12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940 |
- #!/usr/bin/env php -q
- <?php
- /*
- * StravaMerger © David Gouveia - http://www.davidgouveia.net
- * Simple script to merge tracking data from Strava's exported GPX files.
- * The backtrack_limit is there because some files could not be parsed due to their size.
- * Feel free to raise the limit but be carrefull not to cross the limit.
- * Instead of using regex, I could have used a XML cursor to overcome the backtrack limit
- * but either I would have to use the php_xml extension or build my own parser.
- */
- ini_set("pcre.backtrack_limit", "10000000");
- if ( !trim( $argv[1] ) || trim( !$argv[2] ) || sizeof($argv) < 4 )
- die("Usage:\n$argv[0] file1.gpx file2.gpx <fileN.gpx> output.gpx\n" );
- $segments ="";
- for($i = 1; $i < sizeof($argv) - 1; $i++)
- {
- echo "Processing $argv[$i] ...";
- if (!is_file( $argv[$i] ) ) die( "Invalid file: $argv[$i]\n" );
- $gpx = file_get_contents( $argv[$i] );
- if ( $i == 1 ) preg_match( "/^(.*?)<trkseg>.*?<\/trkseg>(.*?)$/is", $gpx, $metadata );
- preg_match("/<trkseg>(.*?)<\/trkseg>/ims", $gpx, $matches);
- if( trim( $matches[1] ) )
- {
- $segments .= $matches[1];
- echo "[OK]\n";
- }
- else
- echo "[FAIL]\n";
- }
- $output_file = $metadata[1] . "<trkseg>" . $segments . "</trkseg>" . $metadata[2];
- file_put_contents($argv[sizeof($argv) -1], $output_file) or die( "Unable to create destination GPX\n" );
- print "File " . $argv[sizeof($argv) -1] . " successfully created.\n";