123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264 |
- -- This file is licensed under the terms of the BSD 2-clause license.
- -- See LICENSE.txt for details.
- local ie = ...
- -- MIME is part of LuaSocket
- local b64e = ie.require("mime").b64
- irc.hooks = {}
- irc.registered_hooks = {}
- local stripped_chars = "[\2\31]"
- local function normalize(text)
- -- Strip colors
- text = text:gsub("\3[0-9][0-9,]*", "")
- return text:gsub(stripped_chars, "")
- end
- function irc.doHook(conn)
- for name, hook in pairs(irc.registered_hooks) do
- for _, func in pairs(hook) do
- conn:hook(name, func)
- end
- end
- end
- function irc.register_hook(name, func)
- irc.registered_hooks[name] = irc.registered_hooks[name] or {}
- table.insert(irc.registered_hooks[name], func)
- end
- function irc.hooks.raw(line)
- if irc.config.debug then
- print("RECV: "..line)
- end
- end
- function irc.hooks.send(line)
- if irc.config.debug then
- print("SEND: "..line)
- end
- end
- function irc.hooks.chat(msg)
- local channel, text = msg.args[1], msg.args[2]
- if text:sub(1, 1) == string.char(1) then
- irc.conn:invoke("OnCTCP", msg)
- return
- end
- if channel == irc.conn.nick then
- irc.last_from = msg.user.nick
- irc.conn:invoke("PrivateMessage", msg)
- else
- irc.last_from = channel
- irc.conn:invoke("OnChannelChat", msg)
- end
- end
- local function get_core_version()
- local status = minetest.get_server_status()
- local start_pos = select(2, status:find("version=", 1, true))
- local end_pos = status:find(",", start_pos, true)
- return status:sub(start_pos + 1, end_pos - 1)
- end
- function irc.hooks.ctcp(msg)
- local text = msg.args[2]:sub(2, -2) -- Remove ^C
- local args = text:split(' ')
- local command = args[1]:upper()
- local function reply(s)
- irc.queue(irc.msgs.notice(msg.user.nick,
- ("\1%s %s\1"):format(command, s)))
- end
- if command == "ACTION" and msg.args[1] == irc.config.channel then
- local action = text:sub(8, -1)
- irc.sendLocal(("* %s@IRC %s"):format(msg.user.nick, action))
- elseif command == "VERSION" then
- reply(("Minetest version %s, IRC mod version %s.")
- :format(get_core_version(), irc.version))
- elseif command == "PING" then
- reply(args[2])
- elseif command == "TIME" then
- reply(os.date())
- end
- end
- function irc.hooks.channelChat(msg)
- local text = normalize(msg.args[2])
- irc.check_botcmd(msg)
- -- Don't let a user impersonate someone else by using the nick "IRC"
- local fake = msg.user.nick:lower():match("^[il|]rc$")
- if fake then
- irc.sendLocal("<"..msg.user.nick.."@IRC> "..text)
- return
- end
- -- Support multiple servers in a channel better by converting:
- -- "<server@IRC> <player> message" into "<player@server> message"
- -- "<server@IRC> *** player joined/left the game" into "*** player joined/left server"
- -- and "<server@IRC> * player orders a pizza" into "* player@server orders a pizza"
- local foundchat, _, chatnick, chatmessage =
- text:find("^<([^>]+)> (.*)$")
- local foundjoin, _, joinnick =
- text:find("^%*%*%* ([^%s]+) joined the game$")
- local foundleave, _, leavenick =
- text:find("^%*%*%* ([^%s]+) left the game$")
- local foundtimedout, _, timedoutnick =
- text:find("^%*%*%* ([^%s]+) left the game %(Timed out%)$")
- local foundaction, _, actionnick, actionmessage =
- text:find("^%* ([^%s]+) (.*)$")
- if text:sub(1, 5) == "[off]" then
- return
- elseif foundchat then
- irc.sendLocal(("<%s@%s> %s")
- :format(chatnick, msg.user.nick, chatmessage))
- elseif foundjoin then
- irc.sendLocal(("*** %s joined %s")
- :format(joinnick, msg.user.nick))
- elseif foundleave then
- irc.sendLocal(("*** %s left %s")
- :format(leavenick, msg.user.nick))
- elseif foundtimedout then
- irc.sendLocal(("*** %s left %s (Timed out)")
- :format(timedoutnick, msg.user.nick))
- elseif foundaction then
- irc.sendLocal(("* %s@%s %s")
- :format(actionnick, msg.user.nick, actionmessage))
- else
- irc.sendLocal(("<%s@IRC> %s"):format(msg.user.nick, text))
- end
- end
- function irc.hooks.pm(msg)
- -- Trim prefix if it is found
- local text = msg.args[2]
- local prefix = irc.config.command_prefix
- if prefix and text:sub(1, #prefix) == prefix then
- text = text:sub(#prefix + 1)
- end
- irc.bot_command(msg, text)
- end
- function irc.hooks.kick(channel, target, prefix, reason)
- if target == irc.conn.nick then
- minetest.chat_send_all("IRC: kicked from "..channel.." by "..prefix.nick..".")
