rxvt.1 43 KB

  1. .if !\n(.g .ab GNU tbl requires GNU troff.
  2. .if !dTS .ds TS
  3. .if !dTE .ds TE
  4. .TH "RXVT" "1" "26 MARCH 2003" "X Version 11" "X Tools"
  5. .SH "NAME"
  6. rxvt (ouR XVT) \- a VT102 emulator for the X window system
  7. .PP
  9. .PP
  10. \fBrxvt\fP [options] [-e command [ args ]]
  11. .PP
  13. .PP
  14. \fBrxvt\fP, version \fB2\&.7\&.10\fP, is a colour vt102 terminal emulator
  15. intended as an \fIxterm\fP(1) replacement for users who do not require
  16. features such as Tektronix 4014 emulation and toolkit-style configurability\&.
  17. As a result, \fBrxvt\fP uses much less swap space -- a significant
  18. advantage on a machine serving many X sessions\&.
  19. .PP
  20. .PP
  21. .SH "OPTIONS"
  22. .PP
  23. The \fBrxvt\fP options (mostly a subset of \fIxterm\fP\'s) are listed below\&.
  24. In keeping with the smaller-is-better philosophy, options may be eliminated
  25. or default values chosen at compile-time, so options and defaults listed
  26. may not accurately reflect the version installed on your system\&.
  27. `rxvt -h\' gives a list of major compile-time options on the \fIOptions\fP line\&.
  28. Option descriptions may be prefixed with which compile option each is
  29. dependent upon\&. e\&.g\&. `Compile \fIXIM\fP:\' requires \fIXIM\fP on the \fIOptions\fP
  30. line\&. Note: `rxvt -help\' gives a list of all command-line options compiled
  31. into your version\&.
  32. .PP
  33. Note that \fBrxvt\fP permits the resource name to be used as a long-option
  34. (--/++ option) so the potential command-line options are far greater than
  35. those listed\&.
  36. For example: `rxvt --loginShell --color1 Orange\'\&.
  37. .PP
  38. Also note that if you do not explictly specify a font (\fB-fn\fP and \fB-fm\fP)
  39. or a multichar encoding method (\fB-km\fP), rxvt will select a font for the
  40. preferable encoding according to your locale\&. Supported encodings are:
  41. \fBISO-8859-\fPn (n=\fB1\fP\&.\&.\&.\fB15\fP), \fBKOI8-R\fP, \fBKOI8-U\fP, \fBEUC-JP\fP,
  42. \fBShift_JIS\fP, \fBEUC-KR\fP, \fBEUC-CN\fP (aka \fBGB\fP), and \fBBig5\fP\&.
  43. .PP
  44. The following options are available:
  45. .PP
  46. .IP "\fB-help\fP, \fB--help\fP"
  47. Print out a message describing available options\&.
  48. .IP "\fB-display\fP \fIdisplayname\fP"
  49. Attempt to open a window on the named X display (\fB-d\fP still
  50. respected)\&. In the absence of this option, the display specified
  51. by the \fBDISPLAY\fP environment variable is used\&.
  52. .IP "\fB-geometry\fP \fIgeom\fP"
  53. Window geometry (\fB-g\fP still respected);
  54. resource \fBgeometry\fP\&.
  55. .IP "\fB-rv\fP|\fB+rv\fP"
  56. Turn on/off simulated reverse video;
  57. resource \fBreverseVideo\fP\&.
  58. .IP "\fB-j\fP|\fB+j\fP"
  59. Turn on/off jump scrolling;
  60. resource \fBjumpScroll\fP\&.
  61. .IP "\fB-ip\fP|\fB+ip\fP"
  62. Turn on/off inheriting parent window\'s pixmap\&. Alternative form
  63. is \fB-tr\fP;
  64. resource \fBinheritPixmap\fP\&.
  65. .IP "\fB-bg\fP \fIcolour\fP"
  66. Window background colour;
  67. resource \fBbackground\fP\&.
  68. .IP "\fB-fg\fP \fIcolour\fP"
  69. Window foreground colour;
  70. resource \fBforeground\fP\&.
  71. .IP "\fB-pixmap:\fP \fIfile[;geom]\fP"
  72. Compile \fIXPM\fP: Specify XPM file for the background and also
  73. optionally specify its scaling with a geometry string\&. Note you
  74. may need to add quotes to avoid special shell interpretation of
  75. the `;\' in the command-line;
  76. resource \fBbackgroundPixmap\fP\&.
  77. .IP "\fB-cr\fP \fIcolour\fP"
  78. The cursor colour;
  79. resource \fBcursorColor\fP\&.
  80. .IP "\fB-pr\fP \fIcolour\fP"
  81. The mouse pointer colour;
  82. resource \fBpointerColor\fP\&.
  83. .IP "\fB-bd\fP \fIcolour\fP"
  84. The colour of the border between the xterm scrollbar and the text;
  85. resource \fBborderColor\fP\&.
  86. .IP "\fB-fn\fP \fIfontname\fP"
  87. Main normal text font;
  88. resource \fBfont\fP\&.
  89. .IP "\fB-fb\fP \fIfontname\fP"
  90. Main bold text font;
  91. resource \fBboldFont\fP\&.
  92. .IP "\fB-fm\fP \fIfontname\fP"
  93. Main multicharacter font;
  94. resource \fBmfont\fP\&.
  95. .IP "\fB-km\fP \fImode\fP"
  96. Compile \fImultichar_languages\fP:
  97. Multiple-character font-set encoding mode;
  98. \fBeucj\fP: EUC Japanese encoding\&.
  99. \fBsjis\fP: Shift JIS encoding\&.
  100. \fBbig5\fP: BIG5 encoding\&.
  101. \fBgb\fP: GB encoding\&.
  102. \fBkr\fP: EUC Korean encoding\&.
  103. \fBnoenc\fP: no encoding;
  104. resource \fBmultichar_encoding\fP\&.
  105. .IP "\fB-grk\fP \fImode\fP"
  106. Compile \fIGreek\fP: Greek keyboard translation;
  107. \fBiso\fP: ISO-8859 mapping\&.
  108. \fBibm\fP: IBM-437 mapping;
  109. resource \fBgreek_keyboard\fP\&.
  110. .IP "\fB-name\fP \fIname\fP"
  111. Specify the application name under which resources
  112. are to be obtained, rather than the default executable file name\&.
  113. Name should not contain `\&.\' or `*\' characters\&.
  114. Also sets the icon and title name\&.
  115. .IP "\fB-ls\fP|\fB+ls\fP"
  116. Start as a login-shell/sub-shell;
  117. resource \fBloginShell\fP\&.
  118. .IP "\fB-ut\fP|\fB+ut\fP"
  119. Compile \fIutmp\fP: Inhibit/enable writing a utmp entry;
  120. resource \fButmpInhibit\fP\&.
  121. .IP "\fB-vb\fP|\fB+vb\fP"
  122. Turn on/off visual bell on receipt of a bell character;
  123. resource \fBvisualBell\fP\&.
  124. .IP "\fB-sb\fP|\fB+sb\fP"
  125. Turn on/off scrollbar;
  126. resource \fBscrollBar\fP\&.
  127. .IP "\fB-si\fP|\fB+si\fP"
  128. Turn on/off scroll-to-bottom on TTY output inhibit;
  129. resource \fBscrollTtyOutput\fP has opposite effect\&.
  130. .IP "\fB-sk\fP|\fB+sk\fP"
  131. Turn on/off scroll-to-bottom on keypress;
  132. resource \fBscrollTtyKeypress\fP\&.
  133. .IP "\fB-sw\fP|\fB+sw\fP"
  134. Turn on/off scrolling with the scrollback buffer as new
  135. lines appear\&. This only takes effect if \fB-si\fP is also given;
  136. resource \fBscrollWithBuffer\fP\&.
  137. .IP "\fB-sr\fP|\fB+sr\fP"
  138. Put scrollbar on right/left;
  139. resource \fBscrollBar_right\fP\&.
  140. .IP "\fB-st\fP|\fB+st\fP"
  141. Display normal (non XTerm/NeXT) scrollbar without/with a trough;
  142. resource \fBscrollBar_floating\fP\&.
  143. .IP "\fB-mcc\fP|\fB+mcc\fP"
  144. Compile \fImultichar_languages\fP: treat multibyte glyphs as single
  145. character for backspace, delete and cursor movement keys;
  146. resource \fBmultibyte_cursor\fP\&.
  147. .IP "\fB-iconic\fP"
  148. Start iconified, if the window manager supports that option\&.
  149. Alternative form is \fB-ic\fP\&.
  150. .IP "\fB-sl\fP \fInumber\fP"
  151. Save \fInumber\fP lines in the scrollback buffer\&. See resource entry
  152. for limits;
  153. resource \fBsaveLines\fP\&.
