123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465 |
- local help_texts = {
- CLS = " Clears the screen.",
- CD = " Change disk. CD [HDD,FDD]",
- DATE = " Displays the current system date.",
- DIR = " Display directory of current disk. DIR [filename] brings up info for specified file or files if using wild card *.",
- DEL = " Delete a file. DEL [FILENAME]",
- HALT = " Shut down CS-BOS.",
- HELP = " Displays HELP menu. HELP [command] displays help on that command.",
- MEM = " Displays memory usage table.",
- EXIT = " Exit CS-BOS shell",
- REBOOT = " Perform a soft reboot.",
- TEXTCOLOR = " Change terminal text color. TEXTCOLOR [green, amber, or white]",
- SCROLLBACK = "Change terminal scrollback size. SCROLLBACK [##]",
- TIME = " Displays the current system time.",
- TIMEDATE = " Displays the current system time and date.",
- VER = " Displays CS-BOS version.",
- FORMAT = " View format information or Format Disk. FORMAT [/E] Erase disk, [/S] Create system (boot) disk, [/D] Create data disk",
- LABEL = " Show/Set floppy label. LABEL [new_label]",
- }
- local function get_initial_message(mtos, data)
- data.outlines = {
- "BASIC OPERATING SYSTEM v"..mtos.os_attr.version_string,
- "(C)COPYRIGHT "..mtos.os_attr.releaseyear.." CARDIFF-SOFT",
- }
- end
- local function add_outline(data, line)
- table.insert(data.outlines, line)
- if #data.outlines > data.scrollback_size then
- for i = data.scrollback_size, #data.outlines do
- table.remove(data.outlines,1)
- end
- end
- end
- local function is_executable_app(mtos, app)
- if not mtos.sysdata then -- cannot executed withoud sysdata
- return false
- elseif app and not app.view and -- app given
- app.name ~= 'cs-bos_launcher' and -- No recursive calls
- mtos:is_app_compatible(app.name) then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- local function numWithCommas(n)
- return tostring(math.floor(n)):reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)","%1,"):gsub(",(%-?)$","%1"):reverse()
- end
- --- Simple VFS for BOS Operations
- local simple_vfs_map = {}
- -- Hard disk
- simple_vfs_map.HDD = {
- id = 'HDD',
- dev = 'hdd',
- longname = 'DISK 0:HDD',
- check_inserted = function(disk, mtos)
- return mtos.bdev:is_hw_capability('hdd')
- end,
- get_full_name = function(disk, mtos)
- return disk.longname
- end,
- get_format = function(disk, mtos)
- return 'BOOT'
- end,
- }
- -- Floppy disk
- simple_vfs_map.FDD = {
- id = 'FDD',
- dev = 'removable',
- longname = 'DISK 0:FDD',
- check_inserted = function(disk, mtos)
- local idata = mtos.bdev:get_removable_disk()
- if idata.stack and ( idata.os_format == 'data' or idata.os_format == 'boot') then
- return true
- end
- end,
- get_full_name = function(disk, mtos)
- local idata = mtos.bdev:get_removable_disk()
- return disk.longname..": "..idata.label
- end,
- get_format = function(disk, mtos)
- local idata = mtos.bdev:get_removable_disk()
- return idata.os_format
- end,
- }
- simple_vfs_map.REMOVABLE = simple_vfs_map.FDD
- local simple_vfs = {}
- -- Get the VFS disk object
- function simple_vfs.get_disk(mtos, device)
- if not device then
- return
- end
- local disk = simple_vfs_map[device:upper()]
- local inserted
- if disk then
- inserted = disk:check_inserted(mtos)
- end
- return disk, inserted
- end
- function simple_vfs.parse_path(input_line)
- local filename = input_line:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") -- strip spaces
- local diskname
- if filename:sub(4,4) == ':' then
- diskname = filename:sub(1,3)
- filename = filename:sub(5)
- end
- return filename, diskname
- end
- --- End for Simple VFS for BOS Operations
- local function initialize_data(data, sdata, mtos, sysos)
- if mtos.os_attr.tty_monochrome then
- data.tty = mtos.os_attr.tty_style
- else
- data.tty = sdata.tty or data.tty or mtos.os_attr.tty_style
- if not laptop.supported_textcolors[data.tty] then --compat hack
- data.tty = mtos.os_attr.tty_style
- end
- end
- data.scrollback_size = sdata.scrollback_size or data.scrollback_size or mtos.os_attr.min_scrollback_size
- -- Set initial message on new session
- if not data.outlines then
- get_initial_message(mtos, data)
- end
- if not data.current_disk then
- if sysos.booted_from == 'removable' then
- data.current_disk = 'FDD'
- else
- data.current_disk = 'HDD'
- end
- end
- data.inputfield = data.inputfield or ""
- end
- laptop.register_app("cs-bos_launcher", {
- app_name = "CS-BOS Prompt",
- app_info = "Command Line Interface",
- fullscreen = true,
- app_icon = "laptop_cs_bos.png",
- formspec_func = function(cs_bos, mtos)
- local data = mtos.bdev:get_app_storage('ram', 'cs_bos')
- local sysos = mtos.bdev:get_app_storage('ram', 'os')
- local sdata = mtos.bdev:get_app_storage('system', 'cs_bos') or {} -- handle temporary if no sysdata given
- -- no system found. In case of booted from removable, continue in live mode
- if not mtos.sysdata and sysos.booted_from ~= "removable" then
- local formspec = "size[10,7]background[10,7;0,0;laptop_launcher_insert_floppy.png;true]"..
