XTerm.ad 1.8 KB

  1. ! Put this into ~/.Xdefaults, or to app-defaults/XTerm or wherever
  2. ! xrm will loaded it.
  3. !
  4. ! This will match the key sequences for a regular xterm to those used
  5. ! by rxvt and the enclosed termcap and terminfo files.
  6. !
  7. ! As usual, the most annoying xterm keys are Home/End and the ubiquitous
  8. ! BackSpace/Delete confusion.
  9. XTerm*vt100.translations: #override \
  10. <Key>BackSpace: string("\010") \n\
  11. Shift<Key>Tab: string("\033[Z") \n\
  12. Ctrl<Key>minus: string("\037") \n\
  13. <Key>Home: string("\033[1~") \n\
  14. <Key>End: string("\033[4~") \n\
  15. <Key>Delete: string("\033[3~") \n\
  16. Shift<Key>Delete: string("\177") \n\
  17. Ctrl<Key>Delete: string("\010") \n\
  18. Alt<Key>Return: string("\033\015") \n\
  19. Alt<Key>space: string("\033\040") \n\
  20. Alt<Key>a: string("\033a") \n\
  21. Alt<Key>b: string("\033b") \n\
  22. Alt<Key>c: string("\033c") \n\
  23. Alt<Key>d: string("\033d") \n\
  24. Alt<Key>e: string("\033e") \n\
  25. Alt<Key>f: string("\033f") \n\
  26. Alt<Key>g: string("\033g") \n\
  27. Alt<Key>h: string("\033h") \n\
  28. Alt<Key>i: string("\033i") \n\
  29. Alt<Key>j: string("\033j") \n\
  30. Alt<Key>k: string("\033k") \n\
  31. Alt<Key>l: string("\033l") \n\
  32. Alt<Key>m: string("\033m") \n\
  33. Alt<Key>n: string("\033n") \n\
  34. Alt<Key>o: string("\033o") \n\
  35. Alt<Key>p: string("\033p") \n\
  36. Alt<Key>q: string("\033q") \n\
  37. Alt<Key>r: string("\033r") \n\
  38. Alt<Key>s: string("\033s") \n\
  39. Alt<Key>t: string("\033t") \n\
  40. Alt<Key>u: string("\033u") \n\
  41. Alt<Key>v: string("\033v") \n\
  42. Alt<Key>w: string("\033w") \n\
  43. Alt<Key>x: string("\033x") \n\
  44. Alt<Key>y: string("\033y") \n\
  45. Alt<Key>z: string("\033z") \n\
  46. Ctrl<Key>Up: string("\033Oa") \n\
  47. Ctrl<Key>Down: string("\033Ob") \n\
  48. Ctrl<Key>Right: string("\033Oc") \n\
  49. Ctrl<Key>Left: string("\033Od") \n\
  50. Shift<Key>Up: string("\033[a") \n\
  51. Shift<Key>Down: string("\033[b") \n\
  52. Shift<Key>Right: string("\033[c") \n\
  53. Shift<Key>Left: string("\033[d") \n
  54. !EOF