  154. .IP "\fB-b\fP \fInumber\fP"
  155. Compile \fIfrills\fP: Internal border of \fInumber\fP pixels\&. See
  156. resource entry for limits;
  157. resource \fBinternalBorder\fP\&.
  158. .IP "\fB-w\fP \fInumber\fP"
  159. Compile \fIfrills\fP: External border of \fInumber\fP pixels\&.
  160. Also, \fB-bw\fP and \fB-borderwidth\fP\&. See resource entry for limits;
  161. resource \fBexternalBorder\fP\&.
  162. .IP "\fB-lsp\fP \fInumber\fP"
  163. Compile \fIlinespace\fP: Lines (pixel height) to insert between each
  164. row of the display;
  165. resource \fBlinespace\fP\&.
  166. .IP "\fB-tn\fP \fItermname\fP"
  167. This option specifies the name of the terminal type to be set in the
  168. \fBTERM\fP environment variable\&. This terminal type must exist in the
  169. \fItermcap(5)\fP database and should have \fIli#\fP and \fIco#\fP entries;
  170. resource \fBtermName\fP\&.
  171. .IP "\fB-e\fP \fIcommand [arguments]\fP"
  172. Run the command with its command-line arguments in the \fBrxvt\fP
  173. window; also sets the window title and icon name to be the basename
  174. of the program being executed if neither \fI-title\fP (\fI-T\fP) nor
  175. \fI-n\fP are given on the command line\&. If this option is used, it
  176. must be the last on the command-line\&. If there is no \fB-e\fP option
  177. then the default is to run the program specified by the \fBSHELL\fP
  178. environment variable or, failing that, \fIsh(1)\fP\&.
  179. .IP "\fB-title\fP \fItext\fP"
  180. Window title (\fB-T\fP still respected); the default title is the
  181. basename of the program specified after the \fB-e\fP option, if
  182. any, otherwise the application name;
  183. resource \fBtitle\fP\&.
  184. .IP "\fB-n\fP \fItext\fP"
  185. Icon name; the default name is the basename of the program specified
  186. after the \fB-e\fP option, if any, otherwise the application name;
  187. resource \fBiconName\fP\&.
  188. .IP "\fB-C\fP"
  189. Capture system console messages\&.
  190. .IP "\fB-pt\fP \fIstyle\fP"
  191. Compile \fIXIM\fP: input style for input method;
  192. \fBOverTheSpot\fP, \fBOffTheSpot\fP, \fBRoot\fP;
  193. resource \fBpreeditType\fP\&.
  194. .IP "\fB-im\fP \fItext\fP"
  195. Compile \fIXIM\fP: input method name\&.
  196. resource \fBinputMethod\fP\&.
  197. .IP "\fB-mod\fP \fImodifier\fP"
  198. Override detection of Meta modifier with specified key:
  199. \fBalt\fP, \fBmeta\fP, \fBhyper\fP, \fBsuper\fP, \fBmod1\fP, \fBmod2\fP, \fBmod3\fP,
  200. \fBmod4\fP, \fBmod5\fP;
  201. resource \fImodifier\fP\&.
  202. .IP "\fB-xrm\fP \fIresourcestring\fP"
  203. No effect on rxvt\&. Simply passes through an argument to be made
  204. available in the instance\'s argument list\&. Appears in \fIWM_COMMAND\fP
  205. in some window managers\&.
  206. .SH "RESOURCES (available also as long-options)"
  207. .PP
  208. Note: `rxvt --help\' gives a list of all resources (long options) compiled
  209. into your version\&.
  210. If compiled with internal Xresources support (i\&.e\&. \fBrxvt -h\fP lists
  211. \fB\&.Xdefaults\fP) then \fBrxvt\fP accepts application defaults set in
  212. XAPPLOADDIR/Rxvt (compile-time defined: usually
  213. \fB/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Rxvt\fP) and resources set in \fB~/\&.Xdefaults\fP,
  214. or \fB~/\&.Xresources\fP if \fB~/\&.Xdefaults\fP does not exist\&. Note that when
  215. reading X resources, \fBrxvt\fP recognizes two class names: \fBXTerm\fP and
  216. \fBRxvt\fP\&. The class name \fBXTerm\fP allows resources common to both
  217. \fBrxvt\fP and \fIxterm\fP to be easily configured, while the class name
  218. \fBRxvt\fP allows resources unique to \fBrxvt\fP, notably colours and
  219. key-handling, to be shared between different \fBrxvt\fP configurations\&.
  220. If no resources are specified, suitable defaults will be used\&.
  221. Command-line arguments can be used to override resource settings\&. The
  222. following resources are allowed:
  223. .PP
  224. .IP "\fBgeometry:\fP \fIgeom\fP"
  225. Create the window with the specified X window geometry [default
  226. 80x24];
  227. option \fB-geometry\fP\&.
  228. .IP "\fBbackground:\fP \fIcolour\fP"
  229. Use the specified colour as the window\'s background colour [default
  230. White];
  231. option \fB-bg\fP\&.
  232. .IP "\fBforeground:\fP \fIcolour\fP"
  233. Use the specified colour as the window\'s foreground colour [default
  234. Black];
  235. option \fB-fg\fP\&.
  236. .IP "\fBcolor\fP\fIn\fP\fB:\fP \fIcolour\fP"
  237. Use the specified colour for the colour value \fIn\fP, where 0-7
  238. corresponds to low-intensity (normal) colours and 8-15 corresponds to
  239. high-intensity (bold = bright foreground, blink = bright
  240. background) colours\&. The canonical names are as follows:
  241. 0=black, 1=red, 2=green, 3=yellow, 4=blue, 5=magenta, 6=cyan, 7=white,
  242. but the actual colour names used are listed in the
  243. \fBCOLORS AND GRAPHICS\fP section\&.
  244. .IP "\fBcolorBD:\fP \fIcolour\fP"
  245. Use the specified colour to display bold characters when the
  246. foreground colour is the default\&.
  247. .IP "\fBcolorUL:\fP \fIcolour\fP"
  248. Use the specified colour to display underlined characters when the
  249. foreground colour is the default\&.
  250. .IP "\fBcolorRV:\fP \fIcolour\fP"
  251. Use the specified colour as the background for reverse video
  252. characters\&.
  253. .IP "\fBcursorColor:\fP \fIcolour\fP"
  254. Use the specified colour for the cursor\&. The default is to use the
  255. foreground colour;
  256. option \fB-cr\fP\&.
  257. .IP "\fBcursorColor2:\fP \fIcolour\fP"
  258. Use the specified colour for the colour of the cursor text\&. For this
  259. to take effect, \fBcursorColor\fP must also be specified\&. The default
  260. is to use the background colour\&.
  261. .IP "\fBreverseVideo:\fP \fIboolean\fP"
  262. \fBTrue\fP: simulate reverse video by foreground and background colours;
  263. option \fB-rv\fP\&.
  264. \fBFalse\fP: regular screen colours [default];
  265. option \fB+rv\fP\&.
  266. See note in \fBCOLORS AND GRAPHICS\fP section\&.
  267. .IP "\fBjumpScroll:\fP \fIboolean\fP"
  268. \fBTrue\fP: specify that jump scrolling should be used\&. When scrolling
  269. quickly, fewer screen updates are performed [default];
  270. option \fB-j\fP\&.
  271. \fBFalse\fP: specify that smooth scrolling should be used;
  272. option \fB+j\fP\&.
  273. .IP "\fBinheritPixmap:\fP \fIboolean\fP"
  274. \fBTrue\fP: make the background inherit the parent windows\' pixmap,
  275. giving artificial transparency\&.
  276. \fBFalse\fP: do not inherit the parent windows\' pixmap\&.
  277. .IP "\fBscrollColor:\fP \fIcolour\fP"
  278. Use the specified colour for the scrollbar [default #B2B2B2]\&.
  279. .IP "\fBtroughColor:\fP \fIcolour\fP"
  280. Use the specified colour for the scrollbar\'s trough area [default
  281. #969696]\&. Only relevant for normal (non XTerm/NeXT) scrollbar\&.
  282. .IP "\fBbackgroundPixmap:\fP \fIfile[;geom]\fP"
  283. Use the specified XPM file (note the `\&.xpm\' extension is optional)
  284. for the background and also optionally specify its scaling with a
  285. geometry string \fBWxH+X+Y\fP, in which \fB"W" / "H"\fP specify the
  286. horizontal/vertical scale (percent) and \fB"X" / "Y"\fP locate the
  287. image centre (percent)\&. A scale of 0 displays the image with tiling\&.
