123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317 |
- -- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
- local ipairs, minetest, nodecore, pairs, type
- = ipairs, minetest, nodecore, pairs, type
- -- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
- local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
- local function regterrain(def)
- def.name = def.name or def.description:gsub("%W", "_"):lower()
- def.fullname = modname .. ":" .. def.name
- def.tiles = def.tiles or {def.fullname:gsub("%W", "_") .. ".png"}
- def.is_ground_content = true
- if def.liquidtype then
- def.liquid_alternative_flowing = def.fullname .. "_flowing"
- def.liquid_alternative_source = def.fullname .. "_source"
- def.fullname = def.fullname .. "_" .. def.liquidtype
- def.special_tiles = def.special_tiles or {def.tiles[1], def.tiles[1]}
- end
- def.mapgen = def.mapgen or {def.name}
- minetest.register_node(def.fullname, def)
- for _, v in pairs(def.mapgen) do
- minetest.register_alias("mapgen_" .. v, def.fullname)
- end
- end
- local function clone(t)
- local c = minetest.deserialize(minetest.serialize(t))
- for k, v in pairs(t) do
- if type(v) == "function" then c[k] = v end
- end
- return c
- end
- local function regliquid(def)
- local t = clone(def)
- t.drawtype = "liquid"
- t.liquidtype = "source"
- regterrain(t)
- t = clone(def)
- t.mapgen = {}
- t.drawtype = "flowingliquid"
- t.liquidtype = "flowing"
- t.paramtype2 = "flowingliquid"
- t.buildable_to = true
- regterrain(t)
- end
- --[[
- rock: all rocky/stony things, including stone, cobble, brick, etc.
- stone: variants of smooth stone, including ones with inclusions (ore).
- hard_stone: deeper strata that trigger the hint.
- smoothstone: smooth stone that can be chiseled to bricks.
- --]]
- local strata = {}
- regterrain({
- description = "Stone",
- mapgen = {
- "stone",
- "stone_with_coal",
- "stone_with_iron",
- "desert_stone",
- "sandstone",
- "mese",
- },
- groups = {
- stone = 1,
- rock = 1,
- smoothstone = 1,
- cracky = 2
- },
- drop_in_place = modname .. ":cobble",
- strata = strata,
- sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_stony")
- })
- strata[1] = modname .. ":stone"
- for i = 1, nodecore.hard_stone_strata do
- regterrain({
- name = "hard_stone_" .. i,
- description = "Stone",
- tiles = {nodecore.hard_stone_tile(i)},
- silktouch = false,
- groups = {
- stone = i + 1,
- rock = i,
- cracky = i + 2,
- hard_stone = i
- },
- drop_in_place = modname .. ((i > 1)
- and (":hard_stone_" .. (i - 1)) or ":stone"),
- sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_stony")
- })
- strata[i + 1] = modname .. ":hard_stone_" .. i
- end
- regterrain({
- description = "Cobble",
- tiles = {modname .. "_gravel.png^" .. modname .. "_cobble.png"},
- mapgen = {
- "sandstonebrick",
- "stair_sandstone_block",
- "cobble",
- "stair_cobble",
- "stair_desert_stone",
- "mossycobble"
- },
- groups = {
- cobble = 1,
- rock = 1,
- cracky = 1,
- cobbley = 1
- },
- alternate_loose = {
- repack_level = 2,
- groups = {
- cracky = 0,
- crumbly = 2,
- falling_repose = 3
- },
- sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_chompy")
- },
- crush_damage = 2,
- sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_stony")
- })
- for _, v in ipairs({
- "snow",
- "snowblock",
- "junglegrass",
- "tree",
- "jungletree",
- "pine_tree",
- "leaves",
- "apple",
- "jungleleaves",
- "pine_needles"
- }) do
- minetest.register_alias("mapgen_" .. v, "air")
- end
- regterrain({
- description = "Dirt",
