ByteDance.Lark.installer.yaml 1.4 KB

  1. # Created using YamlCreate.ps1 v1.1.6
  2. # yaml-language-server: $schema=
  3. PackageIdentifier: ByteDance.Lark
  4. PackageVersion: 4.5.6
  5. MinimumOSVersion:
  6. InstallModes:
  7. - interactive
  8. - silent
  9. Installers:
  10. - Architecture: x86
  11. InstallerType: exe
  12. Scope: user
  13. InstallerUrl:
  14. InstallerSha256: B23CA9B2EE3A362F8C11D295C7BD003C1C22F045590D7D700DAB4626CA4C0421
  15. InstallerSwitches:
  16. Silent: --command=quiet_install
  17. SilentWithProgress: --command=quiet_install
  18. InstallLocation: --target_dir="<INSTALLPATH>"
  19. Log: --log_dir="<LOGPATH>"
  20. # Other switches:
  21. # DPI Awareness:
  22. # --dpiaware= # Set DPI Awareness to per-monitor(1) or off(0)
  23. # --dpi= # Set size by DPI
  24. # --scale= # Set size by percentage
  25. # Set running mode (Doesn't affect install scope):
  26. # --as_desktop_user
  27. # --tried_desktop_user
  28. # --as_admin_user
  29. # --tried_admin_user
  30. # Setup Active Setup Registry Key:
  31. # --msi_upgrade_guid= # Set GUID variable for the following commands
  32. # --command=msi_install
  33. # --command=msi_uninstall
  34. # Unknown:
  35. # --command=pack
  36. # --command=unpack
  37. # --lark_zip=
  38. # --command=unzip
  39. # --dest_path=
  40. # --dest_dir=
  41. # --skin_dir=
  42. # --runas=
  43. ProductCode: 'Lark'
  44. UpgradeBehavior: install
  45. ManifestType: installer
  46. ManifestVersion: 1.0.0