  288. A scale of 1 displays the image without any scaling\&. A scale of 2 to
  289. 9 specifies an integer number of images in that direction\&. No image
  290. will be magnified beyond 10 times its original size\&. The maximum
  291. permitted scale is 1000\&. [default 0x0+50+50]
  292. .IP "\fBmenu:\fP \fIfile[;tag]\fP"
  293. Read in the specified menu file (note the `\&.menu\' extension is
  294. optional) and also optionally specify a starting tag to find\&. See
  295. the reference documentation for details on the syntax for the menuBar\&.
  296. .IP "\fBpath:\fP \fIpath\fP"
  297. Specify the colon-delimited search path for finding files (XPM and
  298. menus), in addition to the paths specified by the \fBRXVTPATH\fP and
  299. \fBPATH\fP environment variables\&.
  300. .IP "\fBfont:\fP \fIfontname\fP"
  301. Select the main text font used [default 7x14];
  302. option \fB-fn\fP\&.
  303. .IP "\fBfont\fP\fIn\fP\fB:\fP \fIfontname\fP"
  304. Specify the alternative font \fIn\fP\&. The default font values:
  305. .br
  306. .RS
  307. .IP
  308. .TS
  309. .nr 3c \n(.C
  310. .cp 0
  311. .nr 3lps \n[.s]
  312. .nr 3cent \n[.ce]
  313. .de 3init
  314. .ft \n[.f]
  315. .ps \n[.s]
  316. .vs \n[.v]u
  317. .in \n[.i]u
  318. .ll \n[.l]u
  319. .ls \n[.L]
  320. .ad \n[.j]
  321. .ie \n[.u] .fi
  322. .el .nf
  323. .ce \n[.ce]
  324. ..
  325. .nr 3ind \n[.i]
  326. .nr 3fnt \n[.f]
  327. .nr 3sz \n[.s]
  328. .nr 3fll \n[.u]
  329. .nr T. 0
  330. .nr 3crow 0-1
  331. .nr 3passed 0-1
  332. .nr 3sflag 0
  333. .ds 3trans
  334. .ds 3quote
  335. .nr 3brule 1
  336. .nr 3supbot 0
  337. .eo
  338. .de 3rmk
  339. .mk \$1
  340. .if !'\n(.z'' \!.3rmk "\$1"
  341. ..
  342. .de 3rvpt
  343. .vpt \$1
  344. .if !'\n(.z'' \!.3rvpt "\$1"
  345. ..
  346. .de 3rlns
  347. .ie !'\n(.z'' \{.nm
  348. \!.3rlns "\$1"
  349. .\}
  350. .el .if \n[ln] \{\
  351. .if '\$1'd' .nr 3lnst \n[ln]
  352. .if '\$1's' .nm \n[3lnst]
  353. .if '\$1'm' .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]>?\n[3lnmx]
  354. .\}
  355. ..
  356. .de 3rlnx
  357. .ie !'\n(.z'' \{.nm
  358. \!.3rlnx "\$1"
  359. .\}
  360. .el .if \n[ln] \{\
  361. .ie '\$1's' \{\
  362. .nr 3lnsv \n(ln<?\n[3lnmx]
  363. .nm +0 \n[ln]+42
  364. .\}
  365. .el \{\
  366. .nr ln \n[3lnsv]
  367. .nm \n[ln] 1
  368. .\}
  369. .\}
  370. ..
  371. .de 3keep
  372. .if '\n[.z]'' \{.ds 3quote \\
  373. .ds 3trans \!
  374. .di 3section
  375. .nr 3sflag 1
  376. .in 0
  377. .\}
  378. ..
  379. .ig
  380. .EQ
  381. delim off
  382. .EN
  383. ..
  384. .de 3release
  385. .if \n[3sflag] \{.di
  386. .in \n[3ind]u
  387. .nr 3dn \n[dn]
  388. .ds 3quote
  389. .ds 3trans
  390. .nr 3sflag 0
  391. .if \n[.t]<=\n[dn] \{.nr T. 1
  392. .T#
  393. .nr 3supbot 1
  394. .sp \n[.t]u
  395. .nr 3supbot 0
  396. .mk #T
  397. .\}
  398. .if \n[.t]<=\n[3dn] .tm warning: page \n%: table text block will not fit on one page
  399. .nf
  400. .if \n[ln] .nm \n[ln]
  401. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  402. .ls 1
  403. .3section
  404. .ls
  405. .if \n[ln] .nm
  406. .rm 3section
  407. .\}
  408. ..
  409. .ig
  410. .EQ
  411. delim on
  412. .EN
  413. ..
  414. .nr 3tflag 0
  415. .de 3tkeep
  416. .if '\n[.z]'' \{.di 3table
  417. .nr 3tflag 1
  418. .\}
  419. ..
  420. .de 3trelease
  421. .if \n[3tflag] \{.br
  422. .di
  423. .nr 3dn \n[dn]
  424. .ne \n[dn]u+\n[.V]u
  425. .ie \n[.t]<=\n[3dn] .tm error: page \n%: table will not fit on one page; use .TS H/.TH with a supporting macro package
  426. .el \{.in 0
  427. .ls 1
  428. .nf
  429. .if \n[ln] .nm \n[ln]
  430. .3table
  431. .\}
  432. .rm 3table
  433. .\}
  434. .if \n[ln] \{.nm
  435. .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  436. .\}
  437. ..
  438. .ec
  439. .ce 0
  440. .nf
  441. .nr 3sep 1n
  442. .nr 3w0 \n(.H
  443. .nr 3aw0 0
  444. .nr 3lnw0 0
  445. .nr 3rnw0 0
  446. .nr 3w1 \n(.H
  447. .nr 3aw1 0
  448. .nr 3lnw1 0
  449. .nr 3rnw1 0
  450. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBfont\fP: \[tbl]
  451. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ 7x14 \[tbl]
  452. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBfont1\fP: \[tbl]
  453. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ 6x10 \[tbl]
  454. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBfont2\fP: \[tbl]
  455. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ 6x13 \[tbl]
  456. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBfont3\fP: \[tbl]
  457. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ 8x13 \[tbl]
  458. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBfont4\fP: \[tbl]
  459. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ 9x15 \[tbl]
  460. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?(\n[3lnw0]+\n[3rnw0])
  461. .if \n[3aw0] .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?(\n[3aw0]+2n)
  462. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?(\n[3lnw1]+\n[3rnw1])
  463. .if \n[3aw1] .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?(\n[3aw1]+2n)
  464. .nr 3expand \n[.l]-\n[.i]-\n[3w0]-\n[3w1]-3n
  465. .if \n[3expand]<0 \{\
  466. .ig
  467. .EQ
  468. delim off
  469. .EN
  470. ..
  471. .tm1 "warning: file '\n[.F]', around line \n[.c]:
  472. .tm1 " table wider than line width
  473. .ig
  474. .EQ
  475. delim on
  476. .EN
  477. ..
  478. .nr 3expand 0
  479. .\}
  480. .nr 3cd0 0
  481. .nr 3cl0 0*\n[3sep]
  482. .nr 3ce0 \n[3cl0]+\n[3w0]
  483. .nr 3cl1 \n[3ce0]+(3*\n[3sep])
  484. .nr 3cd1 \n[3ce0]+\n[3cl1]/2
  485. .nr 3ce1 \n[3cl1]+\n[3w1]
  486. .nr 3cd2 \n[3ce1]+(0*\n[3sep])
  487. .nr TW \n[3cd2]
  488. .if \n[3cent] \{.in +(u;\n[.l]-\n[.i]-\n[TW]/2>?-\n[.i])
  489. .nr 3ind \n[.i]
  490. .\}
  491. .eo
  492. .ig
  493. .EQ
  494. delim off
  495. .EN
  496. ..
  497. .de T#
  498. .if !\n[3supbot] \{.3rvpt 0
  499. .mk 3vert
  500. .3rlnx s
  501. .ls 1
  502. .3rlnx r
  503. .ls
  504. .nr 3passed \n[3crow]
  505. .sp |\n[3vert]u
  506. .3rvpt 1
  507. .\}
  508. ..
  509. .ig
  510. .EQ
  511. delim on
  512. .EN
  513. ..
