: defaultLocale
- ManifestVersion: 1.0.0