- "listcolors[#00000069;#5A5A5A;#141318;#30434C;#FFF]"..
- "list[nodemeta:"..mtos.pos.x..','..mtos.pos.y..','..mtos.pos.z..";main;2.5,3;1,1;]" ..
- "list[current_player;main;0,6.5;8,1;]" ..
- "listring[nodemeta:"..mtos.pos.x..','..mtos.pos.y..','..mtos.pos.z..";main]" ..
- "listring[current_player;main]"
- local idata = mtos.bdev:get_removable_disk()
- if idata.stack then
- if idata.os_format ~= "boot" then
- formspec = formspec .. "label[0,1.7;Disk found but not formatted to boot]"
- end
- end
- return formspec
- end
- initialize_data(data, sdata, mtos, sysos)
- local tty = laptop.supported_textcolors[data.tty]
- local formspec =
- "size[15,10]background[15,10;0,0;laptop_theme_desktop_icon_label_button_black.png;true]"..
- "label[-0.15,9.9;"..minetest.colorize(tty,data.current_disk..">").."]"..
- "field[1.020,9.93;15.6,1;inputfield;;"..minetest.formspec_escape(data.inputfield).."]"..
- "tablecolumns[text]tableoptions[background=#000000;border=false;highlight=#000000;"..
- "color="..tty..";highlight_text="..tty.."]"..
- "table[-0.35,-0.35;15.57, 10.12;outlines;"
- for idx,line in ipairs(data.outlines) do
- if idx > 1 then
- formspec = formspec..','
- end
- formspec = formspec..minetest.formspec_escape(line)
- end
- formspec = formspec..";"..#data.outlines.."]".."field_close_on_enter[inputfield;false]"
- return formspec
- end,
- receive_fields_func = function(cs_bos, mtos, sender, fields)
- local data = mtos.bdev:get_app_storage('ram', 'cs_bos')
- local sysos = mtos.bdev:get_app_storage('ram', 'os')
- local sdata = mtos.bdev:get_app_storage('system', 'cs_bos') or {} -- handle temporary if no sysdata given
- initialize_data(data, sdata, mtos, sysos)
- if fields.inputfield then -- move received data to the formspec input field
- data.inputfield = fields.inputfield
- end
- if fields.key_enter then
- -- run the command
- local exec_all = data.inputfield:split(" ")
- local input_line = data.inputfield
- local exec_command = exec_all[1] --further parameters are 2++
- add_outline(data, "> "..data.inputfield)
- data.inputfield = ""
- if exec_command then
- exec_command = exec_command:upper()
- end
- if exec_command == nil then --empty line
- elseif mtos.os_attr.blacklist_commands[exec_command] then
- add_outline(data, '?ERROR NOT IMPLEMENTED')
- elseif exec_command == "HALT" then
- -- same code as in node_fw on punch to disable the OS
- if mtos.hwdef.next_node then
- local hwdef_next = laptop.node_config[mtos.hwdef.next_node]
- if hwdef_next.hw_state then
- mtos[hwdef_next.hw_state](mtos, mtos.hwdef.next_node)
- else
- mtos:swap_node(hwdef.next_node)
- mtos:save()
- end
- end
- elseif exec_command == "DEL" then
- local filename, diskname = simple_vfs.parse_path(input_line:sub(5))
- if filename then
- local disk, inserted = simple_vfs.get_disk(mtos, diskname or data.current_disk)
- if disk and inserted then
- local txtdata = mtos.bdev:get_app_storage(disk.dev, 'stickynote:files')
- if txtdata and txtdata[filename] then
- txtdata[filename] = nil
- add_outline(data, filename:upper()..' DELETED SUCCESSFULY')
- else
- add_outline(data, 'FILE NOT FOUND: '..filename)
- end
- end
- end
- elseif exec_command == "EXIT" then
- data.outlines = nil -- reset screen
- mtos:set_app() -- quit app (if in app mode)
- elseif exec_command == "REBOOT" then
- mtos:power_on() -- reboots computer
- elseif exec_command == "EJECT" then
- local idata = mtos.bdev:get_removable_disk()
- local success = idata:eject()
- if success then
- add_outline(data, 'DISK EJECTED')
- else