  514. .ec
  515. .fc 
  516. .3keep
  517. .3rmk 3rt0
  518. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 0
  519. .3keep
  520. .3rlns d
  521. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  522. .mk 3rs0
  523. .mk 3bot
  524. .3rvpt 0
  525. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u
  526. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBfont\fP: \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ 7x14
  527. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  528. .sp |\n[3rs0]u
  529. .3rlns m
  530. .3rvpt 1
  531. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  532. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  533. .3release
  534. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  535. .3keep
  536. .3rmk 3rt1
  537. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 1
  538. .3keep
  539. .3rlns d
  540. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  541. .mk 3rs1
  542. .mk 3bot
  543. .3rvpt 0
  544. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u
  545. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBfont1\fP: \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ 6x10
  546. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  547. .sp |\n[3rs1]u
  548. .3rlns m
  549. .3rvpt 1
  550. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  551. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  552. .3release
  553. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  554. .3keep
  555. .3rmk 3rt2
  556. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 2
  557. .3keep
  558. .3rlns d
  559. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  560. .mk 3rs2
  561. .mk 3bot
  562. .3rvpt 0
  563. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u
  564. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBfont2\fP: \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ 6x13
  565. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  566. .sp |\n[3rs2]u
  567. .3rlns m
  568. .3rvpt 1
  569. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  570. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  571. .3release
  572. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  573. .3keep
  574. .3rmk 3rt3
  575. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 3
  576. .3keep
  577. .3rlns d
  578. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  579. .mk 3rs3
  580. .mk 3bot
  581. .3rvpt 0
  582. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u
  583. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBfont3\fP: \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ 8x13
  584. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  585. .sp |\n[3rs3]u
  586. .3rlns m
  587. .3rvpt 1
  588. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  589. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  590. .3release
  591. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  592. .3keep
  593. .3rmk 3rt4
  594. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 4
  595. .3keep
  596. .3rlns d
  597. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  598. .mk 3rs4
  599. .mk 3bot
  600. .3rvpt 0
  601. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u
  602. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBfont4\fP: \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ 9x15
  603. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  604. .sp |\n[3rs4]u
  605. .3rlns m
  606. .3rvpt 1
  607. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  608. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  609. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  610. .3release
  611. .mk 3rt5
  612. .nr 3brule 1
  613. .nr T. 1
  614. .ig
  615. .EQ
  616. delim off
  617. .EN
  618. ..
  619. .T#
  620. .ig
  621. .EQ
  622. delim on
  623. .EN
  624. ..
  625. .if \n[ln] \{.nm
  626. .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  627. .\}
  628. .3init
  629. .fc
  630. .cp \n(3c
  631. .TE
  632. .RE
  633. .IP
  634. .IP "\fBboldFont:\fP \fIfontname\fP"
  635. Specify the name of the bold font to use if \fBcolorBD\fP has not been
  636. specified and it is not possible to map the default foreground colour
  637. to colour 8-15 [default NONE]\&. This font must be the same height and
  638. width as the normal font;
  639. option \fB-fb\fP\&.
  640. .IP "\fBmfont:\fP \fIfontname\fP"
  641. Select the main multiple-character text font used [default k14];
  642. option \fB-fk\fP\&.
  643. .IP "\fBmfont\fP\fIn\fP\fB:\fP \fIfontname\fP"
  644. Specify the alternative multiple-character font \fIn\fP\&. If compiled
  645. for multiple-character fonts, the Roman and multiple-character font
  646. sizes should match\&.
  647. .IP "\fBmultichar_encoding:\fP \fImode\fP"
  648. Set the encoding mode to be used when multicharacter encoding is
  649. received;
  650. \fBeucj\fP: EUC Japanese encoding [default for Kanji]\&.
  651. \fBsjis\fP: Shift JIS encoding\&.
  652. \fBbig5\fP: BIG5 encoding\&.
  653. \fBgb\fP: GB encoding\&.
  654. \fBkr\fP: EUC Korean encoding\&.
  655. \fBnoenc\fP: no encoding;
  656. option \fB-km\fP\&.
  657. .IP "\fBgreek_keyboard:\fP \fImode\fP"
  658. Set the Greek keyboard translation mode to be used;
  659. \fBiso\fP: ISO-8859 mapping (elot-928) [default]\&.
  660. \fBibm\fP: IBM-437 mapping (DOS codepage 737);
  661. option \fB-grk\fP\&.
  662. .IP "\fBgreektoggle_key:\fP \fIkeysym\fP"
  663. Set the key to toggle keyboard input between no translation and
  664. Greek translation [default \fBMode_switch\fP]\&.
  665. For more details, see the distributed file \fBREADME\&.greek\fP\&.
  666. .IP "\fBselectstyle:\fP \fImode\fP"
  667. Set mouse selection style to \fBold\fP which is 2\&.20, \fBoldword\fP which
  668. is xterm style with 2\&.20 old word selection, or anything else which
  669. gives xterm style selection\&.
  670. .IP "\fBscrollstyle:\fP \fImode\fP"
  671. Set scrollbar style to \fBrxvt\fP, \fBnext\fP or \fBxterm\fP
  672. .IP "\fBtitle:\fP \fIstring\fP"
  673. Set window title string, the default title is the command-line
  674. specified after the \fB-e\fP option, if any, otherwise the application
  675. name;
  676. option \fB-title\fP\&.
  677. .IP "\fBiconName:\fP \fIstring\fP"
  678. Set the name used to label the window\'s icon or displayed in an icon
  679. manager window, it also sets the window\'s title unless it is
  680. explicitly set;
  681. option \fB-n\fP\&.
  682. .IP "\fBmapAlert:\fP \fIboolean\fP"
  683. \fBTrue\fP: de-iconify (map) on receipt of a bell character\&.
  684. \fBFalse\fP: no de-iconify (map) on receipt of a bell character
  685. [default]\&.
  686. .IP "\fBvisualBell:\fP \fIboolean\fP"
  687. \fBTrue\fP: use visual bell on receipt of a bell character;
  688. option \fB-vb\fP\&.
  689. \fBFalse\fP: no visual bell [default];
  690. option \fB+vb\fP\&.
  691. .IP "\fBloginShell:\fP \fIboolean\fP"
  692. \fBTrue\fP: start as a login shell by prepending a `-\' to \fBargv[0]\fP
  693. of the shell;
  694. option \fB-ls\fP\&.
  695. \fBFalse\fP: start as a normal sub-shell [default];
  696. option \fB+ls\fP\&.
  697. .IP "\fButmpInhibit:\fP \fIboolean\fP"
  698. \fBTrue\fP: inhibit writing record into the system log file \fButmp\fP;
  699. option \fB-ut\fP\&.
  700. \fBFalse\fP: write record into the system log file \fButmp\fP [default];
  701. option \fB+ut\fP\&.
  702. .IP "\fBprint-pipe:\fP \fIstring\fP"
  703. Specify a command pipe for vt100 printer [default \fIlpr(1)\fP]\&. Use
  704. \fBPrint\fP to initiate a screen dump to the printer and \fBCtrl-Print\fP
  705. or \fBShift-Print\fP to include the scrollback as well\&.
  706. .IP "\fBscrollBar:\fP \fIboolean\fP"
  707. \fBTrue\fP: enable the scrollbar [default];
  708. option \fB-sb\fP\&.
  709. \fBFalse\fP: disable the scrollbar;
  710. option \fB+sb\fP\&.
  711. .IP "\fBscrollBar_right:\fP \fIboolean\fP"
  712. \fBTrue\fP: place the scrollbar on the right of the window;
  713. option \fB-sr\fP\&.
  714. \fBFalse\fP: place the scrollbar on the left of the window;
  715. option \fB+sr\fP\&.
  716. .IP "\fBscrollBar_floating:\fP \fIboolean\fP"
  717. \fBTrue\fP: display an rxvt scrollbar without a trough;
  718. option \fB-st\fP\&.
  719. \fBFalse\fP: display an rxvt scrollbar with a trough;
  720. option \fB+st\fP\&.
  721. .IP "\fBscrollBar_align:\fP \fImode\fP"
  722. Align the \fBtop\fP, \fBbottom\fP or \fBcentre\fP [default] of
  723. the scrollbar thumb with the pointer on middle button
  724. press/drag\&.
  725. .IP "\fBscrollTtyOutput:\fP \fIboolean\fP"
  726. \fBTrue\fP: scroll to bottom when tty receives output;
  727. option(+si)\&.
  728. \fBFalse\fP: do not scroll to bottom when tty receives output;
  729. option(-si)\&.
  730. .IP "\fBscrollWithBuffer:\fP \fIboolean\fP"
  731. \fBTrue\fP: scroll with scrollback buffer when tty recieves
  732. new lines (and \fBscrollTtyOutput\fP is False);
  733. option(+sw)\&.
  734. \fBFalse\fP: do not scroll with scrollback buffer when tty
  735. recieves new lines;
  736. option(-sw)\&.
  737. .IP "\fBscrollTtyKeypress:\fP \fIboolean\fP"
  738. \fBTrue\fP: scroll to bottom when a non-special key is pressed\&.
  739. Special keys are those which are intercepted by rxvt for special
  740. handling and are not passed onto the shell;
  741. option(-sk)\&.
  742. \fBFalse\fP: do not scroll to bottom when a non-special key is pressed;
  743. option(+sk)\&.
