palantir_guide.lua 3.3 KB

  1. return "return {[\"page\"] = 1, [\"title\"] = \"On Palantiri\", " ..
  2. "[\"page_max\"] = 7, [\"text_len\"] = 2640, [\"owner\"] = \"A Wise Sage\", " ..
  3. "[\"text\"] = \"The Palantir is a wonderful device, allowing those\\\nwho use " ..
  4. "it, so long as its owner has given\\\npermission for them to use it, to " ..
  5. "travel vast\\\ndistances in the blink of an eye, to other palantiri, " ..
  6. "\\\nwhich are connected to the one used. But the\\\npalantir cannot " ..
  7. "simply be used. An object of such\\\npower as this cannot be held in " ..
  8. "place by normal\\\nmaterials, not even for an instant. Indeed, an object" ..
  9. "\\\nof this power requires some of the most costly\\\nmaterials known to " ..
  10. "the world in order to hold it in place.\\\n\\\nSo that it can anchor itself " ..
  11. "to the world, the planatiri\\\nmust have, no further than two meters from it, " ..
  12. "a\\\nminimum of six tilkal blocks alongside at least 16\\\nmithril blocks. " ..
  13. "If and only if, these blocks are near\\\nthe palantir, will the palantir be " ..
  14. "able to be placed,\\\nand it will be anchored to the world. " ..
  15. "\\\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\\nThere are several ways in which " ..
  16. "it is possible to\\\nhave the required number of blocks in the required\\\n" ..
  17. "distance. One example is here given.\\\n\\\nWith mithril blocks represented " ..
  18. "by M, tilkal blocks\\\nrepresented by T and any other block (including\\\nair) " ..
  19. "by A this is the view of the \\\"structure\\\" from the top:\\\n\\\nM A A A M" ..
  20. "\\\nA A T A A\\\nA T T T A\\\nA A T A A\\\nM A A A M\\\nFrom the side, the " ..
  21. "\\\"structure\\\" should look like this:\\\n\\\nM A A A M\\\nM A A A M\\\n" ..
  22. "M A T A M\\\nM T T T M\\\n\\\n(With the \\\"structure\\\" being symetrical, " ..
  23. "it should\\\nlook like this from whatever side it is viewed from.)" ..
  24. "\\\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\\nAfter the palantir has been anchored firmly to the\\\nworld, " ..
  25. "it needs to be configured before it can be\\\nused. For a start the palantir " ..
  26. "needs to be assigned\\\nto a network, so that it can connect with other\\\n" ..
  27. "palantiri. Then the palantir needs to be assigned a\\\nname of its own, so " ..
  28. "that it can be differentiated\\\nfrom other palantiri. The palantir will not " ..
  29. "allow you\\\nto proceed if the name you try to give it is the same\\\nas another " ..
  30. "palantir on the network, or if the\\\nnetwork belongs to someone else. \\\n\\\n" ..
  31. "Next the palantir will allow you to chose which\\\nraces may use its network. " ..
  32. "You will be able to\\\nchange your preferences as to which races are\\\nallowed " ..
  33. "to use the network whenever you add a\\\nnew palantir to the network. If you want " ..
  34. "nobody\\\nexcept for yourself to be able to use the network,\\\nthen deselect all " ..
  35. "races.\\\n\\\nAfter this, the palantir is ready to be used. Select\\\nanother " ..
  36. "palantir on the network to teleport to, and\\\naway you go! If somebody from a " ..
  37. "race not allowed\\\nto use the palantir tries to use it, there will be\\\n" ..
  38. "unpleasant consequences for that person...!\\\n\\\nAfter adding another palantir " ..
  39. "to the network, to be\\\nable to teleport to it from other palantiri, you will" ..
  40. "\\\nneed to punch any other palantiri on the network in\\\norder to update " ..
  41. "the list of palantiri avalible to\\\nteleport to.\"}"