Makefile 5.2 KB

  1. # ./ -*- Makefile -*-
  2. # $Id:,v 1.16 2003/03/07 02:24:18 gcw Exp $
  3. # autoconf/ -*- Makefile -*-
  4. # release date (man), LSM date, version number/name, current maintainer
  5. DATE=26 MARCH 2003
  6. LSMDATE=26MAR03
  7. VERSION=2.7.10
  8. VERNAME=rxvt-$(VERSION)#
  9. MAINT=Geoff Wing#
  10. MAINTEMAIL=<>#
  11. WEBMAINT=Oezguer Kesim#
  13. WEBPAGE=<>#
  15. FTPSITEDIR=/pub/rxvt#
  16. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. RXVTNAME=rxvt
  18. SHELL = /bin/sh
  19. # This variable makes it possible to move the installation root to another
  20. # directory. This is useful when you're creating a binary distribution
  21. # If empty, normal root will be used.
  22. # You can run eg. 'make install DESTDIR=/packages/rxvt-xx' to accomplish
  23. # that.
  24. # DESTDIR = /usr/local/X11/$(VERNAME)
  25. # Installation target directories & other installation stuff
  26. prefix = /freon
  27. exec_prefix = ${prefix}
  28. bindir = ${exec_prefix}/bin
  29. libdir = ${exec_prefix}/lib
  30. includedir = ${prefix}/include
  31. mandir = ${prefix}/man/man1
  32. manext = 1
  33. # Tools & program stuff
  34. CC = gcc
  35. CPP = gcc -E
  36. MV = /bin/mv
  37. RM = /bin/rm
  38. RMF = /bin/rm -f
  39. CP = /bin/cp
  40. LN = /bin/ln
  41. SED = /bin/sed
  42. AWK = gawk
  43. ECHO = /bin/echo
  44. CMP = /usr/bin/cmp
  45. TBL = /usr/bin/tbl
  46. INSTALL = /usr/bin/install -c
  47. INSTALL_PROGRAM = /usr/bin/install -c -m 755
  48. INSTALL_DATA = /usr/bin/install -c -m 644
  49. # Flags & libs
  50. # add -DBINDIR=\""$(bindir)/"\" to CPPFLAGS, if we need to spawn a program
  51. CFLAGS = -g -O2
  52. CPPFLAGS =
  53. LDFLAGS =
  55. LIBS =
  56. DINCLUDE =
  57. DLIB =
  58. # X Include directory
  59. XINC =
  60. # extra libraries needed by X on some systems, X library location
  61. XLIB = -lX11
  62. LIBTOOL = $(SHELL) $(top_builddir)/libtool
  63. COMPILE = $(CC) $(DEFS) $(INCLUDES) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(DEBUG) $(DINCLUDE) $(XINC) -I$(basedir) -I$(srcdir) -I.
  64. LINK = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
  65. # End of common section of the Makefile
  66. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  67. srcdir = .
  68. .PATH: .
  69. first_rule: all
  70. dummy:
  71. subdirs = src doc rclock src/graphics src/test
  72. allsubdirs = W11 $(subdirs)
  73. DIST = INSTALL README.configure configure Makefile ChangeLog
  74. DIST_CFG = autoconf/aclocal.m4 autoconf/xpm.m4 autoconf/libtool.m4 \
  75. autoconf/ autoconf/ \
  76. autoconf/ autoconf/install-sh autoconf/mkinstalldirs \
  77. autoconf/config.guess autoconf/config.sub \
  78. autoconf/ \
  79. MKDIR = $(srcdir)/autoconf/mkinstalldirs
  80. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  81. all allbin alldoc tags:
  82. @if test xlinux-gnu = xcygwin; then (cd W11; ${MAKE} $@ || exit 1); fi
  83. @for I in ${subdirs}; do (cd $$I; ${MAKE} $@ || exit 1); done
  84. realclean: clean
  85. $(RMF) config.h config.status config.log libtool
  86. clean:
  87. $(RMF) *~ config.cache
  88. $(RMF) -r autom4te.cache
  89. @if test xlinux-gnu = xcygwin; then (cd W11; ${MAKE} $@ || exit 1); fi
  90. @for I in ${subdirs}; do (cd $$I; ${MAKE} $@ || exit 1); done
  91. #
  92. # entry points for other programs
  93. #
  94. rxvt:
  95. (cd src; ${MAKE})
  96. clock:
  97. (cd rclock; ${MAKE})
  98. graphics qplot:
  99. (cd src/graphics; ${MAKE} qplot)
  100. tests:
  101. (cd src/test; ${MAKE} tests)
  102. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  103. configure: autoconf/ autoconf/aclocal.m4 autoconf/
  104. cd $(srcdir);
  105. ./.prebuild
  106. config.status:
  107. if test -x config.status; then config.status --recheck; \
  108. else $(SHELL) configure; fi
  109. autoconf/ autoconf/
  110. cd $(srcdir);
  111. ./.prebuild
  112. installdirs:
  113. $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
  114. $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)
  115. install: installdirs
  116. @if test xlinux-gnu = xcygwin; then (cd W11; ${MAKE} $@ || exit 1); fi
  117. @for I in $(subdirs); do (cd $$I; $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) $@ || exit 1); done
  118. Makefiles:
  119. $(SHELL) config.status
  120. cleandir: realclean
  121. # distclean goal is for making a clean source tree, but if you have run
  122. # configure from a different directory, then doesn't destroy all your
  123. # hardly compiled and linked stuff. That's why there is always $(srcdir)/
  124. # In that case most of those commands do nothing, except cleaning *~
  125. # and cleaning source links.
  126. distclean:
  127. (cd $(srcdir); $(RMF) *~ config.cache config.h config.log config.status libtool)
  128. @for I in $(allsubdirs); do (cd $$I; $(MAKE) $@ || exit 1); done
  129. (cd $(srcdir); $(RMF) Makefile autoconf/Make.common)
  130. distdirs:
  131. mkdir ../$(VERNAME);
  132. mkdir ../$(VERNAME)/autoconf;
  133. @for I in $(allsubdirs); do (cd $$I; $(MAKE) $@ || (echo "Failed to make distclean in $$I"; exit 0) ); done
  134. distcopy:
  135. $(CP) -p $(DIST) ../$(VERNAME);
  136. $(CP) -p $(DIST_CFG) ../$(VERNAME)/autoconf;
  137. @for I in $(allsubdirs); do (cd $$I; $(MAKE) $@ || exit 1); done
  138. distrib: configure autoconf/ distdirs distcopy
  139. tar.gz: ../$(VERNAME).tar.gz
  140. ../$(VERNAME).tar.gz:
  141. (cd ..; tar cvf - $(VERNAME) | gzip -f9 > $(VERNAME).tar.gz)
  142. tar.Z: ../$(VERNAME).tar.Z
  143. ../$(VERNAME).tar.Z:
  144. (cd ..; tar cvf - $(VERNAME) | compress > $(VERNAME).tar.Z)
  145. tar.bz2: ../$(VERNAME).tar.bz2
  146. ../$(VERNAME).tar.bz2:
  147. (cd ..; tar cvf - $(VERNAME) | bzip2 -f9 > $(VERNAME).tar.bz2)
  148. uuencode: tar.gz
  149. uuencode ../$(VERNAME).tar.gz $(VERNAME).tar.gz > ../$(VERNAME).tgz.uu
  150. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------