  744. .IP "\fBsmallfont_key:\fP \fIkeysym\fP"
  745. If enabled, use \fBAlt-\fP\fIkeysym\fP to toggle to a smaller font
  746. [default \fBAlt-<\fP]
  747. .IP "\fBbigfont_key:\fP \fIkeysym\fP"
  748. If enabled, use \fBAlt-\fP\fIkeysym\fP to toggle to a bigger font
  749. [default \fBAlt->\fP]
  750. .IP "\fBsaveLines:\fP \fInumber\fP"
  751. Save \fInumber\fP lines in the scrollback buffer [default 64]\&. This
  752. resource is limited on most machines to 65535;
  753. option \fB-sl\fP\&.
  754. .IP "\fBinternalBorder:\fP \fInumber\fP"
  755. Internal border of \fInumber\fP pixels\&. This resource is limited to 100;
  756. option \fB-b\fP\&.
  757. .IP "\fBexternalBorder:\fP \fInumber\fP"
  758. External border of \fInumber\fP pixels\&. This resource is limited to 100;
  759. option \fB-w\fP, \fB-bw\fP, \fB-borderwidth\fP\&.
  760. .IP "\fBtermName:\fP \fItermname\fP"
  761. Specifies the terminal type name to be set in the \fBTERM\fP
  762. environment variable;
  763. option \fB-tn\fP\&.
  764. .IP "\fBlinespace:\fP \fInumber\fP"
  765. Specifies number of lines (pixel height) to insert between each row
  766. of the display [default 0];
  767. option \fB-lsp\fP\&.
  768. .IP "\fBmeta8:\fP \fIboolean\fP"
  769. \fBTrue\fP: handle Meta (Alt) + keypress to set the 8th bit\&.
  770. \fBFalse\fP: handle Meta (Alt) + keypress as an escape prefix [default]\&.
  771. .IP "\fBmouseWheelScrollPage:\fP \fIboolean\fP"
  772. \fBTrue\fP: the mouse wheel scrolls a page full\&.
  773. \fBFalse\fP: the mouse wheel scrolls five lines [default]\&.
  774. .IP "\fBmultibyte_cursor:\fP \fIboolean\fP"
  775. \fBTrue\fP: consider multibyte glyphs as single character for backspace,
  776. delete and cursor movement keys;
  777. option \fB-mcc\fP\&.
  778. \fBFalse\fP: move through all components of all glyphs;
  779. option \fB+mcc\fP\&.
  780. .IP "\fBbackspacekey:\fP \fIstring\fP"
  781. The string to send when the backspace key is pressed\&. If set to
  782. \fBDEC\fP or unset it will send \fBDelete\fP (code 127) or, if shifted,
  783. \fBBackspace\fP (code 8) - which can be reversed with the appropriate
  784. DEC private mode escape sequence\&.
  785. .IP "\fBdeletekey:\fP \fIstring\fP"
  786. The string to send when the delete key (not the keypad delete key) is
  787. pressed\&. If unset it will send the sequence traditionally associated
  788. with the \fBExecute\fP key\&.
  789. .IP "\fBcutchars:\fP \fIstring\fP"
  790. The characters used as delimiters for double-click word selection\&.
  791. The built-in default:
  792. .br
  793. \fBBACKSLASH `"\'&()*,;<=>?@[]{|}\fP
  794. .IP "\fBpreeditType:\fP \fIstyle\fP"
  795. \fBOverTheSpot\fP, \fBOffTheSpot\fP, \fBRoot\fP;
  796. option \fB-pt\fP\&.
  797. .IP "\fBinputMethod:\fP \fIname\fP"
  798. \fIname\fP of inputMethod to use;
  799. option \fB-im\fP\&.
  800. .IP "\fBmodifier:\fP \fImodifier\fP"
  801. Set the key to be interpreted as the Meta key to:
  802. \fBalt\fP, \fBmeta\fP, \fBhyper\fP, \fBsuper\fP, \fBmod1\fP, \fBmod2\fP, \fBmod3\fP,
  803. \fBmod4\fP, \fBmod5\fP;
  804. option \fB-mod\fP\&.
  805. .IP "\fBanswerbackString:\fP \fIstring\fP"
  806. Specify the reply rxvt sends to the shell when an ENQ (control-E)
  807. character is passed through\&. It may contain escape values as
  808. described in the entry on \fBkeysym\fP following\&.
  809. .IP "\fBkeysym\&.\fP\fIsym\fP: \fIstring\fP"
  810. Associate \fIstring\fP with keysym \fIsym\fP (\fB0xFF00 - 0xFFFF\fP)\&. It
  811. may contain escape values (\ea: bell, \eb: backspace, \ee, \eE: escape,
  812. \en: newline, \er: return, \et: tab, \e000: octal number) or control
  813. characters (^?: delete, ^@: null, ^A \&.\&.\&.) and may enclosed with
  814. double quotes so that it can start or end with whitespace\&. The
  815. intervening resource name \fBkeysym\&.\fP cannot be omitted\&. This
  816. resource is only available when compiled with KEYSYM_RESOURCE\&.
  818. .PP
  819. Lines of text that scroll off the top of the \fBrxvt\fP window (resource:
  820. \fBsaveLines\fP) and can be scrolled back using the scrollbar or by keystrokes\&.
  821. The normal \fBrxvt\fP scrollbar has arrows and its behaviour is fairly
  822. intuitive\&. The \fBxterm-scrollbar\fP is without arrows and its behaviour
  823. mimics that of \fIxterm\fP
  824. .PP
  825. Scroll down with \fBButton1\fP (\fBxterm-scrollbar\fP) or \fBShift-Next\fP\&.
  826. Scroll up with \fBButton3\fP (\fBxterm-scrollbar\fP) or \fBShift-Prior\fP\&.
  827. Continuous scroll with \fBButton2\fP\&.
  829. .PP
  830. To temporarily override mouse reporting, for either the scrollbar or the
  831. normal text selection/insertion, hold either the Shift or the Meta (Alt) key
  832. while performing the desired mouse action\&.
  833. .PP
  834. If mouse reporting mode is active, the normal scrollbar actions are disabled
  835. -- on the assumption that we are using a fullscreen application\&.
  836. Instead, pressing Button1 and Button3 sends
  837. \fBESC[6~\fP (Next) and \fBESC[5~\fP (Prior), respectively\&.
  838. Similarly, clicking on the up and down arrows sends \fBESC[A\fP (Up) and
  839. \fBESC[B\fP (Down), respectively\&.
  841. .PP
  842. The behaviour of text selection and insertion mechanism is similar to
  843. \fIxterm\fP(1)\&.
  844. .PP
  845. .IP "\fBSelection\fP:"
  846. Left click at the beginning of the region, drag to the end of the
  847. region and release; Right click to extend the marked region;
  848. Left double-click to select a word; Left triple-click to select
  849. the entire line\&.
  850. .IP
  851. .IP "\fBInsertion\fP:"
  852. Pressing and releasing the Middle mouse button (or \fBShift-Insert\fP)
  853. in an \fBrxvt\fP window causes the current text selection to be inserted
  854. as if it had been typed on the keyboard\&.
  856. .PP
  857. You can change fonts on-the-fly, which is to say cycle through the default
  858. font and others of various sizes, by using \fBShift-KP_Add\fP and
  859. \fBShift-KP_Subtract\fP\&. Or, alternatively (if enabled) with
  860. \fBAlt->\fP and \fBAlt-<\fP, where the actual key
  861. can be selected using resources \fBsmallfont_key\fP/\fBbigfont_key\fP\&.
  862. .SH "LOGIN STAMP"
  863. .PP
  864. \fBrxvt\fP tries to write an entry into the \fIutmp\fP(5) file so that it can be
  865. seen via the \fIwho(1)\fP command, and can accept messages\&. To allow this
  866. feature, \fBrxvt\fP must be installed setuid root on some systems\&.
  868. .PP
  869. If graphics support was enabled at compile-time, \fBrxvt\fP can be queried
  870. with ANSI escape sequences and can address individual pixels instead of
  871. text characters\&. Note the graphics support is still considered beta code\&.
  872. .PP
  873. In addition to the default foreground and background colours, \fBrxvt\fP
  874. can display up to 16 colours (8 ANSI colours plus high-intensity bold/blink
  875. versions of the same)\&.
  876. Here is a list of the colours with their \fBrgb\&.txt\fP names\&.
  877. .PP
  878. .TS
  879. .nr 3c \n(.C
  880. .cp 0
  881. .nr 3lps \n[.s]
  882. .nr 3cent \n[.ce]
  883. .de 3init
  884. .ft \n[.f]
  885. .ps \n[.s]
  886. .vs \n[.v]u
  887. .in \n[.i]u
  888. .ll \n[.l]u
  889. .ls \n[.L]
  890. .ad \n[.j]
  891. .ie \n[.u] .fi
  892. .el .nf
  893. .ce \n[.ce]
  894. ..
