BlueMicrophones.BlueSherpa.installer.yaml 739 B

  1. # yaml-language-server: $schema=
  2. # Compiled by thomasthebro1 (Thomas Austin-Crowe) on GitHub
  3. # Configured for winget-cli developed by Microsoft Corporation.
  4. PackageIdentifier: BlueMicrophones.BlueSherpa
  5. PackageVersion: 1.6.26
  6. Installers:
  7. - InstallerLocale: en-US
  8. Architecture: neutral # The installer should install the correct version associated with the CPU Architecture.
  9. InstallerType: exe
  10. InstallerUrl:
  11. InstallerSha256: ED581BAE9C69FA2E281960555B0650583F27A40497F295E799AE92E88BE2C232
  12. InstallerSwitches:
  13. Silent: /s
  14. SilentWithProgress: /s
  15. ManifestType: installer
  16. ManifestVersion: 1.0.0