tools.lua 4.0 KB

  1. -- LUALOCALS < ---------------------------------------------------------
  2. local ipairs, minetest, nodecore, pairs, type
  3. = ipairs, minetest, nodecore, pairs, type
  4. -- LUALOCALS > ---------------------------------------------------------
  5. local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
  6. local function toolhead(name, groups, prills)
  7. local n = name:lower()
  8. if type(groups) == "string" then groups = {groups} end
  9. local function toolcap(nn)
  10. local t = {}
  11. for _, k in ipairs(groups) do t[k] = nn end
  12. return nodecore.toolcaps(t)
  13. end
  14. nodecore.register_lode("toolhead_" .. n, {
  15. type = "craft",
  16. description = "## Lode " .. name .. " Head",
  17. inventory_image = modname .. "_#.png^[mask:" ..
  18. modname .. "_toolhead_" .. n .. ".png",
  19. stack_max = 1,
  20. tool_head_capabilities = toolcap(4),
  21. bytemper = function(t, d)
  22. if == "tempered" then
  23. d.tool_head_capabilities = toolcap(5)
  24. else if == "hot" then
  25. d.tool_head_capabilities = toolcap(3)
  26. end
  27. end
  28. end
  29. })
  30. nodecore.register_lode("tool_" .. n, {
  31. type = "tool",
  32. description = "## Lode " .. name,
  33. inventory_image = modname .. "_tool_handle.png^(" ..
  34. modname .. "_#.png^[mask:" ..
  35. modname .. "_tool_" .. n .. ".png)",
  36. stack_max = 1,
  37. tool_capabilities = toolcap(4),
  38. bytemper = function(t, d)
  39. if == "tempered" then
  40. d.tool_capabilities = toolcap(5)
  41. end
  42. d.skip_register = ( == "hot") or nil
  43. end,
  44. groups = {flammable = 4},
  45. metal_alt_hot = modname .. ":prill_hot " .. prills,
  46. tool_wears_to = prills > 1 and (modname .. ":prill_# " .. (prills - 1)) or nil,
  47. on_ignite = modname .. ":prill_# " .. prills
  48. })
  49. for _, t in pairs({"annealed", "tempered"}) do
  50. nodecore.register_craft({
  51. label = "assemble lode " .. n,
  52. normal = {y = 1},
  53. indexkeys = {modname .. ":toolhead_" .. n .. "_" .. t},
  54. nodes = {
  55. {match = modname .. ":toolhead_" .. n .. "_" .. t,
  56. replace = "air"},
  57. {y = -1, match = "nc_woodwork:staff", replace = "air"},
  58. },
  59. items = {
  60. {y = -1, name = modname .. ":tool_" .. n .. "_" .. t},
  61. }
  62. })
  63. end
  64. end
  65. toolhead("Mallet", "thumpy", 3)
  66. toolhead("Spade", "crumbly", 2)
  67. toolhead("Hatchet", "choppy", 2)
  68. toolhead("Pick", "cracky", 1)
  69. local function forgecore(from, fromqty, to, prills, fromtemper, anviltemper)
  70. return nodecore.register_craft({
  71. label = anviltemper .. " anvil making " .. fromtemper .. " lode " .. (to or "prills"),
  72. action = "pummel",
  73. toolgroups = {thumpy = 3},
  74. indexkeys = {modname .. ":" .. from .. "_" .. fromtemper},
  75. nodes = {
  76. {
  77. match = {name = modname .. ":" .. from .. "_" .. fromtemper,
  78. count = fromqty},
  79. replace = "air"
  80. },
  81. {
  82. y = -1,
  83. match = modname .. ":block_" .. anviltemper
  84. }
  85. },
  86. items = {
  87. to and (modname .. ":" .. to .. "_" .. fromtemper) or nil,
  88. prills and {name = modname .. ":prill_" .. fromtemper, count = prills,
  89. scatter = 5} or nil
  90. }
  91. })
  92. end
  93. local function forge(from, fromqty, to, prills)
  94. forgecore(from, fromqty, to, prills, "hot", "annealed")
  95. forgecore(from, fromqty, to, prills, "hot", "tempered")
  96. return forgecore(from, fromqty, to, prills, "annealed", "tempered")
  97. end
  98. forge("prill", 3, "toolhead_mallet")
  99. forge("toolhead_mallet", nil, "toolhead_spade", 1)
  100. forge("toolhead_spade", nil, "toolhead_hatchet")
  101. forge("toolhead_hatchet", nil, "toolhead_pick", 1)
  102. forge("toolhead_pick", nil, nil, 1)
  103. toolhead("Mattock", {"cracky", "crumbly"}, 3)
  104. local function mattock(a, b)
  105. return nodecore.register_craft({
  106. label = "assemble lode mattock head",
  107. action = "pummel",
  108. toolgroups = {thumpy = 3},
  109. normal = {y = 1},
  110. indexkeys = {modname .. (a == 0 and ":toolhead_pick_hot" or ":toolhead_spade_hot")},
  111. nodes = {
  112. {
  113. y = a,
  114. match = modname .. ":toolhead_pick_hot",
  115. replace = "air"
  116. },
  117. {
  118. y = b,
  119. match = modname .. ":toolhead_spade_hot",
  120. replace = "air"
  121. }
  122. },
  123. items = {
  124. modname .. ":toolhead_mattock_hot"
  125. }
  126. })
  127. end
  128. mattock(0, -1)
  129. mattock(-1, 0)