  895. .nr 3ind \n[.i]
  896. .nr 3fnt \n[.f]
  897. .nr 3sz \n[.s]
  898. .nr 3fll \n[.u]
  899. .nr T. 0
  900. .nr 3crow 0-1
  901. .nr 3passed 0-1
  902. .nr 3sflag 0
  903. .ds 3trans
  904. .ds 3quote
  905. .nr 3brule 1
  906. .nr 3supbot 0
  907. .eo
  908. .de 3rmk
  909. .mk \$1
  910. .if !'\n(.z'' \!.3rmk "\$1"
  911. ..
  912. .de 3rvpt
  913. .vpt \$1
  914. .if !'\n(.z'' \!.3rvpt "\$1"
  915. ..
  916. .de 3rlns
  917. .ie !'\n(.z'' \{.nm
  918. \!.3rlns "\$1"
  919. .\}
  920. .el .if \n[ln] \{\
  921. .if '\$1'd' .nr 3lnst \n[ln]
  922. .if '\$1's' .nm \n[3lnst]
  923. .if '\$1'm' .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]>?\n[3lnmx]
  924. .\}
  925. ..
  926. .de 3rlnx
  927. .ie !'\n(.z'' \{.nm
  928. \!.3rlnx "\$1"
  929. .\}
  930. .el .if \n[ln] \{\
  931. .ie '\$1's' \{\
  932. .nr 3lnsv \n(ln<?\n[3lnmx]
  933. .nm +0 \n[ln]+42
  934. .\}
  935. .el \{\
  936. .nr ln \n[3lnsv]
  937. .nm \n[ln] 1
  938. .\}
  939. .\}
  940. ..
  941. .de 3keep
  942. .if '\n[.z]'' \{.ds 3quote \\
  943. .ds 3trans \!
  944. .di 3section
  945. .nr 3sflag 1
  946. .in 0
  947. .\}
  948. ..
  949. .ig
  950. .EQ
  951. delim off
  952. .EN
  953. ..
  954. .de 3release
  955. .if \n[3sflag] \{.di
  956. .in \n[3ind]u
  957. .nr 3dn \n[dn]
  958. .ds 3quote
  959. .ds 3trans
  960. .nr 3sflag 0
  961. .if \n[.t]<=\n[dn] \{.nr T. 1
  962. .T#
  963. .nr 3supbot 1
  964. .sp \n[.t]u
  965. .nr 3supbot 0
  966. .mk #T
  967. .\}
  968. .if \n[.t]<=\n[3dn] .tm warning: page \n%: table text block will not fit on one page
  969. .nf
  970. .if \n[ln] .nm \n[ln]
  971. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  972. .ls 1
  973. .3section
  974. .ls
  975. .if \n[ln] .nm
  976. .rm 3section
  977. .\}
  978. ..
  979. .ig
  980. .EQ
  981. delim on
  982. .EN
  983. ..
  984. .nr 3tflag 0
  985. .de 3tkeep
  986. .if '\n[.z]'' \{.di 3table
  987. .nr 3tflag 1
  988. .\}
  989. ..
  990. .de 3trelease
  991. .if \n[3tflag] \{.br
  992. .di
  993. .nr 3dn \n[dn]
  994. .ne \n[dn]u+\n[.V]u
  995. .ie \n[.t]<=\n[3dn] .tm error: page \n%: table will not fit on one page; use .TS H/.TH with a supporting macro package
  996. .el \{.in 0
  997. .ls 1
  998. .nf
  999. .if \n[ln] .nm \n[ln]
  1000. .3table
  1001. .\}
  1002. .rm 3table
  1003. .\}
  1004. .if \n[ln] \{.nm
  1005. .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  1006. .\}
  1007. ..
  1008. .ec
  1009. .ce 0
  1010. .nf
  1011. .nr 3sep 1n
  1012. .nr 3w0 \n(.H
  1013. .nr 3aw0 0
  1014. .nr 3lnw0 0
  1015. .nr 3rnw0 0
  1016. .nr 3w1 \n(.H
  1017. .nr 3aw1 0
  1018. .nr 3lnw1 0
  1019. .nr 3rnw1 0
  1020. .nr 3w2 \n(.H
  1021. .nr 3aw2 0
  1022. .nr 3lnw2 0
  1023. .nr 3rnw2 0
  1024. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBcolor0\fP \[tbl]
  1025. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ (black) \[tbl]
  1026. .nr 3w2 \n[3w2]>?\w\[tbl]\ = Black \[tbl]
  1027. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBcolor1\fP \[tbl]
  1028. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ (red) \[tbl]
  1029. .nr 3w2 \n[3w2]>?\w\[tbl]\ = Red3 \[tbl]
  1030. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBcolor2\fP \[tbl]
  1031. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ (green) \[tbl]
  1032. .nr 3w2 \n[3w2]>?\w\[tbl]\ = Green3 \[tbl]
  1033. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBcolor3\fP \[tbl]
  1034. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ (yellow) \[tbl]
  1035. .nr 3w2 \n[3w2]>?\w\[tbl]\ = Yellow3 \[tbl]
  1036. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBcolor4\fP \[tbl]
  1037. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ (blue) \[tbl]
  1038. .nr 3w2 \n[3w2]>?\w\[tbl]\ = Blue3 \[tbl]
  1039. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBcolor5\fP \[tbl]
  1040. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ (magenta) \[tbl]
  1041. .nr 3w2 \n[3w2]>?\w\[tbl]\ = Magenta3 \[tbl]
  1042. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBcolor6\fP \[tbl]
  1043. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ (cyan) \[tbl]
  1044. .nr 3w2 \n[3w2]>?\w\[tbl]\ = Cyan3 \[tbl]
  1045. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBcolor7\fP \[tbl]
  1046. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ (white) \[tbl]
  1047. .nr 3w2 \n[3w2]>?\w\[tbl]\ = AntiqueWhite \[tbl]
  1048. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBcolor8\fP \[tbl]
  1049. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ (bright black) \[tbl]
  1050. .nr 3w2 \n[3w2]>?\w\[tbl]\ = Grey25 \[tbl]
  1051. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBcolor9\fP \[tbl]
  1052. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ (bright red) \[tbl]
  1053. .nr 3w2 \n[3w2]>?\w\[tbl]\ = Red \[tbl]
  1054. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBcolor10\fP \[tbl]
  1055. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ (bright green) \[tbl]
  1056. .nr 3w2 \n[3w2]>?\w\[tbl]\ = Green \[tbl]
  1057. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBcolor11\fP \[tbl]
  1058. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ (bright yellow) \[tbl]
  1059. .nr 3w2 \n[3w2]>?\w\[tbl]\ = Yellow \[tbl]
  1060. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBcolor12\fP \[tbl]
  1061. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ (bright blue) \[tbl]
  1062. .nr 3w2 \n[3w2]>?\w\[tbl]\ = Blue \[tbl]
  1063. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBcolor13\fP \[tbl]
  1064. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ (bright magenta) \[tbl]
  1065. .nr 3w2 \n[3w2]>?\w\[tbl]\ = Magenta \[tbl]
  1066. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBcolor14\fP \[tbl]
  1067. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ (bright cyan) \[tbl]
  1068. .nr 3w2 \n[3w2]>?\w\[tbl]\ = Cyan \[tbl]
  1069. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBcolor15\fP \[tbl]
  1070. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ (bright white) \[tbl]
  1071. .nr 3w2 \n[3w2]>?\w\[tbl]\ = White \[tbl]
  1072. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBforeground\fP \[tbl]
  1073. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ \[tbl]
  1074. .nr 3w2 \n[3w2]>?\w\[tbl]\ = Black \[tbl]
  1075. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\fBbackground\fP \[tbl]
  1076. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?\w\[tbl]\ \[tbl]
  1077. .nr 3w2 \n[3w2]>?\w\[tbl]\ = White \[tbl]
  1078. .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?(\n[3lnw0]+\n[3rnw0])
  1079. .if \n[3aw0] .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?(\n[3aw0]+2n)
  1080. .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?(\n[3lnw1]+\n[3rnw1])
  1081. .if \n[3aw1] .nr 3w1 \n[3w1]>?(\n[3aw1]+2n)
  1082. .nr 3w2 \n[3w2]>?(\n[3lnw2]+\n[3rnw2])
  1083. .if \n[3aw2] .nr 3w2 \n[3w2]>?(\n[3aw2]+2n)
  1084. .nr 3expand \n[.l]-\n[.i]-\n[3w0]-\n[3w1]-\n[3w2]-6n
  1085. .if \n[3expand]<0 \{\
  1086. .ig
  1087. .EQ
  1088. delim off
  1089. .EN
  1090. ..