- alternate_loose = {
- groups = {
- dirt_loose = 1,
- falling_repose = 2,
- soil = 2,
- grassable = 1
- }
- },
- mapgen = {
- "dirt",
- "ice",
- },
- groups = {
- dirt = 1,
- crumbly = 1,
- soil = 1,
- grassable = 1
- },
- crush_damage = 1,
- sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_crunchy")
- })
- regterrain({
- name = "dirt_with_grass",
- description = "Grass",
- tiles = {
- modname .. "_grass_top.png",
- modname .. "_dirt.png",
- modname .. "_dirt.png^(" .. modname .. "_grass_top.png^[mask:"
- .. modname .. "_grass_sidemask.png)"
- },
- mapgen = {
- "dirt_with_grass",
- "dirt_with_snow"
- },
- groups = {
- crumbly = 2,
- soil = 1,
- green = 1
- },
- drop_in_place = modname .. ":dirt",
- sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_grassy")
- })
- regterrain({
- description = "Gravel",
- alternate_loose = {
- groups = {
- crumbly = 2,
- falling_repose = 2
- }
- },
- groups = {
- gravel = 1,
- crumbly = 1,
- falling_node = 1
- },
- crush_damage = 1,
- sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_chompy")
- })
- regterrain({
- description = "Sand",
- alternate_loose = {
- groups = {
- falling_repose = 1
- }
- },
- groups = {
- sand = 1,
- crumbly = 1,
- falling_node = 1
- },
- mapgen = {
- "sand",
- "clay",
- "desert_sand"
- },
- crush_damage = 0.5,
- sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_swishy")
- })
- local function anim(name, len)
- return {
- name = name,
- animation = {
- type = "vertical_frames",
- aspect_w = 16,
- aspect_h = 16,
- length = len
- }
- }
- end
- local function gray(suff)
- local t = modname .. "_water" .. suff .. ".png"
- local g = modname .. "_water_gray" .. suff .. ".png"
- return t .. "^(" .. g .. "^[opacity:64)"
- end
- regliquid({
- description = "Water",
- mapgen = {"river_water_source", "water_source"},
- tiles = {anim(modname .. "_water.png", 4)},
- special_tiles = {
- anim(modname .. "_water_flow.png", 4),
- anim(modname .. "_water_flow.png", 4)
- },
- paramtype = "light",
- liquid_viscosity = 1,
- liquid_renewable = true,
- alpha = 192,
- walkable = false,
- pointable = false,
- buildable_to = true,
- drowning = 2,
- drop = "",
- groups = {coolant = 1, water = 2, moist = 2},
- post_effect_color = {a = 103, r = 30, g = 76, b = 90},
- sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_watery")
- })
- regliquid({
- name = "water_gray",
- description = "Water",
- tiles = {anim(gray(""), 4)},
- special_tiles = {
- anim(gray("_flow"), 4),
- anim(gray("_flow"), 4)
- },
- paramtype = "light",
- liquid_viscosity = 1,
- liquid_renewable = false,
- alpha = 160,
- walkable = false,
- pointable = false,
- buildable_to = true,
- drowning = 2,
- drop = "",
- groups = {coolant = 1, water = 2, moist = 2},
- post_effect_color = {a = 103, r = 91, g = 97, b = 103},
- sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_watery")
- })
- regliquid({
- name = "lava",
- tiles = {anim(modname .. "_lava.png", 8)},
- special_tiles = {
- anim(modname .. "_lava_flow.png", 8),
- anim(modname .. "_lava_flow.png", 8)
- },
- description = "Pumwater",
- mapgen = {"lava_source"},
- paramtype = "light",
- liquid_viscosity = 7,
- liquid_renewable = false,
- light_source = 13,
- walkable = false,
- drowning = 2,
- damage_per_second = 8,
- drop = "",
- groups = {
- igniter = 1,
- lava = 2,
- stack_as_node = 1,
- damage_touch = 1,
- damage_radiant = 8
- },
- stack_max = 1,
- post_effect_color = {a = 240, r = 255, g = 64, b = 0},
- sounds = nodecore.sounds("nc_terrain_bubbly")
- })