hints.lua 2.0 KB

  1. -- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
  2. local minetest, nodecore
  3. = minetest, nodecore
  4. -- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
  5. local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
  6. nodecore.register_hint("assemble a stone-tipped stylus",
  7. "assemble stylus",
  8. {"nc_tree:stick", "nc_stonework:chip"}
  9. )
  10. nodecore.register_hint("etch pliant concrete with a stylus",
  11. "stylus etch",
  12. "assemble stylus"
  13. )
  14. nodecore.register_hint("change a stylus pattern",
  15. "stylus train",
  16. "stylus etch"
  17. )
  18. nodecore.register_hint("mix gravel into ash to make aggregate",
  19. modname .. ":aggregate",
  20. {"nc_terrain:gravel_loose", "nc_fire:ash"}
  21. )
  22. nodecore.register_hint("mix sand into ash to make render",
  23. modname .. ":render",
  24. {"nc_terrain:sand_loose", "nc_fire:ash"}
  25. )
  26. nodecore.register_hint("mix dirt into ash to make adobe mix",
  27. modname .. ":mud",
  28. {"nc_terrain:dirt_loose", "nc_fire:ash"}
  29. )
  30. nodecore.register_hint("add coal to aggregate to make tarstone",
  31. "craft:" .. modname .. ":coalaggregate",
  32. {"nc_fire:lump_coal", modname .. ":aggregate"}
  33. )
  34. nodecore.register_hint("wet a concrete mix",
  35. "group:concrete_wet",
  36. "group:concrete_powder"
  37. )
  38. nodecore.register_hint("set concrete to pliant",
  39. "group:concrete_etchable",
  40. "group:concrete_wet"
  41. )
  42. nodecore.register_hint("cure pliant concrete fully",
  43. "cure pliant concrete",
  44. "group:concrete_etchable"
  45. )
  46. nodecore.register_hint("chisel sandstone bricks",
  47. "chisel sandstone bricks",
  48. {modname .. ":sandstone", "group:chisel"}
  49. )
  50. nodecore.register_hint("chisel adobe bricks",
  51. "chisel adobe bricks",
  52. {modname .. ":adobe", "group:chisel"}
  53. )
  54. nodecore.register_hint("chisel tarstone bricks",
  55. "chisel coalstone bricks",
  56. {modname .. ":coalstone", "group:chisel"}
  57. )
  58. nodecore.register_hint("bond sandstone bricks",
  59. "bond sandstone bricks",
  60. "chisel sandstone bricks"
  61. )
  62. nodecore.register_hint("bond adobe bricks",
  63. "bond adobe bricks",
  64. "chisel adobe bricks"
  65. )
  66. nodecore.register_hint("bond tarstone bricks",
  67. "bond coalstone bricks",
  68. "chisel coalstone bricks"
  69. )