  1091. .tm1 "warning: file '\n[.F]', around line \n[.c]:
  1092. .tm1 " table wider than line width
  1093. .ig
  1094. .EQ
  1095. delim on
  1096. .EN
  1097. ..
  1098. .nr 3expand 0
  1099. .\}
  1100. .nr 3cd0 0
  1101. .nr 3cl0 0*\n[3sep]
  1102. .nr 3ce0 \n[3cl0]+\n[3w0]
  1103. .nr 3cl1 \n[3ce0]+(3*\n[3sep])
  1104. .nr 3cd1 \n[3ce0]+\n[3cl1]/2
  1105. .nr 3ce1 \n[3cl1]+\n[3w1]
  1106. .nr 3cl2 \n[3ce1]+(3*\n[3sep])
  1107. .nr 3cd2 \n[3ce1]+\n[3cl2]/2
  1108. .nr 3ce2 \n[3cl2]+\n[3w2]
  1109. .nr 3cd3 \n[3ce2]+(0*\n[3sep])
  1110. .nr TW \n[3cd3]
  1111. .if \n[3cent] \{.in +(u;\n[.l]-\n[.i]-\n[TW]/2>?-\n[.i])
  1112. .nr 3ind \n[.i]
  1113. .\}
  1114. .eo
  1115. .ig
  1116. .EQ
  1117. delim off
  1118. .EN
  1119. ..
  1120. .de T#
  1121. .if !\n[3supbot] \{.3rvpt 0
  1122. .mk 3vert
  1123. .3rlnx s
  1124. .ls 1
  1125. .3rlnx r
  1126. .ls
  1127. .nr 3passed \n[3crow]
  1128. .sp |\n[3vert]u
  1129. .3rvpt 1
  1130. .\}
  1131. ..
  1132. .ig
  1133. .EQ
  1134. delim on
  1135. .EN
  1136. ..
  1137. .ec
  1138. .fc 
  1139. .3keep
  1140. .3rmk 3rt0
  1141. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 0
  1142. .3keep
  1143. .3rlns d
  1144. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  1145. .mk 3rs0
  1146. .mk 3bot
  1147. .3rvpt 0
  1148. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u \n[3ce2]u
  1149. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBcolor0\fP \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ (black) \h'|\n[3cl2]u'\ = Black
  1150. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  1151. .sp |\n[3rs0]u
  1152. .3rlns m
  1153. .3rvpt 1
  1154. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  1155. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  1156. .3release
  1157. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  1158. .3keep
  1159. .3rmk 3rt1
  1160. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 1
  1161. .3keep
  1162. .3rlns d
  1163. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  1164. .mk 3rs1
  1165. .mk 3bot
  1166. .3rvpt 0
  1167. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u \n[3ce2]u
  1168. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBcolor1\fP \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ (red) \h'|\n[3cl2]u'\ = Red3
  1169. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  1170. .sp |\n[3rs1]u
  1171. .3rlns m
  1172. .3rvpt 1
  1173. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  1174. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  1175. .3release
  1176. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  1177. .3keep
  1178. .3rmk 3rt2
  1179. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 2
  1180. .3keep
  1181. .3rlns d
  1182. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  1183. .mk 3rs2
  1184. .mk 3bot
  1185. .3rvpt 0
  1186. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u \n[3ce2]u
  1187. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBcolor2\fP \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ (green) \h'|\n[3cl2]u'\ = Green3
  1188. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  1189. .sp |\n[3rs2]u
  1190. .3rlns m
  1191. .3rvpt 1
  1192. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  1193. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  1194. .3release
  1195. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  1196. .3keep
  1197. .3rmk 3rt3
  1198. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 3
  1199. .3keep
  1200. .3rlns d
  1201. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  1202. .mk 3rs3
  1203. .mk 3bot
  1204. .3rvpt 0
  1205. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u \n[3ce2]u
  1206. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBcolor3\fP \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ (yellow) \h'|\n[3cl2]u'\ = Yellow3
  1207. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  1208. .sp |\n[3rs3]u
  1209. .3rlns m
  1210. .3rvpt 1
  1211. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  1212. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  1213. .3release
  1214. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  1215. .3keep
  1216. .3rmk 3rt4
  1217. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 4
  1218. .3keep
  1219. .3rlns d
  1220. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  1221. .mk 3rs4
  1222. .mk 3bot
  1223. .3rvpt 0
  1224. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u \n[3ce2]u
  1225. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBcolor4\fP \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ (blue) \h'|\n[3cl2]u'\ = Blue3
  1226. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  1227. .sp |\n[3rs4]u
  1228. .3rlns m
  1229. .3rvpt 1
  1230. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  1231. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  1232. .3release
  1233. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  1234. .3keep
  1235. .3rmk 3rt5
  1236. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 5
  1237. .3keep
  1238. .3rlns d
  1239. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  1240. .mk 3rs5
  1241. .mk 3bot
  1242. .3rvpt 0
  1243. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u \n[3ce2]u
  1244. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBcolor5\fP \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ (magenta) \h'|\n[3cl2]u'\ = Magenta3
  1245. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  1246. .sp |\n[3rs5]u
  1247. .3rlns m
  1248. .3rvpt 1
  1249. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  1250. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  1251. .3release
  1252. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  1253. .3keep
  1254. .3rmk 3rt6
  1255. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 6
  1256. .3keep
  1257. .3rlns d
  1258. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  1259. .mk 3rs6
  1260. .mk 3bot
  1261. .3rvpt 0
  1262. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u \n[3ce2]u
  1263. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBcolor6\fP \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ (cyan) \h'|\n[3cl2]u'\ = Cyan3
  1264. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  1265. .sp |\n[3rs6]u
  1266. .3rlns m
  1267. .3rvpt 1
  1268. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  1269. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  1270. .3release
  1271. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  1272. .3keep
  1273. .3rmk 3rt7
  1274. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 7
  1275. .3keep
  1276. .3rlns d
  1277. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  1278. .mk 3rs7
  1279. .mk 3bot
  1280. .3rvpt 0
  1281. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u \n[3ce2]u
  1282. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBcolor7\fP \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ (white) \h'|\n[3cl2]u'\ = AntiqueWhite
  1283. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  1284. .sp |\n[3rs7]u
  1285. .3rlns m
  1286. .3rvpt 1
  1287. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  1288. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  1289. .3release
  1290. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  1291. .3keep
  1292. .3rmk 3rt8
  1293. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 8
  1294. .3keep
  1295. .3rlns d
  1296. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  1297. .mk 3rs8
  1298. .mk 3bot
  1299. .3rvpt 0
  1300. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u \n[3ce2]u
  1301. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBcolor8\fP \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ (bright black) \h'|\n[3cl2]u'\ = Grey25
  1302. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  1303. .sp |\n[3rs8]u
  1304. .3rlns m
  1305. .3rvpt 1
  1306. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  1307. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  1308. .3release
  1309. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  1310. .3keep
  1311. .3rmk 3rt9
  1312. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 9
  1313. .3keep
  1314. .3rlns d
  1315. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  1316. .mk 3rs9
  1317. .mk 3bot
  1318. .3rvpt 0
  1319. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u \n[3ce2]u
  1320. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBcolor9\fP \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ (bright red) \h'|\n[3cl2]u'\ = Red
  1321. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  1322. .sp |\n[3rs9]u
  1323. .3rlns m
  1324. .3rvpt 1
  1325. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  1326. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  1327. .3release
  1328. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  1329. .3keep
  1330. .3rmk 3rt10
  1331. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 10
  1332. .3keep
  1333. .3rlns d
  1334. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  1335. .mk 3rs10
  1336. .mk 3bot
  1337. .3rvpt 0
  1338. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u \n[3ce2]u
  1339. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBcolor10\fP \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ (bright green) \h'|\n[3cl2]u'\ = Green
  1340. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  1341. .sp |\n[3rs10]u