- add_outline(data, 'NO DISK FOUND')
- end
- elseif is_executable_app(mtos, laptop.apps[exec_command:lower()]) then
- add_outline(data, 'LAUNCHED '..exec_command)
- mtos:set_app(exec_command:lower())
- elseif exec_command == "CD" then
- local disk, inserted = simple_vfs.get_disk(mtos, exec_all[2])
- if disk and inserted then
- data.current_disk = disk.id
- add_outline(data, "CURRENT DISK = "..disk:get_full_name(mtos))
- elseif disk then
- add_outline(data, 'NO DISK PRESENT: '..disk.longname)
- else
- add_outline(data, "?SYNTAX ERROR")
- end
- elseif exec_command == "DIR" then
- local searchstring, diskname = simple_vfs.parse_path(input_line:sub(5))
- local disk, inserted = simple_vfs.get_disk(mtos, diskname or data.current_disk)
- if disk and inserted then
- local txtdata = mtos.bdev:get_app_storage(disk.dev, 'stickynote:files')
- local message = "VIEWING CONTENTS OF "..disk:get_full_name(mtos)
- if searchstring and searchstring ~= '' then
- message = message .. ' FILTER STRING '..searchstring
- end
- add_outline(data, message)
- add_outline(data, "FORMAT: "..disk:get_format(mtos))
- add_outline(data, "")
- local file_found
- if sysos.booted_from == disk.dev then
- for k, v in pairs(laptop.apps) do
- if is_executable_app(mtos, v) then
- if not searchstring or searchstring == '' or k:upper():match('^'..searchstring:upper():gsub('*','.*')..'$' ) then
- add_outline(data, k:upper().."* "..(v.app_info or ""))
- file_found = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for k, v in pairs(txtdata) do
- if not searchstring or searchstring == '' or k:match('^'..searchstring:gsub('*','.*')..'$' ) then
- add_outline(data, k.." "..v.owner.." "..os.date("%I:%M:%S %p, %A %B %d, %Y", v.ctime))
- file_found = true
- end
- end
- if not file_found then
- add_outline(data, 'NO FILES ON THIS DISK')
- end
- elseif disk then
- add_outline(data, 'NO DISK PRESENT: '..disk.longname)
- else
- add_outline(data, "?SYNTAX ERROR")
- end
- elseif exec_command == "TYPE" then
- local filename, diskname = simple_vfs.parse_path(input_line:sub(6))
- if filename then
- local disk, inserted = simple_vfs.get_disk(mtos, diskname or data.current_disk)
- if disk and inserted then
- local txtdata = mtos.bdev:get_app_storage(disk.dev, 'stickynote:files')
- if txtdata then
- local file = txtdata[filename]
- if file and file.content then
- for s in file.content:gmatch("[^\n]+") do
- add_outline(data, s)
- end
- else
- add_outline(data, 'FILE NOT FOUND: '..filename)
- end
- end
- elseif disk then
- add_outline(data, 'NO DISK PRESENT: '..disk.longname)
- else
- add_outline(data, "?SYNTAX ERROR")
- end
- else
- add_outline(data, '?SYNATX ERROR')
- end
- elseif exec_command == "CLS" then
- data.outlines = {}
- elseif exec_command == "TIME" then
- add_outline(data, os.date("%I:%M:%S %p"))
- elseif exec_command == "DATE" then
- add_outline(data, os.date("%A %B %d, %Y"))
- elseif exec_command == "TIMEDATE" then
- add_outline(data, os.date("%I:%M:%S %p, %A %B %d, %Y"))
- elseif exec_command == "VER" then
- add_outline(data, 'CARDIFF-SOFT BASIC OPERATING SYSTEM v'..mtos.os_attr.version_string)
- elseif exec_command == "MEM" then
- local convent = math.random(30,99)
- local upper = math.random(10,99)
- local xms = math.random(20000,99999)
- add_outline(data, 'Memory Type Total = Used + Free')
- add_outline(data, '------------------------ ------------- ------------- -------------')
- add_outline(data, 'Conventional 640 '..convent..' '..(640-convent))
- add_outline(data, 'Upper 123 '..upper..' '..(123-upper))