- irc.disconnect("Kicked")
- else
- irc.sendLocal(("-!- %s was kicked from %s by %s [%s]")
- :format(target, channel, prefix.nick, reason))
- end
- end
- function irc.hooks.notice(user, target, message)
- if user.nick and target == irc.config.channel then
- irc.sendLocal("-"..user.nick.."@IRC- "..message)
- end
- end
- function irc.hooks.mode(user, target, modes, ...)
- local by = ""
- if user.nick then
- by = " by "..user.nick
- end
- local options = ""
- if select("#", ...) > 0 then
- options = " "
- end
- options = options .. table.concat({...}, " ")
- minetest.chat_send_all(("-!- mode/%s [%s%s]%s")
- :format(target, modes, options, by))
- end
- function irc.hooks.nick(user, newNick)
- irc.sendLocal(("-!- %s is now known as %s")
- :format(user.nick, newNick))
- end
- function irc.hooks.join(user, channel)
- irc.sendLocal(("-!- %s joined %s")
- :format(user.nick, channel))
- end
- function irc.hooks.part(user, channel, reason)
- reason = reason or ""
- irc.sendLocal(("-!- %s has left %s [%s]")
- :format(user.nick, channel, reason))
- end
- function irc.hooks.quit(user, reason)
- irc.sendLocal(("-!- %s has quit [%s]")
- :format(user.nick, reason))
- end
- function irc.hooks.disconnect(_, isError)
- irc.connected = false
- if isError then
- minetest.log("error", "IRC: Error: Disconnected, reconnecting in one minute.")
- minetest.chat_send_all("IRC: Error: Disconnected, reconnecting in one minute.")
- minetest.after(60, irc.connect, irc)
- else
- minetest.log("action", "IRC: Disconnected.")
- minetest.chat_send_all("IRC: Disconnected.")
- end
- end
- function irc.hooks.preregister(conn)
- if not (irc.config["sasl.user"] and irc.config["sasl.pass"]) then return end
- local authString = b64e(
- ("%s\x00%s\x00%s"):format(
- irc.config["sasl.user"],
- irc.config["sasl.user"],
- irc.config["sasl.pass"])
- )
- conn:send("CAP REQ sasl")
- conn:send("AUTHENTICATE "..authString)
- conn:send("CAP END")
- end
- irc.register_hook("PreRegister", irc.hooks.preregister)
- irc.register_hook("OnRaw", irc.hooks.raw)
- irc.register_hook("OnSend", irc.hooks.send)
- irc.register_hook("DoPrivmsg", irc.hooks.chat)
- irc.register_hook("OnPart", irc.hooks.part)
- irc.register_hook("OnKick", irc.hooks.kick)
- irc.register_hook("OnJoin", irc.hooks.join)
- irc.register_hook("OnQuit", irc.hooks.quit)
- irc.register_hook("NickChange", irc.hooks.nick)
- irc.register_hook("OnCTCP", irc.hooks.ctcp)
- irc.register_hook("PrivateMessage", irc.hooks.pm)
- irc.register_hook("OnNotice", irc.hooks.notice)
- irc.register_hook("OnChannelChat", irc.hooks.channelChat)
- irc.register_hook("OnModeChange", irc.hooks.mode)
- irc.register_hook("OnDisconnect", irc.hooks.disconnect)