  1342. .3rlns m
  1343. .3rvpt 1
  1344. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  1345. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  1346. .3release
  1347. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  1348. .3keep
  1349. .3rmk 3rt11
  1350. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 11
  1351. .3keep
  1352. .3rlns d
  1353. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  1354. .mk 3rs11
  1355. .mk 3bot
  1356. .3rvpt 0
  1357. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u \n[3ce2]u
  1358. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBcolor11\fP \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ (bright yellow) \h'|\n[3cl2]u'\ = Yellow
  1359. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  1360. .sp |\n[3rs11]u
  1361. .3rlns m
  1362. .3rvpt 1
  1363. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  1364. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  1365. .3release
  1366. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  1367. .3keep
  1368. .3rmk 3rt12
  1369. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 12
  1370. .3keep
  1371. .3rlns d
  1372. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  1373. .mk 3rs12
  1374. .mk 3bot
  1375. .3rvpt 0
  1376. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u \n[3ce2]u
  1377. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBcolor12\fP \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ (bright blue) \h'|\n[3cl2]u'\ = Blue
  1378. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  1379. .sp |\n[3rs12]u
  1380. .3rlns m
  1381. .3rvpt 1
  1382. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  1383. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  1384. .3release
  1385. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  1386. .3keep
  1387. .3rmk 3rt13
  1388. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 13
  1389. .3keep
  1390. .3rlns d
  1391. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  1392. .mk 3rs13
  1393. .mk 3bot
  1394. .3rvpt 0
  1395. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u \n[3ce2]u
  1396. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBcolor13\fP \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ (bright magenta) \h'|\n[3cl2]u'\ = Magenta
  1397. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  1398. .sp |\n[3rs13]u
  1399. .3rlns m
  1400. .3rvpt 1
  1401. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  1402. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  1403. .3release
  1404. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  1405. .3keep
  1406. .3rmk 3rt14
  1407. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 14
  1408. .3keep
  1409. .3rlns d
  1410. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  1411. .mk 3rs14
  1412. .mk 3bot
  1413. .3rvpt 0
  1414. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u \n[3ce2]u
  1415. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBcolor14\fP \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ (bright cyan) \h'|\n[3cl2]u'\ = Cyan
  1416. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  1417. .sp |\n[3rs14]u
  1418. .3rlns m
  1419. .3rvpt 1
  1420. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  1421. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  1422. .3release
  1423. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  1424. .3keep
  1425. .3rmk 3rt15
  1426. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 15
  1427. .3keep
  1428. .3rlns d
  1429. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  1430. .mk 3rs15
  1431. .mk 3bot
  1432. .3rvpt 0
  1433. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u \n[3ce2]u
  1434. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBcolor15\fP \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ (bright white) \h'|\n[3cl2]u'\ = White
  1435. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  1436. .sp |\n[3rs15]u
  1437. .3rlns m
  1438. .3rvpt 1
  1439. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  1440. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  1441. .3release
  1442. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  1443. .3keep
  1444. .3rmk 3rt16
  1445. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 16
  1446. .3keep
  1447. .3rlns d
  1448. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  1449. .mk 3rs16
  1450. .mk 3bot
  1451. .3rvpt 0
  1452. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u \n[3ce2]u
  1453. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBforeground\fP \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ \h'|\n[3cl2]u'\ = Black
  1454. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  1455. .sp |\n[3rs16]u
  1456. .3rlns m
  1457. .3rvpt 1
  1458. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  1459. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  1460. .3release
  1461. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  1462. .3keep
  1463. .3rmk 3rt17
  1464. \*[3trans].nr 3crow 17
  1465. .3keep
  1466. .3rlns d
  1467. .nr 3lnmx \n[ln]
  1468. .mk 3rs17
  1469. .mk 3bot
  1470. .3rvpt 0
  1471. .ta \n[3ce0]u \n[3ce1]u \n[3ce2]u
  1472. \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\fBbackground\fP \h'|\n[3cl1]u'\ \h'|\n[3cl2]u'\ = White
  1473. .nr 3bot \n[3bot]>?\n[.d]
  1474. .sp |\n[3rs17]u
  1475. .3rlns m
  1476. .3rvpt 1
  1477. .sp |\n[3bot]u
  1478. \*[3trans].nr 3brule 1
  1479. .if \n[ln] .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  1480. .3release
  1481. .mk 3rt18
  1482. .nr 3brule 1
  1483. .nr T. 1
  1484. .ig
  1485. .EQ
  1486. delim off
  1487. .EN
  1488. ..
  1489. .T#
  1490. .ig
  1491. .EQ
  1492. delim on
  1493. .EN
  1494. ..
  1495. .if \n[ln] \{.nm
  1496. .nr ln \n[3lnmx]
  1497. .\}
  1498. .3init
  1499. .fc
  1500. .cp \n(3c
  1501. .TE
  1502. .PP
  1503. It is also possible to specify the colour values of \fBforeground\fP,
  1504. \fBbackground\fP, \fBcursorColor\fP, \fBcursorColor2\fP, \fBcolorBD\fP, \fBcolorUL\fP
  1505. as a number 0-15, as a convenient shorthand to reference the colour name of
  1506. color0-color15\&.
  1507. .PP
  1508. Note that \fB-rv\fP (\fB"reverseVideo: True"\fP) simulates reverse video by
  1509. always swapping the foreground/background colours\&. This is in contrast to
  1510. \fIxterm\fP(1) where the colours are only swapped if they have not otherwise been
  1511. specified\&.
  1512. For example,
  1513. .PP
  1514. .IP "\fBrxvt -fg Black -bg White -rv\fP"
  1515. would yield White on Black, while on \fIxterm\fP(1) it would yield
  1516. Black on White\&.
  1518. .PP
  1519. \fBrxvt\fP sets the environment variables \fBTERM\fP, \fBCOLORTERM\fP and
  1520. \fBCOLORFGBG\fP\&. The environment variable \fBWINDOWID\fP is set to the X window
  1521. id number of the \fBrxvt\fP window and it also uses and sets the environment
  1522. variable \fBDISPLAY\fP to specify which display terminal to use\&. \fBrxvt\fP uses
  1523. the environment variables \fBRXVTPATH\fP and \fBPATH\fP to find XPM files\&.
  1524. .SH "FILES"
  1525. .PP
  1526. .IP "\fB/etc/utmp\fP"
  1527. System file for login records\&.
  1528. .IP "\fB/usr/lib/X11/rgb\&.txt\fP"
  1529. Color names\&.
  1530. .PP
  1531. .SH "SEE ALSO"
  1532. .PP
  1533. \fIxterm\fP(1), \fIsh\fP(1), \fIresize\fP(1), \fIX\fP(1), \fIpty\fP(4), \fItty\fP(4),
  1534. \fIutmp\fP(5)
  1535. .PP
  1536. See rxvtRef\&.html rxvtRef\&.txt for detailed information on recognized escape
  1537. sequences and menuBar syntax, etc\&.
  1538. .PP
  1539. .SH "BUGS"
  1540. .PP
  1541. Check the BUGS file for an up-to-date list\&.
  1542. .PP
  1543. Cursor change support is not yet implemented\&.
  1544. .PP
  1545. Click-and-drag doesn\'t work with X11 mouse report overriding\&.
  1546. .PP
  1547. Graphics support is fairly crude\&.
  1548. .PP
  1549. .SH "FTP LOCATION"
  1550. .PP
  1551. rxvt-2\&.7\&.10\&.tar\&.gz can be found at the following ftp sites
  1552. ftp://ftp\&.rxvt\&.org/pub/rxvt
  1553. .PP
  1555. .PP
  1556. .IP "Project Coordinator"
  1557. Geoff Wing <gcw@rxvt\&.org>
  1558. .br
  1559. .IP "Web page maintainter"
  1560. Oezguer Kesim <oec@rxvt\&.org>
  1561. .br
  1562. <http://www\&.rxvt\&.org/>
  1563. .br
  1564. .IP "Mailing list"
  1565. The Rxvt Workers <rxvt-workers@rxvt\&.org>
  1566. mailing list has also been established for rxvt development, to
  1567. subscribe, email to
  1568. <rxvt-workers-subscribe@rxvt\&.org>\&.
  1569. There is also a mailing list for announcements of new releases of
  1570. rxvt\&. To subscribe, email to
  1571. <rxvt-announce-subscribe@rxvt\&.org>\&.
  1572. .PP
  1573. .SH "AUTHORS"
  1574. .PP
  1575. .IP "John Bovey"
  1576. University of Kent, 1992, wrote the original Xvt\&.
  1577. .IP "Rob Nation <nation@rocket\&.sanders\&.lockheed\&.com>"
  1578. very heavily modified Xvt and came up with Rxvt
  1579. .IP "Angelo Haritsis <ah@doc\&.ic\&.ac\&.uk>"
  1580. wrote the Greek Keyboard Input
  1581. .IP "mj olesen <olesen@me\&.QueensU\&.CA>"
  1582. Wrote the menu system\&.
  1583. .br
  1584. Project Coordinator (changes\&.txt 2\&.11 to 2\&.21)
  1585. .IP "Oezguer Kesim <kesim@math\&.fu-berlin\&.de>"
  1586. Project Coordinator (changes\&.txt 2\&.21a to 2\&.4\&.5)
  1587. .IP "Geoff Wing <gcw@pobox\&.com>"
  1588. Rewrote screen display and text selection routines\&.
  1589. .br
  1590. Project Coordinator (changes\&.txt 2\&.4\&.6 - )