- add_outline(data, 'Reserved 0 0 0')
- add_outline(data, 'Extended (XMS)* 130,309 '..numWithCommas(xms)..' '..numWithCommas(130309-xms))
- add_outline(data, '------------------------ ------------- ------------- -------------')
- add_outline(data, 'Total Memory 131,072 '..numWithCommas(convent+upper+xms)..' '..numWithCommas(131072-(convent+upper+xms)))
- elseif exec_command == "TEXTCOLOR" then
- local textcolor = exec_all[2]
- if textcolor and laptop.supported_textcolors[textcolor:upper()] then
- sdata.tty = textcolor:upper()
- add_outline(data, 'SET TEXTCOLOR TO: '..sdata.tty)
- elseif textcolor then
- add_outline(data, '?SYNATX ERROR')
- else
- add_outline(data, 'TEXTCOLOR: '..data.tty)
- end
- elseif exec_command == "SCROLLBACK" then
- if exec_all[2] then
- local newsize = tonumber(exec_all[2])
- if newsize then
- if newsize >= mtos.os_attr.min_scrollback_size and newsize <= mtos.os_attr.max_scrollback_size then
- sdata.scrollback_size = newsize
- add_outline(data, 'SET SCROLLBACK TO: '..newsize)
- else
- add_outline(data, "?OUT OF RANGE")
- end
- else
- add_outline(data, "?SYNTAX ERROR")
- end
- else
- add_outline(data, "SCROLLBACK: "..data.scrollback_size)
- add_outline(data, "SUPPORTED: "..mtos.os_attr.min_scrollback_size.."-"..mtos.os_attr.max_scrollback_size)
- end
- elseif exec_command == "FORMAT" then
- local idata = mtos.bdev:get_removable_disk()
- if not idata.stack then
- add_outline(data, '?DISK NOT FOUND')
- else
- local fparam
- if exec_all[2] then
- fparam = exec_all[2]:upper()
- end
- local ftype, newlabel
- if fparam == "/E" then
- ftype = ""
- newlabel = ""
- elseif fparam == "/S" then
- ftype = "boot"
- newlabel = "CS-BOS Boot Disk"
- elseif fparam == "/D" then
- ftype = "data"
- newlabel = "Data "..idata.def.description
- end
- if not ftype and fparam then
- add_outline(data, "?SYNTAX ERROR")
- else
- if ftype then
- add_outline(data, 'FORMATTING '..idata.def.description)
- idata:format_disk(ftype, newlabel)
- else
- add_outline(data, 'MEDIA INFORMATION: '..idata.def.description)
- end
- add_outline(data, "FORMAT: "..idata.os_format)
- add_outline(data, "LABEL: "..idata.label)
- end
- end
- elseif exec_command == "LABEL" then
- local idata = mtos.bdev:get_removable_disk()
- if not idata.stack then
- add_outline(data, '?DISK NOT FOUND')
- else
- if exec_all[2] then
- idata.label = input_line:sub(6):gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")
- end
- add_outline(data, "LABEL: "..idata.label)
- end
- elseif exec_command == "HELP" then
- local help_command = exec_all[2]
- if not help_command then -- no argument, print all
- add_outline(data, 'These shell commands are defined internally.')
- add_outline(data, '')
- local help_sorted = {}
- for k, v in pairs(help_texts) do
- if not mtos.os_attr.blacklist_commands[k] then
- table.insert(help_sorted, k.." "..v)
- end
- end
- table.sort(help_sorted)
- for _, kv in ipairs(help_sorted) do
- add_outline(data, kv)
- end
- else
- help_command = help_command:upper()
- local help_text
- if mtos.os_attr.blacklist_commands[help_command] then
- help_text = "?NOT IMPLEMENTED ERROR"
- else
- help_text = help_texts[help_command] or "? NO HELP IS AVAILABLE FOR THAT TOPIC"
- end
- add_outline(data, help_command:upper().. " "..help_text)
- end
- else
- add_outline(data, "?SYNTAX ERROR")
- end
- if data.outlines then
- add_outline(data, '')
- end
- end
- end,
- appwindow_formspec_func = function(...)
- --re-use the default launcher theming
- return laptop.apps["launcher"].appwindow_formspec_func(...)
- end,
- })